| jrm4 wrote:
| Yet another hardcore programmy type discovers that usability is
| infinity more important that how many clock-cycles you save.
| Programming languages aren't for computers, they're for people.
| taeric wrote:
| This feels misguided, too. It begs the question that python has
| good usability. Anyone that has tried managing dependencies in
| it will know that is mostly a lie.
| What python had, was that it was preinstalled on many computers
| and then had a large cohort of users that are insisting that
| others use it. And mostly force proclaiming that it is easy and
| readable.
| I'll not claim that it is hard, per se. More that it is not
| intrinsically easier than any other dynamic language.
| For evidence, the main packages that are popular are often
| clones of packages from other environments that were not widely
| installed. Jupyter can be seen as free version of many
| scientific applications. Matlab, Mathematica, etc. Matplotlib
| is rather direct in it's copy. Pretty sure there are more
| examples.
| iainctduncan wrote:
| Is managing deps in Python a pain? sure is!. Is it a pain in
| the other contenders of easily available dynamic languages?
| Yup. So that's a wash. Managing deps in dynamic languages is
| not a simple problem, I can't say I've tried one that did it
| super well yet.
| taeric wrote:
| I'm... Not sure insulting other languages is a path to
| victory.
| Npm, as much as it annoys me, is light-years ahead of
| anything in python. Quicklisp is rather pleasant, now. Ruby
| has had gems for a long time.
| I grant that it is a hard problem. I am not griping that it
| is not solved. More that the option community has largely
| failed to even pick a direction. The most used dependency
| methods are, in the modern spirit of python, deprecated
| already.
| Tijdreiziger wrote:
| > Npm, as much as it annoys me, is light-years ahead of
| anything in python.
| Hence PEP 582:
| > This PEP proposes to add to Python a mechanism to
| automatically recognize a __pypackages__ directory and
| prefer importing packages installed in this location over
| user or global site-packages. This will avoid the steps
| to create, activate or deactivate "virtual environments".
| Python will use the __pypackages__ from the base
| directory of the script when present.
| https://peps.python.org/pep-0582/
| I haven't tried it yet, but there's already a PEP
| 582-compatible dependency manager: PDM
| https://pdm.fming.dev/
| taeric wrote:
| Right. I am confident they will get things in place to
| solve this. That it took so long for them to want to
| strengthens my assertion that the community was piggy
| backed on the machine package management for a lot of its
| initial popularity.
| iainctduncan wrote:
| I'm not insulting other languages - I'm pointing out they
| have the same situation! Where in that post is there an
| _insult_???
| I have had many dep fights with Ruby and Node too, and I
| would disagree that their solutions are in any way better
| than pip and virtualenv.
| taeric wrote:
| It isn't that similar. Most languages actually have
| solutions that the community are pushing together. Python
| alone bungled a major version change and then refused to
| endorse a package management system for so long.
| da39a3ee wrote:
| matplotlib doesn't score highly on usability.
| jupyter notebooks encourage disorganized, unprincipled
| programming; chaotic re-running of cells in the face of global
| mutable state; and prevent budding programmers from learning to
| use version control because the JSON format was designed
| without version control in mind.
| wiz21c wrote:
| For Jupyter, it depends on the workflow. Especially with data
| sciences. In data science, you spend a lot of time playing
| with the data, testing things, drawing charts, computing,
| etc. When you do that, the cost of starting a python
| interpreter, loading the imports, loading the (usually big)
| data becomes a real pain 'cos you iterate like hell. Working
| in a REPL becomes _really_ important.
| But even more, working with Jupyter allows you to work out a
| very detailed explanation of your thought process, describing
| your ideas, your experiments. Being able to mix code and
| explanations is really important (and reminiscent of literate
| programming). You got the same kind of flow with R.
| As data scientist, I'm concerned about data, statistics,
| maths, understanding the problem (instead of the solution). I
| don't care about code. Once I get my data understanding right
| _then_ comes the time of turning all of that into a software
| that can be used. Before that, Jupyter really gives a
| productivity boost.
| For the code part, yep, you need other principles where
| Jupyter may not be suitable.
| patrick451 wrote:
| It's interesting, I never feel like I get these exploratory
| benefits from jupyter notebooks. I just end up feeling like
| one hand and half my brain is tied behind my back. I'm most
| productive iterating in a similar way to what you describe,
| but in an ipython terminal, running a script and libraries
| that I'm iterating on in a real editor. If there are
| expensive computations that I want' to check point, I just
| save and load them as pickle files.
| wiz21c wrote:
| really interesting. I may have overlooked IPython a bit
| (I just thought Jupyter was its improved version). For
| the moment, maybe like you, I prerpocess the data (which
| takes minutes) into numpy array which then take seconds
| to load. But once I add imports, everything takes about 5
| or 6 seconds to load everything I need. So Jupyter
| remains a good idea. Moreover, I love (and actually need)
| to mix math and text, so markdown+latex maths is really a
| great combo. I dont' know if one can do that in IPython,
| I'll sure look!
| kzrdude wrote:
| I have to say I think a jupyter notebook format is a 10x
| improvement in productivity over ipython. It's just so
| much easier to work with - and a step more reproducible
| too, my scribbles are all there saved in the notebook, at
| least!
