[HN Gopher] Notation as a Tool of Thought (1979)
Notation as a Tool of Thought (1979)
Author : memorable
Score  : 149 points
Date   : 2022-07-21 11:56 UTC (11 hours ago)
web link (www.jsoftware.com)
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| kubanczyk wrote:
| Eh? This line of the appendix:
| > Boolean: [?] [?] ~ (and, or, not-and, not-or, not)
| In some places in the pdf the notation looks sketchy. But this
| line demonstrates beyond any doubt that the pdf is missing chars.
  | abrudz wrote:
  | Thanks. I've asked someone to fix it.
| civilized wrote:
| I love the idea that notation matters for thought. I remain
| unconvinced that APL is a particularly good one, but I have
| definitely adopted "tool of thought" as a core productivity
| concept. For example, a plain text file, Google doc, or Trello
| board are all decent tools of thought, while JIRA isn't.
| zetalyrae wrote:
| Among all languages, APL has the highest ratio of times its
| founding document is posted to Hacker News to lines of code
| written.
| I don't mean this to be terribly dismissive: I've always been
| "tangentially fascinated", like I think a lot of people are, by
| APL and Forth. But I've never properly used it because ultimately
| it's in conflict with how I think programs should be written:
| with types, abstraction, a focus on readability etc.
  | mlochbaum wrote:
  | To be fair, "lines of code written" is a particularly poor
  | choice of denominator when discussing APL. But I think you're
  | also unaware of historical usage. There are some very large (I
  | believe close to a million lines) financial applications still
  | in use, and far more applications for ordinary tasks like
  | scheduling, payroll, and other administration made for
  | companies and universities in the 80s.
  | Now that the ACM has made them free to access, papers from the
  | APL conference are a good place to look to get a sense for
  | this; APL79 was the first really huge one:
  | https://aplwiki.com/wiki/APL_conference#1979
    | zetalyrae wrote:
    | I'm aware of kdb+. It has an SQL interface and clients in
    | multiple languages. How many of their users use the APL
    | interface? And how many financial companies are planning on
    | building new products on top of a technological dead-end from
    | the 1960's?
    | There was a time when APL was taught in universities, and
    | some computers came with APL-specialized keyboards. That time
    | came and went because the bulk of mainstream software
    | development went in a wildly different direction.
      | mlochbaum wrote:
      | For clarity, I'm talking mainly about SimCorp[0], which is
      | a user of Dyalog APL, not kdb. The core of Dimension uses
      | APL (with many other parts in C#), and there's a separate
      | APL product bought with APL Italiana as well. They employ
      | hundreds of APL programmers, preferring to hire math and
      | physics majors out of college because they're easier to
      | teach. Yes, SimCorp probably wouldn't start with APL today,
      | and I wouldn't give it a second thought either if I were
      | trying to start a big business. I pointed to the large
      | codebases because they're easier to quantify, but I'm sure
      | there are millions of lines written by hobbyist developers.
      | I know you're not trying to flame, but what you've given us
      | so far is a false claim that nobody writes code in APL, and
      | a bare assertion that APL is a bad way to program. On that
      | note, you're trying to say a language you've never used
      | doesn't allow for "abstraction" or "a focus on
      | readability", which I think is dead wrong. All of which is
      | at best tangentially relevant to Iverson's claim in the
      | paper (not APL's founding document, by the way; that would
      | be A Programming Language) that APL's notation is a way to
      | enhance your thinking. APL has good and bad aspects, and
      | there's a lot to discuss, but can it please be a discussion
      | instead of these careless remarks?
      | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SimCorp
      | andylynch wrote:
      | Plenty. The sql-like interface (in Q) is mostly syntactic
      | sugar; the functional style takes you much further. That
      | said KX is making a huge push on ease of use and front end
      | where you don't necessarily need to use Q.
  | blululu wrote:
  | FWIW APL is pretty influential to Matlab which is the
  | inspiration for Numpy, etc. I think the trouble is that the
  | authors are right about the importance of notation but they
  | were also making the first pass and they made some choices that
  | proved to be off in practice.
    | skruger wrote:
    | If you're familiar with both modern APL and the "Iverson
    | ghost" NumPy, you'll likely find the latter a frustratingly
    | crippled experience.
      | blululu wrote:
      | Fair. I don't think anyone transitions from Matlab or Julia
      | to Numpy and feels good about it, but the broader ecosystem
      | advantages are decisive there.
        | buescher wrote:
        | I suspect a lot of the casual fascination with APL these
        | days comes from frustration with Numpy. In the same way
        | that nobody had anything good to say about Ada until C++
        | and Java were firmly entrenched.
        | skruger wrote:
        | I am an APL-fan specifically because it's like a parallel
        | universe where evolution took a different path: what are
        | often considered anti-patterns in main stream languages
        | is best practice in APL. It's a welcome relief from the
        | strait-jacket of "the Zen of Python". No libraries? It's
        | a feature. Single-letter variable names? Of course.
        | Terseness as a virtue? Oh yes. Right-to-left flow? Why
        | not? Precedence levels? Who needs them? Tacit? Bring it
        | on. APL is easily the most productive tool in my chest.
