[HN Gopher] NextDNS API
Author : andrewinardeer
Score  : 115 points
Date   : 2022-06-16 12:57 UTC (10 hours ago)
web link (nextdns.github.io)
w3m dump (nextdns.github.io)
| politelemon wrote:
| This was one of the most requested features ever since launch.
| Glad to see it happen.
| The documentation seems to be missing instructions on how to
| obtain an API key.
  | k0stas wrote:
  | I was just trying out the API and noticed the same thing. I
  | found the API key near the bottom on my
  | https://my.nextdns.io/account page.
| hiram112 wrote:
| I've been using this service on my dev laptop, tablet, and phone
| for a few years now. It works well, and every time I turn it off,
| I immediately notice a huge difference as it blocks so much
| garbage that brings my phone's browser, especially, to a crawl.
| I have never paid a cent for it. I still don't understand how
| they can make money... unless I'm actually the product being sold
| (which I was always under the impression that they didn't sell or
| share user data). Who knows.
  | pstadler wrote:
  | My devices in my home network (2 adults, 1 small kid) did
  | around 1M queries in the past 30 days. Close to 70k were
  | blocked. Using this service has a huge positive impact, but can
  | be a bit on the aggressive side depending on your settings.
  | I've added a dozen of domains to the allowlist during the past
  | two years. Happily paying for it.
    | Melatonic wrote:
    | Yea I have had to do a lot of allowlist customizing but I
    | also am doing a pretty aggressive set of filters and options.
    | I also have a second profile that does much, much less and
    | have family on that one.
  | andrewaylett wrote:
  | I suspect the free tier falls (at least in some sense) under
  | "marketing" rather than being expected to return a direct
  | profit. It's enough to be useful, but (I assume) little enough
  | that enough people subscribe.
  | For comparison, my account has roughly 3.5M queries over the
  | past 30 days, and 298k of those are to a single domain :P.
  | infecto wrote:
  | I pay for it, the cap of 300k queries a month on the free tier
  | was far too little for a household of two. Depends on what type
  | of devices are running on you network of course but I hit
  | 845,809 queries for the last 30 days.
  | I assume a number of people are paying for it. easier than
  | running a pihole locally.
    | Quarrel wrote:
    | I pay for it too.
    | The 300k is super easy to hit in a house with a few devices
    | in it.
    | Fritsdehacker wrote:
    | Same here. And it is not expensive.
    | haswell wrote:
    | Just recently started using NextDNS, and yeah, I hit those
    | 300K pretty quickly.
    | I noticed that some apps/devices would continue querying
    | pretty aggressively after being blocked, and this seemed to
    | eat through the available queries pretty quickly.
    | But $20/year is such a great deal IMO it was an insta-buy for
    | me.
| throw0101a wrote:
| If anyone wants a generic utility for interfacing with various
| DNS APIs, see _lexicon_ :
| * https://github.com/AnalogJ/lexicon
| For CLI and Python.
| Such a utility is handy if you want to use the _dns-01_ method
| for ACME /Let's Encrypt via DNS aliasing:
| * https://dan.langille.org/2019/02/01/acme-domain-alias-mode/
| * https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/DNS-alias-mo...
| * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28256326 (2020)
| Deep dive on how ACME DNS validation works:
| * https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/02/technical-deep-dive-se...
| Some folks have also written 'minimalist' DNS servers for DNS
| validation (delegate to a sub-domain that you control if your
| provider does not have an API):
| * https://github.com/joohoi/acme-dns
  | remram wrote:
  | It seems that lexicon is handy to use dns-01 _instead of DNS
  | aliasing_.
  | If you do aliasing, you can serve the DNS challenge from the
  | server you want and that you fully control. You don't need to
  | interface with your registrar, you just add an NS record once
  | (manually).
  | You need lexicon if you want to serve the challenge from your
  | registrar instead, and lexicon is the tool that will allow you
  | to talk to many registrars.