| patrick451 wrote:
| > matplotlib doesn't score highly on usability.
| The one place matplotlib sucks is any kind of interactivity.
| But other than that, matplotlib has the best, most intuitive
| interface of all the python plotting libraries I've tried.
| It's also one of the few libraries that doesn't rely on
| generating html for a webbrowser, which makes for a miserable
| workflow.
| I still think Matlab's plotting is untouched by open source
| options.
| taeric wrote:
| The charts that R produces are typically better looking.
| But...R. :(
| cinntaile wrote:
| Matplotlib hides a lot of complexity if you ask me. As soon
| as you do something in a different way than intended you're
| off searching stackoverflow for a post that did something
| similar to what you want. Then you tweak it a little and
| hope it works.
| kzrdude wrote:
| papermill is good and ploomber is a thing to watch.
| Ploomber makes it systematic - store notebooks as .py
| (py:percent files for example), parameterize them with
| papermill and execute as a batch job. One can view the
| resulting jupyter notebooks as .ipynb later and produce
| reports as html if wanted. It's really good already, and
| better if ploomber gets more development.
| The whole reason it works is because it's easy to open the
| .py notebook and work on it, interactively, in jupyter.
| The main idea - jupytext for .py notebooks and papermill for
| parameters & execution - that's already "stable" and easy for
| anyone to use for their own purposes.
| edublancas wrote:
| (ploomber maintainer here)
| Any feedback for us? What can we do to improve Ploomber?
| analog31 wrote:
| I've programmed in a number of languages over the past 40+
| years, starting with BASIC, and every one of them encourages
| sloppy coding. The good discipline always has to be taught,
| learned, and willingly practiced. The closest I came to a
| language designed for teaching good practices was Pascal.
| I find it easier to read and understand bad code written in
| Python, than good code written in the C family languages.
| mistrial9 wrote:
| .. and get more new users each year than four generations of
| PCs combined
| monkeybutton wrote:
| Being able to hack out code to explore and experiment with
| data while not having to reload and reprocess data (thanks to
| that global mutable state!) saves a hell of a lot of time in
| the long run.
| rewq4321 wrote:
| Not infinity, but yeah it's worth more than people generally
| think. But in the end you don't really lose many clock cycles
| anyway because everything actually runs in C/CUDA/etc. behind
| the scenes
| dang wrote:
| " _Don 't be snarky._"
| " _Please don 't post shallow dismissals, especially of other
| people's work. A good critical comment teaches us something._"
| https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
| [deleted]
| Yoric wrote:
| I personally find numpy irritating, surprising, misleading and
| definitely a wrong definition of "usability". YMMV.
| Scene_Cast2 wrote:
| What are your thoughts on Pandas?
| As someone who uses numpy almost daily, I think that numpy is
| "overextended" beyond its core niche, sure. So - making it
| work with things outside that niche (e.g. streaming, non-
| rectangular data, non-uniform data, nonhomogeneous data, etc)
| is painful. However, 1) there's Pandas for that, and 2) I
| disagree with "misleading" and "surprising". What makes you
| think that?
| m_mueller wrote:
| Not GP, but I'm using pandas daily to build up a BI
| platform within a financial institution. Compared to Matlab
| and even Fortran it has some issues IMO:
| * why distinguish between Series and DataFrame? just give
| me an interface for m x n matrices or even higher
| dimensions.
| * pure vs. in-place operations. not such a big fan of
| having multiple versions of the same function, e.g. a more
| pythonic df["my_col"] = series
| vs. a more functional
| df.assign({"my_col": series})
| ; I'd rather have everything like the latter to be able to
| more easily have best practices in place.
| That brings me to another point: if we keep everything
| purely functional, then python's syntax is making things a
| bit awkward. Where in something like JS you could just put
| every function call with its dot on a new line without the
| need to assign, in Python this requires putting line break
| characters or wrapping it in round brackets. This is one
| place where a language with explicit assignment terminators
| (semicolons) are a bit cleaner to work with.
| All that being said scipy is still a great choice to have
| both system programming and numerical business logic in one
| language.
| J253 wrote:
| In my opinion and experience, I think you're right about
| "there's Pandas for that" and "that" can be almost
| anything. It can do almost anything but making it do almost
| anything requires constant reference to the docs. And I
| find maintainability difficult. It seems like there's 50
| kwargs for every method. Sometimes things happen in place
| by default, other times they don't. Compound indexes still
| confuse me. But I'm not a data scientist so I don't do much
| ad-hoc analysis that seems typical with pandas users.
| patrick451 wrote:
| Not the OP but I agree with them:
| Little things, like some functions want to be called with a
| tuple of dimensions, np.zeros((rows,
| cols))
| others just want to be called like
| np.random.randn(n, m)
| The 1d array is a huge, fundamental design flaw in numpy.
| It makes zero sense that I can do matrix-vector
| multiplication against both an nx1 2d array as well as a 1d
| array. The latter is complete nonsense.
| When you slice a column from a matrix, and get a not an nx1
| vector, but a 1d array, it makes me want to shell out
| $10,000 for matlab (yes, I know I can get a column vector
| with the slice A[:, [2]], but I shouldn't have to).