        | [deleted]
        | nequo wrote:
        | What kinds of tasks have you used APL for?
        | skruger wrote:
        | I use APL for any task I previously used Python for,
        | involving grabbing some data typically via a json-over-
        | http API, massaging, aggregating and otherwise combining
        | it to produce summaries or reports. I've gradually
        | rewritten my bunch of scripts and code I use daily from
        | python to APL, and seen a 10-100x reduction in code size,
        | and usually a significant speed-up (admittedly, Python is
        | a low bar here).
| pklausler wrote:
| I loved APL for decades but realized a while back that thing I
| appreciated most about the language wasn't how it deals with
| arrays but rather how well it supported the easy _composition_ of
| functions -- and that primed me well for languages that do that
| sort of thing even better.
| And yet I miss many things about APL when coding in modern
| functional languages. Specifically, having the shapes of arrays
| being a concept that's distinct from both their types and from
| their values is something that I can't reproduce in Haskell.
  | auggierose wrote:
  | Can you elaborate a bit more what you can do with shapes that's
  | not easily replicated in other languages?
| kjellsbells wrote:
| Does the notion of suggestability extend to the notion of
| "creative breakage"? The latter is an important feature of a
| mathematical notation.
| For example the dy/dx notation in calculus naturally leads to
| inquisitive thinking. Can you multiply by dx? It looks like a
| division but it isnt, really, except that a soon as you get past
| Calc 101 you are spraying dys and dxs all over. the notation is
| just incredibly suggestive.
| Another example is exponents where m^n is introduced naively for
| natural n but instantly prompts the question around non integer
| n.
| i think that having a notation that is suggestive and can be
| creatively broken to use in new ways is v important
  | Koshkin wrote:
  | > _Can you multiply by dx?_
  | Maybe. But can you multiply by [?] _x_?
    | Blammar wrote:
    | "dx" is a term rigorously defined in infinitesimal calculus
    | (IMO a much easier to understand approach to
    | differentiation.) So, yes, you can multiply by dx (even if x
    | is a more complicated function.)
    | [?]x would have a problematic definition, as it would require
    | selecting from its components based on information not
    | supplied. E.g., let x = y+z. Then dx = dy + dz. But [?]x (by
    | extension) = [?]y + [?]z, but at least one of these terms on
    | the right is identically zero, depending on whether y or z is
    | held constant. So [?]x doesn't have a meaning.
      | Koshkin wrote:
      | Actually, "dx" is rigorously defined in the standard
      | calculus, too, and yes, you can multiply (and divide) by
      | it.
  | mlochbaum wrote:
  | Iverson usually expresses the derivative as an operator, which
  | ties into Heaviside's operational calculus[0] but doesn't have
  | multiplication rules like dx/dy (I'd probably be more on your
  | side here, in favor of dx and dy). I don't think he was too
  | comfortable with mathematical concepts that don't resolve into
  | specific calculations. Which may be why his notation ended up
  | being so easy to turn into a programming language. To me,
  | Iverson's suggestivity would be more about unifying or making
  | analogies between established concepts. For example, APL uses *
  | for exponentiation and [?] for repeated function application.
  | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operational_calculus
| octref wrote:
| If you enjoy this, you might find this meta list on "notation and
| thought" interesting: https://github.com/k-qy/notation
  | [deleted]
  | samh748 wrote:
  | Thank you so much for this!!
  | The bit on "avoid ambiguity, or introduce useful ambiguity" is
  | especially fascinating.
  | zetalyrae wrote:
  | I found this by Knuth on Iverson's notation interesting:
  | https://www.maa.org/sites/default/files/images/images/upload...
    | practal wrote:
    | Very interesting. I did never really look at the "Concrete
    | Mathematics" book, so I missed this take by Knuth on turning
    | a formula F into a term [F] by defining it as 1 if F is true,
    | and 0 if F is false. Note that this cannot be done in first-
    | order logic, as a formula cannot be part of a term. But it is
    | not a problem in simply-typed higher-order logic, for
    | example, and it is not a problem in abstraction logic,
    | either.
| Koshkin wrote:
| Compactness of notation is important, and verbosity of code
| (which I think became widespread since the advent of Java) only
| serves to hurt understanding. Given the right context,
| mathematical notation is easy to understand (and it often
| "computes itself"). Mathematical texts use the "literate" style
| which unfortunately has not found its adoption in software
| industry, even despite the fact that prof. D. Knuth has been
| advocating it since the 1960s...
  | throwk8s wrote:
  | I find that terseness has a real downside when debugging code.
  | If you need to get down to the level of what is actually
  | executing, having to unpack all that compact code involves many
  | more things than I can keep in my short-term memory.
  | Compactness is great for things that are true and work, but
  | when there's a bug in there somewhere, terse code requires a
  | lot of scribbling on paper.
    | occamrazor wrote:
    | Mathematicians use very terse notation in formulas, but
    | accompanied by a lot of natural language text. The equivalent
    | in programming would be terse code with long comments and
    | documentation.
    | Many programmers instead see self-documenting code as the
    | ideal outcome: maybe not very compact, but virtually free of
    | comments (and with documentation at least partially
    | autogenerated).
    | In reality, successful open-source projects tend to have many
    | comments in the source code. Often not one-liners, but
    | detailed descriptions of functions, their arguments and
    | algorithms, motivation for the choice of the implementation
    | and so on.
| melling wrote:
| Yesterday, I posted this 1974 interview with Iverson and the
| group who developed APL.
