[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-08-06) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
Cramming 'Papers, Please' onto Phones | |
270 points by nycpig (46 comments) | |
AlphaFold won't revolutionise drug discovery | |
79 points by panabee (34 comments) | |
The Scottish Highlands, Appalachians, and the Atlas are the same... | |
53 points by kdamica (11 comments) | |
Technical reasons to choose FreeBSD over GNU/Linux (2020) | |
235 points by truth_seeker (188 comments) | |
Mobile Electronics Workbench (2017) | |
45 points by walterbell (12 comments) | |
SpaceMonger | |
17 points by aarobot (13 comments) | |
Original source of `(seed * 9301 and 49297) % 233280` random alg... | |
142 points by thunderbong (63 comments) | |
Detroit Industry Murals | |
11 points by skruger (1 comments) | |
Toward a Better Music Theory (2013) | |
50 points by brudgers (39 comments) | |
OneSignal (YC S11) is hiring engineers to work on messaging: Pus... | |
1 points (job listing) | |
Git In Two Minutes (updated after 8 years) | |
193 points by garyrob (77 comments) | |
The Echidna Is Australia's Most Delightfully Different Mammal | |
65 points by sohkamyung (25 comments) | |
What We Gain from a Good Bookstore | |
163 points by pseudolus (99 comments) | |
Ask HN: Resources to learn generative art programming? | |
82 points by akudha (42 comments) | |
How to integrate a trackpoint in a mechanical keyboard | |
98 points by cgeier (23 comments) | |
ESA - Climate from Space | |
107 points by lmc (21 comments) | |
GraphQL kinda sucks | |
505 points by randytandy (327 comments) | |
Ctrl-C | |
188 points by kcl (79 comments) | |
A captured American spy plane that crashed during a Hungarian pl... | |
66 points by loriverkutya (25 comments) | |
MyNoise - Background Sound Canceller | |
263 points by modinfo (87 comments) | |
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