| This problem leaks out into the ecosystem. For example,
| when you try to use scipy to integrate an ODE, and pass it
| an initial condition vector that is nx1, the scipy
| integrator will silently coerce your vector to a 1d array,
| pass it to your RHS function, which then either blows up,
| or more likely, produces silently wrong result because of
| numpy's insane array broadcasting rules.
| This problem further leaks into the ridiculous function
| hstack. If you just used the function vstack, which made a
| 2x3 matrix from 2 1d 3 element arrays, you might imagine
| that hstack would produce a 3 x 2 matrix. But no. It
| creates a 1d 6 element array. For what you wanted, you
| actually need np.column_stack.
| I think the way Eigen handles this is the most intuitive.
| You do linear algebra with 2d objects, and cast to arrays
| for elementwise operations.
| There is also a huge inconsistency between what numpy
| exposes as an object oriented interface vs a "functional"
| interface. What I mean by this, is that I can call x.sum()
| on an array, but not x.diff(). For that, I need np.diff(x).
| There seems to be no pattern to what is exposed as a method
| vs a function.
| The array slicing api is also really inconsistent. For
| instance, given a 3 element array x, a =
| x[5]
| is an IndexError. However, this perfectly fine
| a = x[2:5]
| I just can't forgive that this is not also an IndexError.
| Yoric wrote:
| I actually don't remember the details, I haven't used numpy
| in 4-5 years. I remember being bitten a few times by some
| operators that had a different behavior based on how you
| had arrived to what looked to be the same data. These were
| issues I don't remember encountering with e.g. Mathematica,
| MatLab or R, but then, I was manipulating different kinds
| of data.
| Next time I find myself manipulating numerical data, I'll
| definitely take a look at Pandas!
| civilized wrote:
| Pandas is better than nothing, but I would look to R's
| dplyr/tidyverse for a really well-designed tabular data
| manipulation ecosystem. Compared to tidyverse, the pandas
| API feels bloated, obscure, and inefficient. I often see
| people using very slow apply-based solutions in pandas
| because the faster solution is so non-obvious.
| The tidyverse ironically ends up feeling more Pythonic,
| with more of a "there is one obvious way to do it" vibe.
| matsemann wrote:
| I wonder how many days have been wasted on non-programmers
| trying to get their Conda environment up and running or
| similar. Half the data science stuff isn't reproducible, not
| because of the science, but because getting the notebooks
| running with its dependencies is almost impossible.
| lysecret wrote:
| have you heard of docker?
| BeFlatXIII wrote:
| I'm increasingly convinced that the majority of so-called
| "data science" is pure sciencism with little to no actual
| science for exactly this reason. It's reading correlations
| from digital tea leaves.
| irrational wrote:
| Which begs the question, why has nobody built anything
| better?
| taeric wrote:
| I'd argue that they probably have. It just isn't free.
| belval wrote:
| Because it's a hard problem and people love hating on
| Python because it doesn't come with a way to handle all the
| compiled dependencies that work for every OS.
| Data science has a ton of moving library parts, it is
| genuinely difficult to distribute precompiled libraries for
| everyone when you have 2-3 actively maintained CUDA version
| with 2 cuDNN version for accelerators that change every 2
| years. Most team fail to standardize on an environment (say
| Python 3.8, Ubuntu 20.04, CUDA 11.1, and cuDNN 8) and then
| get hung up on a dependency not building as if it's
| Python's fault that it does not have control of your entire
| OS.
| matsemann wrote:
| But why is it such a big problem in Python compared to
| other stacks? Why does all python projects end up
| depending on you having those exact tools of things
| installed locally and the planets aligned a certain way,
| when other stacks do not?
| belval wrote:
| Python is for all intents and purposes a "glue" language.
| You don't do the heavy computing in Python, you just pull
| in a C++ library that has a Python interface. This adds a
| ton of friction because these dependencies will often not
| be precompiled so you need to have the right system
| libraries to build the module before using it.
| It's not much of a problem for other stacks because they
| either are fast enough that they have a library written
| in the same language for problem X (C#/Java/Rust) or they
| aren't targeting the same type of work (JS, Ruby,
| etc...). C++ has the exact same problem as Python and I'd
| argue that it's even worse.
| m4x wrote:
| I'm not sure that it _is_ a problem in Python more than
| other languages.
| It might look worse because many Python projects use
| tools such as CUDA, which are notoriously dependent on
| the specific OS, architecture, method of installation
| etc. But that same issue will exist in most languages -
| if you're linking against CUDA, you will sometimes have
| problems with the package installation. Particularly if
| you try to run the code on a different OS, CPU
| architecture, using a different GPU, etc.
| I don't think it really has anything to do with Python.
| It just happens that most people doing work that depends
| on tricky packages such as CUDA also happen to be using
| Python.
| analog31 wrote:
| There are 365k projects in the "official" package index.
| While not all of these are important, it's a tip-off to
| the magnitude of the problem. The habit of blowing past a
| problem by grabbing a random library and moving on to the
| next problem leaves us with a mess of dependencies. And
| many of those were either written by amateurs like us,
| not maintained, etc.