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32173840
| I started down the APL/J path last week after watching this APL
| study group with Jeremy Howard of fast.ai:
| https://youtu.be/CGpR2ILao5M
| https://forums.fast.ai/t/apl-array-programming/97188
  | skruger wrote:
  | If you haven't seen it, I wrote an intro to modern APL you
  | might enjoy if you're starting out:
  | https://xpqz.github.io/learnapl
| bfors wrote:
| Does anyone else have a long list of dense material like this
| that you have an intention of going through someday? Do you ever
| end up actually doing it?
  | jimmySixDOF wrote:
  | One way to go is through a text to speech reader so its the
  | kind of thing you can listen to standing in line at the bank.
  | Speechify is a good service for bookmarking into a listening
  | list.
  | Ps YMMV a lot based on figures code snippets and anything
  | illustrated so not for all content including the featured
  | article
    | leobg wrote:
    | Tried Speechify on my phone and found it terrible. Hated the
    | navigation and found the pricing model ridiculous. Deleted it
    | and stuck with Voice Dream Reader. It's the first app I
    | install on every iPhone, and where I keep all my reading -
    | articles, ebooks, and even physical books which I scan just
    | so I can read them inside VDR. I can read with my eyes. I can
    | listen to the text while doing other things. And I can take
    | highlights and notes and export them.
    | This also is my answer to OP. I save these articles to VDR.
    | And when I have time to read or listen to something, I open
    | the app. It helps that VDR shows me the length of each
    | document in terms of reading time. When you ask me how long a
    | particular book was, I'll say "It's a 12 hour book". Really
    | helps to put things in perspective.
  | goldfeld wrote:
  | In the aftermath of a long prostrated war with tabs on browsers
  | on tabs (bookmarks for me I know it's where links go to die,
  | often literally so) and figuring I rather work analog than
  | digital, I came to a system to debrief and save references.
  | I always save the HN thread when applicable rather than the
  | link, because it gives me short hand notation and normalization
  | for writing with a pen. Now in a paper notebook I have a few
  | pages where each line is a theme, a word etc. Next to it write
  | the HN ids (can as well save a comment thread; superbly useful)
  | to reference under that theme. Done. If particularly useful I
  | can write few words in small print over the id detailing more
  | the subject of a link.
  | This is however done for a set purpose, as reference material
  | for writing speculative and science fiction (HN is great for
  | ideas and research) and also articles. When and whether I
  | finally visit a link is staked on a piece and theme ever
  | getting picked by me for writing; I find this is a great
  | compromise and more realistic than simply hoarding.
  | patcon wrote:
  | I keep such a list in Roam, and usually neglect to pluck things
  | from it. But it's more that when I go to add something and it's
  | already there or has some relation to something already there
  | (e.g. same author), I'll often give it more attention
  | immediately. It's not the best system, but I suspect it's
  | better than never writing it down :)
  | (This perhaps a bit of an ADHD-specific tactic)
    | loquor wrote:
    | "Pluck" is a wonderful verb for this action of picking from a
    | curated list. Thanks, I will use it from now on.
  | aquajet wrote:
  | I've been experimenting with a search engine/personal assistant
  | to index the long list of material for me, and feed back
  | snippets/articles as I want. I guess the analogy is having a
  | person "read" the material for me and use it to answer general
  | questions I have/point me to the article.
  | If you want to try it for yourself id be happy to give you beta
  | access. I'm still experimenting for the best UX.
  | shakezula wrote:
  | Funny you mention that, cause I just added this article to a
  | longer-ish list of long-form posts I want to read in depth.
  | I don't make my way to that list as often as I'd like, but I
  | have found plane trips and other similar times are great for
  | when I want to do something like that. Sitting down with a
  | longer blog post and taking notes on a 5 hour flight is oddly
  | relaxing. So yes, to answer your question, I do get around to
  | it eventually when the post is worthwhile.
  | stinkytaco wrote:
  | So long. Bookmarks, pocket articles, org-roam notes, things
  | jotted in notebooks, I even have an org capture template that
  | quickly populates a list of "recommended media" (books, movies,
  | etc) from friends and relations. Maintaining my list of things
  | to read or watch has become a hobby unto itself.
  | Every once and a while I go through some[1] of it and ask
  | myself "Will I ever actually look at this"? Sometimes there's a
  | clear answer, but more often it stays in the list because it
  | still looks interesting and I only consume maybe 5-10% of what
  | I saved. There's got to be some term for this. Digital hording?
  | It makes me anxious to have it and anxious to just delete it.
  | There are plenty of times I do remember something I saw and
  | wish I could find it again, but I lean too hard into "maybe
  | I'll think about this again and want it".
  | [1]: It's so long I generally lose the will to even evaluate
  | the items after a while.
    | [deleted]
| [deleted]
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