  | haswell wrote:
  | These are all great resources, but a bit off topic, no?
  | NextDNS is essentially Pi-hole-as-a-service, and its APIs are
  | not focused on managing DNS in the traditional sense. Instead,
  | they provide visibility into NextDNS's lookup/block analytics,
  | managing settings, etc.
  | newman314 wrote:
  | There are also the following:
  | * dnscontrol - https://stackexchange.github.io/dnscontrol/
  | * octodns - https://github.com/octodns/octodns
  | melony wrote:
  | What are some use cases for this sort of libraries?
| quyleanh wrote:
| Already posted on HN
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31579149
  | [deleted]
| teekert wrote:
| Sorry I'm lazy, but can I use this to get valid certs for
| services on my lan :) ?
  | buro9 wrote:
  | Via DNS?
  | cassianoleal wrote:
  | NextDNS is not a DNS hosting service - it's a DNS server you
  | can use for queries, like OpenDNS, or Cloudflare's,
  | etc.
  | What you're looking for is a DNS hosting service with an API
  | that can be used from an ACME client. I use LuaDNS for that,
  | their service is excellent and you can store your zone files in
  | git (and auto-update DNS with a webhook on push).
| seaghost wrote:
| I still can't believe you can't change profiles based on
| different WiFi networks, i.e home or work.
  | firloop wrote:
  | I'm planning on building this sort of functionality with the
  | iOS Shortcuts and the NextDNS API. Very excited about this.
| 0JzW wrote:
| do you have any context for this? why is this API interesting?
  | iampims wrote:
  | 1. It's new. You had to make those changes manually before
  | 2. You can now automate a lot of things. Example: block
  | twitter/fb/social media after 9pm for everyone.
    | operator-name wrote:
    | Your second example would be subject to TTLs right?
      | vladvasiliu wrote:
      | Sure, but I'd expect those to be short enough to not matter
      | for this purpose. The cutoff may happen at 9:05 istead of 9
      | sharp, which is close enough.                   drill
      | facebook.com @         ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode:
      | QUERY, rcode: NOERROR, id: 34092         ;; flags: qr rd ra
      | ;; QUESTION SECTION:         ;; facebook.com. IN A
      | ;; ANSWER SECTION:         facebook.com. 300 IN A
| blaydator wrote:
| I would love to disable filtering for a limited time (eg when
| opening a TechCrunch article which doesn't load with nextDns
| enable), but the api doesn't seems to provide a way to achieve
| this. So I need to open the app and disable NextDns, then I
| forget toi re-enable it..
| Melatonic wrote:
| Hell YEAH
| Now can we just get an easy way in the GUI to import/export our
| custom blocklists / allow lists ? And bulk adding/removing things
| to both would be nice as well through the GUI.
| todsacerdoti wrote:
| We just added the ability to automate DNS management with NextDNS
| using Pipedream - https://pipedream.com/apps/nextdns/
| superchink wrote:
| It might be cool to use this API to temporarily unblock a domain
| in use by the current site. Might require a browser extension,
| but is it possible?
  | hamandcheese wrote:
  | They specifically call out adding domains to the deny list as
  | an example:
  | > ...or add a domain to the Denylist by POST'ing at:
  | https://api.nextdns.io/profiles/:profile/denylist
  | So I assume the same can be done for allowlists.
    | haswell wrote:
    | I recently started using NextDNS, and it's great, but was
    | thinking about exactly this use case as I went to my allow-
    | list yet again to add a domain so I could use some app/site,
    | I forget which.
    | NextDNS is great, but occasionally breaks things depending on
    | the blocklists enabled, so I was toying with the idea of
    | building a utility that would show the last n blocked domains
    | with an easy option to click-to-add a specific domain to the
    | allow-list.
    | As far as I can tell, the API has what's needed.
(page generated 2022-06-16 23:01 UTC)