| Maybe other languages have fewer libraries, or maybe the
| habit of grabbing libraries at random evolved
| concurrently with the rise of Python.
| My team has a rule that we don't let a project get past a
| certain stage without proving that it can be installed
| and run on a clean machine _and_ archiving all of the
| necessary repo 's with the project. It's easily forgotten
| that testing your installer is part of testing your
| program.
| NoThisIsMe wrote:
| It's not a big problem in Python in general, only in
| scientific computing / number crunching projects, because
| of the dependencies on huge complex software, some of it
| ancient, written in C, Fortran, and C++. So why do we
| hear about this problem in Python a lot? Well, because
| it's what's used for the glue/frontend, which is what
| users work with directly. It's selection bias. Sure,
| another language might fare somewhat better or worse for
| this or that reason, but at the end of the day it's gonna
| be a pain in the ass (at least until next-generation,
| complete, deterministic, language-agnostic solutions like
| Nix/GUIX really gain traction).
| ryukafalz wrote:
| They have: Nix and Guix for example can handle Python
| dependencies as well as native dependencies, and can build
| them reproducibly. They just haven't caught on yet.
| nerdponx wrote:
| There is the Mamba project, which is developing a drop-in
| Conda replacement, along with a bunch of other related
| tooling.
| belval wrote:
| > non-programmers trying to get their Conda environment up
| and running
| I see this issue brought up a lot, but I have yet to see a
| language that addresses this reliably. By definition setting
| up an environment for non-programmer is a tall order, what
| language should they use?
| matsemann wrote:
| I'm just grumbling because even I as a professional dev can
| sometimes spend days getting some python project up and
| running correctly. Then I feel sorry for non-devs for which
| all this is only a tool.
| mnw21cam wrote:
| The simple and easy Java way to do it is to just bundle
| everything into a Jar. Then it really is a single file
| "environment". Then you only have the problem of different
| Java versions rejecting the jar file because it is too new
| _grumble_.
| _Algernon_ wrote:
| Wouldn't this be the perfect use case for docker
| containers (or something equivalent).
| Once the initial Dockerfile is written its very low
| maintenance, though getting results out of it could
| probably be made easier for scientific use.
| smitty1e wrote:
| One hopes that Python's packaging story can be streamlined
| in the next few versions.
| Never needed Conda, but the packaging tool proliferation is
| an embarrassment, IMO.
| tehnub wrote:
| My advice: Docker.
| m4x wrote:
| Docker isn't a good fit in HPC environments, but you can
| achieve a similar thing using Singularity.
| nerdponx wrote:
| I think a lot of this has to do with just how bad/incomplete
| the docs are, how unnecessarily janky the shell integration
| is, and how the Anaconda launcher itself makes a huge mess
| and actively works against best practices.
| The docs for building your own packages are even worse, to
| the point where you basically are left copying snippets from
| Conda Forge to build anything nontrivial.
| Basically Conda is a tremendous engineering achievement, but
| it's very much still a "first draft" in a lot of ways, and
| Continuum/Anaconda made some weird decisions that work
| against its user-friendliness. Imagine for example if third-
| party repos on anaconda.org could have a description box,
| link to a homepage, etc...
| [deleted]
| BeetleB wrote:
| > Half the data science stuff isn't reproducible, not because
| of the science, but because getting the notebooks running
| with its dependencies is almost impossible.
| As someone who did scientific programming in other languages
| (Fortran/C++), I can assure you the nonreproducibility was
| there in those projects as well. Not because of the tech
| stack but because no one valued reproducibility.
| The current situation with notebooks isn't worse. It's more
| of the same. I think people criticize it more because
| notebooks are advertised as reproducible research.
| whatever1 wrote:
| Julia is the next big thing. I am always blown away by its
| readability and speed.
| But it will take years to build a library ecosystem that can
| rival the python one.
| a9h74j wrote:
| In this thread I am seeing a number of explanations, including:
| Ecosystem; mind-share; readability and engineering mind-set;
| history/Numpy/Matlab; teachability and academic focus.
| There are also comments emphasizing the "dynamic" scientific
| environment and need to just pick up code left by others.
| In terms of the latter, could one apparent requirement be this:
| The main contact should be with top-level code which at least
| _looks_ like it is interpreted -- even if through compile-with-
| run-combined and /or memoization? Need part of the user
| interface, so to speak, be to hide all intermediate artifacts,
| even the very thought of object code and executables? That such
| stuff is for, say, "module creators" not primary users?
| II2II wrote:
| That is a big part of the author's point: the library ecosystem
| is here for Python today. While there is a heavy penalty for
| anything written in Python itself, it doesn't really matter
| since there isn't much of a penalty once the data is passed to
| highly optimized libraries and those libraries allow developers
| to select efficient algorithms rather than implementing their
| own algorithms (which are likely to be less efficient).
| a9h74j wrote:
| Remind me if anyone might, is there any story for Julia making
| use of existing python libraries?
| sundarurfriend wrote:
| If you mean whether it's possible, PyCall.jl has existed
| since nearly the beginning of Julia, and PythonCall.jl [1] is
| a more recent package for the same core functionality -
| calling into Python code.
| [1] https://github.com/cjdoris/PythonCall.jl
| bee_rider wrote:
| Do you think Julia will chip away at Python's marketshare, or
| Fortran's? I thought it was aiming to be more of a replacement
| for the latter, but I've never written a line of Julia in my
| life, so I am very uninformed.
| Bromeo wrote:
| Julia advertises itself as solving the "two-language
| problem". This assumes that people first write exploratory
| code in python or something similar, and then rewrite it in
| Fortran etc. So in this scenario, Julia takes marketshare
| from both.
| Personally, I find that many Fortran codes are still used
| because they have been build for many years, and they can't
| be rewritten easily. On the other hand, new data science
| projects start all the time, and the transition to Julia is
| easy (and worth it in my opinion). That means that in my
| experience, Julia is mostly competing for marketshare with
| NumPy/SciPy/SKLearn/Pandas/R/Matlab.
| adgjlsfhk1 wrote:
| Imo, it eats away at both. Julia makes it relatively easy to
| meet or exceed Fortran performance, but also gives you the
| high level abstractions and ease of use of a language like
| python. I think the biggest problem for Julia currently is
| the difficulty of AOT compilation and the lack of tiered
| compilation (like Java/Javscript). Making the story for
| either of these better would be a significant quality of life
| improvement for Julia, and would make it pretty much
| unrivaled for scientific computing in my opinion.
| pwnna wrote:
| Python is sufficiently readable, and with the right extension,
| it is sufficiently fast for vast majority of the purposes. For
| Julia to truly gain momentum, I think it needs a "killer
| app/library". However, I'm not sure what it would be that would
| not already be built for Python.
| My personal killer app would be a significantly revamped
| plotting library/app. While matplotlib is great, it is
| fundamentally based on imaged-based plotting. The next
| generation of data visualization, imo, will likely be
| interactive. Having an interactive plotting library that allows
| you to produce publication-quality plots faster and simpler
| (think of all the time spent aligning text manually..) could be
| a big deal, but it could also not matter as no one else wants
| the same things I do.
| nicolaskruchten wrote:
| What are your thoughts on PlotlyJS.jl?
| https://plotly.com/julia/
| hpcjoe wrote:
| Have a look at Makie.jl[1] in Julia. I've been using it for
| exploring large data sets recently. Ticks your boxes. Jupyter
| version is image based though, as Jupyter is inherently
| static. You could use Pluto.jl[2] to build a reactive page.
| [1] https://github.com/JuliaPlots/Makie.jl
| [2] https://github.com)fonsp/Pluto.jl
| wheelerof4te wrote:
| One thing that I don't like with Python's scientific libraries is
| how they change the overall Python syntax.
| There are so many ways to slice an array or a dataframe, and only
| a few of them are valid Python code.
| Keeping the language API should have been a priority, but that is
| a consequence of operator overloading features.
| canjobear wrote:
| I'm not sure what you're referring to. Nothing you import into
| Python changes its syntax.
| Maybe you're thinking of things like x[:, np.newaxis] where x
| is a numpy array? This is valid Python code outside of numpy as
| well, although the built-in data structures like lists and
| dicts won't know what to do with the :.
| lvass wrote:
| What language wouldn't suffer from this, besides APL? Even very
| recent and well designed libraries like Elixir's Nx look like
| another APL-like language bolted on. Pipe syntax helps but not
| much.
| kzrdude wrote:
| Can you explain what you mean more in detail? Libraries can't
| change the syntax of the Python language, not in the formal
| sense.
| Is this about things you want to be able to express in syntax
| but can't? Or the other way around - stuff that uses
| syntax/operators but should really be methods?
| ohyoutravel wrote:
| Numpy syntax comes to mind. The extra commas often aren't
| valid pure Python but are required for some operations on
| numpy arrays. I don't know how this works under the hood, but
| expect it's a state machine under the numpy ndarray looking
| for the extra commas and such.
| i.e. some_array[0:5,0] which isn't valid pure Python
| notation.
| kzrdude wrote:
| Extra commas are "valid in pure python" in the following
| sense that I can demonstrate.
| Open ipython3 In [3]: class Test:
| ...: def __getitem__(self, index): ...:
| print(index) ...: In [4]:
| Test()[1, 2, 1:3, ..., :] (1, 2, slice(1, 3, None),
| Ellipsis, slice(None, None, None))
| It's valid and we get the complicated tuple of integers,
| slices, ellipsis etc as printed.
| Numpy has existed for a long time. Its needs have been
| taken care of in upstream Python, to a big extent, and
| other libraries can use the same features.
| ohyoutravel wrote:
| Interesting! Neither myself nor my coworkers could get
| the snippet I posted working outside the context of an
| ndarray, so I had speculated at that time that it there
| was something else going on under the hood.
| You seem to have a much better grasp of Python than us,
| would you mind posting an example where the snipped I
| posted successfully accesses data from an array in pure
| Python? That way I can not only take the L, but correct
| the record and learn something in the process.
| kzrdude wrote:
| This program is quick & lazy but it uses a 1D python list
| and pretends it's a 2D list. It implements 2D slicing,
| giving you a square subset just like ndarray. It doesn't
| intend to be all correct or nice or useful.
| https://www.pythonmorsels.com/p/2rk5t/
| Is laziness a virtue? I reused the slicing implementation
| in `range(foo)[index]` so I didn't need to do that logic
| myself.
| nanochad wrote:
| iainctduncan wrote:
| If you know actual scientists, this isn't counter intuitive at
| all. My partner is a scientist, so now I know tons of them, and I
| have done a bunch of Python coding and support for scientists,
| have been a Python programmer (as well as other languages) since
| 2005-ish. I saw this coming (as did many) 15 years ago.
| Most scientists, and their grad students, are trying to do a
| whole bunch of things in their research, and programming is just
| one of them. Field work, experiments, data wrangling, writing
| papers, defending papers, teaching, etc. And most of them do not
| have access to budgets for programmers or when they do, it's for
| a limited amount of time and work, meaning they need to be able
| to pick up and run with whatever the programmer did. So the fact
| that with Python they and their grad students (who might be there
| for only 2 years) can be working productively, and figure out
| what the hell the code did when they come back to it months
| later, is HUGE. As in, literally blows every other consideration
| to smithereens. This has meant that over the last 20 years the
| scientific libraries in Python got mature faster than in any
| other language, and this in turn has had a snowball effect. And
| when speed is necessary, C++ extensions can be written. But
| honestly, most of the time speed is not the main factor.
| The downside of Python in my experience is that junior teams can
| make heinous atrocities when a project gets really big (I have
| had to step in as CTO to one of those messes, so much as I love
| Python, I must admit this is true!) But the stuff the scientists
| are doing is very rarely that big. It's tools programming,
| scripting, making utilities, data analysis and so on.
| Readability counts. In some fields, it counts more than anything.
| I've worked in about 10 languages now over the last 20 years, and
| Python is still the easiest to read when you come back to some
| old code or have to pick up code for a small job, or hand it to a
| beginner to extend without having them create an unreadable mess.
| This is what scientists need to do all the time.
| Re other people's comments on Python packaging and setup being
| hard, well honestly I've had just as much pain with Ruby or Node.
| The shining exception there is R, which is giving Python a run
| for its money in many scientific areas. R Studio has the best
| "hit the ground running" experience out there and is really slick
| for data programming.
| analog31 wrote:
| My partner's partner is a scientist too. ;-)
| In addition to not having budgets for programmers, we also
| don't know how to manage them, for instance how to communicate
| our needs, decide if their implementation plans make sense, or
| gauge their progress. Nearly half a century after _The Mythical
| Man Month_ , managing software development is still generally
| acknowledged to be an unsolved problem.
| The other two obstacles are that most programmers _hate_ the
| scientific work environment, with its ever-changing
| requirements and frequent dead ends. And, the programmers who
| can work on math related stuff are in the highest demand.
| protomolecule wrote:
| "the programmers who can work on math related stuff are in
| the highest demand."
| Could you suggest the best way for finding a remote job for
| such programmer?
| iainctduncan wrote:
| Network with scientists. Doing some small jobs or favours
| for scientists who will tell other scientists about you is
| the way to go. Universities are a good source of
| connections.
| Icathian wrote:
| If labs are really struggling to find math-literate
| programmers, I would imagine it's in part because the
| process for matching them with the work is so terrible.
| Generally speaking, skilled programmers do not want to
| (and certainly don't have to) shake hands and do favors
| to find work.
| I wonder if there's any concerted effort to fix that for
| academia, or if the "shortage" of math-literate
| programmers just isn't a problem worth fixing.
| iainctduncan wrote:
| That was kind of my point. What skilled programmers do to
| find work is one thing, what scientists, who just need
| some help for a short project, do to find people is
| another. Assuming you are a programmer who wants to do
| work for scientists for some reason, you need to go where
| they are - they won't find you in your regular tech
| recruiting circles, which tend to be all about full time
| jobs. I happen to like doing some work for scientists so
| that my career isn't entirely about making private equity
| companies richer, but I don't expect them to pay my
| enterprise rates or find me on Linked In.
| sjackso wrote:
| To make matters worse, university staff software
| engineering jobs usually pay 1/3 to 1/2 of comparable
| jobs in industry (even after excluding FAANG-level
| outlier salaries), and in most cases offer no meaningful
| career progression.
| I think universities will never be able to compete for
| engineering talent until they can create attractive
| career paths for people who aren't professors.
| chasely wrote:
| Early stage startups founded by scientists? At least that's
| my use case.
| - get more traction
| - I'm less able to focus on the software and have to focus
| on business development
| - I'm going to need to hire someone who is a competent
| programmer but can also deal with the mathy bits
| iainctduncan wrote:
| Spot on with my experience! Much of our work was helping them
| manage the project and figure out how to work with us. And
| someone went on sabbatical, and then someone dropped their
| program, and someone else left for another school, and
| someone was stuck managing the program for a semester who had
| literally no time or experience doing that, etc. It's a
| Dynamic Environment. lol.
| There is no other language I have used that makes it as easy
| to read code from somebody else, especially where that
| contributor is likely to be a domain expert with very limited
| programming experience. It's not actually my favourite
| language anymore (hello Scheme!) but if you want me to do
| work in that environment, I'll reach for Python first.
| blunte wrote:
| > Python is still the easiest to read when you come back to
| some old code
| Lucky you. You must not have seen the "pythonic" monstrosities
| I've seen.
| Python has such a low barrier for entry that one can "get stuff
| done" with absolutely atrocious and often very overly
| complicated OOP-ish code.
| Ruby is not my favorite language, but I would bet real money
| that without dependence on libraries, nobody could show me
| Python code which I could not show more logical, consistent,
| and readable Ruby code which solves the same problem. I say
| Ruby because it's of the same "type" and follows similar
| methodologies.
| Python suffers from far too many years under the leadership of
| one odd person. It has a cult-like following, whereby anyone
| who disagrees is an outcast. Where else could you hear comments
| like, "why would you ever need a switch statement? if/if else
| works fine!" That's just the tip of the iceberg.
| Python is great for integration glue code, but only because of
| the libraries it has. But now it is becoming more Javascript
| like, and the dependencies are multiplying to the point where
| you're better off writing your own left-pad instead (or even
| re-evaluating your approach) instead of taking on new duct tape
| like django-database-view.
| Sometimes the bar needs to be high enough to force the juniors
| to actually learn something before they start building "MVP"
| startups. On the other hand, who cares if the MVP is a horror
| show as long as you get that IPO and take your f-u money and
| leave.
| iainctduncan wrote:
| So my real job is technical due diligence on companies being
| purchased. I get the keys to the kingdom when we do a
| diligence and trust me, there are just as many people making
| unmaintainable monstrosities that get bogged down in tech
| debt in Ruby. Looking at this scenario is literally my job,
| and the company I work for does more of these than anyone in
| the world.
| Bad coders can make terrible stuff in any language, and with
| two as similar as Python and Ruby, the minor differences are
| a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things. Both
| Django-database code and RoR's Active Record have bogged down
| many a startup when they got big enough that DB size and
| query performance mattered.
| None of which, as I pointed out, is relevant to the vast
| majority of scientists writing code.
| ip26 wrote:
| Not to mention, what they are working on is often very abstract
| compared to the math many programmers are used to doing. I
| write a lot of boolean; my scientist partner writes
| regressions, surface transformations, eigenmaps, linear
| algebra, and so on. Imagine being something _other_ than a
| programmer by trade, and trying to apply linear algebra to your
| problem without good tools or libraries.
| liamwestray wrote:
| Literally can't add anything to this.
| You nailed it.
| I suspect MicroPython is going to do the same thing to
| Arduino/C as Python just did here in Academia as well.
| zozbot234 wrote:
| > Readability counts. In some fields, it counts more than
| anything. I've worked in about 10 languages now over the last
| 20 years, and Python is still the easiest to read when you come
| back to some old code or have to pick up code for a small job,
| or hand it to a beginner to extend without having them create
| an unreadable mess. This is what scientists need to do all the
| time.
| Meh. Python might be readable at the smallest scale, but then
| COBOL is even more readable. What matters is large-scale
| development, and your implied point that large Python projects
| turn into unstructured big-ball-of-mud monstrosities is well
| taken. A big ball of mud is _not_ surveyable, or "readable".
| Which is where other modern languages (e.g. Julia in the
| scientific programming domain, heck even Go or Rust) will
| probably have an advantage.
| bigbillheck wrote:
| > What matters is large-scale development,
| Not for the kind of computing being talked about.
| zozbot234 wrote:
| In a relatively terse language like Python, anything beyond
| a few screenfuls of code is already "large scale"
| development. It's unwise to keep it all in a single module.
| icedchai wrote:
| Some of the best code I've worked on has been python.
| Unfortunately, also some of the worst. 5000 line, single file
| "modules", with spaghetti class hierarchies (5+ levels deep)
| and dynamic method calls making it nearly impossible to
| debug.
| iainctduncan wrote:
| think what you will, the scientists disagree. Which was the
| point. Not holding my breath to find many scientists matching
| my description who would rather learn Go or Rust...
| shpongled wrote:
| I'll be the counter example. PhD in life sciences, but I've
| also been programming since I was a teen. Rust is by far my
| most used language for both general fun projects and in my
| role as a programmer in the life-sciences. Python is OK for
| ad-hoc analyses, but I cannot stand to use dynamically
| typed languages for anything "real" given how much
| difficulty dynamic typing imposes on reading and
| understanding code.
| iainctduncan wrote:
| Sure, but by your description, you aren't really the
| people I'm describing. If you've been doing this since
| you were a teen, you're a "Real Programmer". My point was
| that people who have to do this as item 7 of 10 things in
| their job description are very much less likely to learn
| something like Rust than Python. That is undeniably a
| bigger lift to a non-programmer. Python's success in the
| sciences is in large part due to how good a fit as a
| language it is for part-time occasional programmers.
| I like all kinds of languages, but the only ones I would
| encourage my partner to bother with as tools for her
| science work would be R and Python.
| uoaei wrote:
| Python is an API to efficient scientific computing code. It's
| good for that, assuming you're using old and more verbose
| languages.
| Look into Julia as a promising alternative -- the language itself
| is superbly fast (aside from initial compilation) and there's an
| impressive scicomp ecosystem to say the least, all written in
| native Julia. This allows for program rewriting / metaprogramming
| more broadly and is insanely powerful once you get a feel for it.
| hulitu wrote:
| I try to love micropython. However, its UI is at ed level. It
| only says "Syntax error".
| the__alchemist wrote:
| Python excels in several domains. For example, the non-speed-
| critical numerical computing this article is about. It's also
| nice for backend web development, and scripting. Embedded isn't
| one of its strengths, and I'm suspicious micropython was an
| attempt at bringing embedded programming to people who don't
| want to learn more than one language.
| derbOac wrote:
| C, C++, Fortran are still used, most Python users just don't see
| it because it's hidden away underneath the calling function.
| I've been surprised by the rise of Python in some ways although
| not at all in others. Languages like C, C++, Fortran, and dare I
| say it Rust are too low-level in their raw state for numerical
| computing. You had the US federal government funding language
| competitions because of this (see: Chapel). Languages like Python
| and R (and before that things like Lisp) came along and gave
| people a taste of something different, and it's obvious what
| people migrated to.
| Part of it is timing: multivariate computational statistics
| (ML/data science/DL/whatever you want to call it) just sort of
| started taking off in computer science communities before LLVM-
| based languages like Julia or Nim could get a foothold. OCaml
| might have fit that niche but never got there because of a desire
| to take a different path, or take the path more slowly.
| So people looked for a nice expressive language, found it in
| Python, and buried all the messy stuff behind wrapper functions
| and called it a day. It was furthered along by Matlab being
| another comparison on the other side -- Python looks kludgy
| compared to modern Fortran or C, but not compared to Matlab.
| All that wrapper time in Python has its costs, so I suspect as
| limits get pushed further we'll eventually see a migration to
| something else like Julia or Nim, or something else not on
| anyone's radar.
| One moral to this story is that expressiveness matters. People
| will go out of their way to avoid talking directly to machines at
| a low level.
| nneonneo wrote:
| > Python looks kludgy compared to modern Fortran or C
| I'm not sure I can agree with this. Both Python and Matlab
| provide very nice, high level ways to interact with
| multidimensional data using simple syntax. Under the hood, both
| will wind up using fast algorithms to implement the operations.
| C and Fortran require much more low-level considerations like
| manually managing memory, futzing with pointers or indices, and
| generally writing a lot more boilerplate code to shuffle data
| around.
| Matlab, despite all its quirks, could probably have won if it
| was open source. It's got a very long history of use in
| scientific computation and a large user base despite its high
| price.
| auxym wrote:
| Matlab works fine for anything purely "numerical" but fails
| hard as soon as you need to do more "general computing". Just
| string handling for example. Or, as far as I know, it's still
| not possible to implement a custom CLI interface in a matlab
| script, like you would with argparse in python.
| Matlab also historically was really bad for abstraction and
| code architecture in general. For example, the hard "1
| function per file" rule, which encouraged people to not use
| functions at all, or if you really had to, write 2 or 3
| really huge functions (in separate files). Only in recent
| years (the past 5 or 10 years) did matlab get OOP stuff
| (classes) and the option for multiple (private) functions in
| a single script file (still only one public/exported function
| is possible per file, because the file name is the function
| name and matlab uses path-based resolution).
| leephillips wrote:
| Fortran does not require (nor has much available for) manual
| memory management, and its array syntax is more convenient
| than Numpy (and far more convenient than Python without
| Numpy), obviating any futzing around with pointers or
| indices.
| cb321 wrote:
| You may know this, but since you always mentioned Nim & Julia
| together, it might confuse passers by. Nim does not, in fact,
| need LLVM (though there is a hobby side project using that).
| Mainline Nim compiles directly to C (or C++ or Javascript) and
| people even use it on embedded systems.
| What seems to attract scientists is the REPL and/or notebook UI
| style/focus of Matlab/Mathematica/Python/Julia/R/... As
| projects migrate from exploratory to production, optimizing for
| interactivity becomes a burden -- whether it is Julia Time To
| First Plots or dynamic typing causing performance and
| stability/correctness problems in Python code or even just more
| careful unit tests. They are just very different mindsets -
| "show me an answer pronto" vs. "more care".
| "Gradually typed" systems like Cython or Common Lisp's
| `declare` can sometimes ease the transition, but often it's a
| lot of work to move code from everything-is-a-generic-object to
| articulated types, and often exploratory code written by
| scientists is...really rough proof of concept stuff.
| leecommamichael wrote:
| Having taught a number of scientists both pre and post grad,
| I agree with your take on notebooks/REPLs. Data-scientists
| are not generalist programmers, in some cases, they are
| hardly more advanced than some plain end-users of operating
| systems. They shy away from the terminal, they have fuzzy
| mental models of how the machine operates.
| Being a generalist programmer that sometimes deploys the work
| that data-scientists craft, I'd really like an environment
| for this that can compile to a static binary.
| Having to compile a whole machine with all the right versions
| of shared libraries is a terrible experience.
| nextos wrote:
| The time to first plots in Julia is drastically lower now.
| And still, it was something you only paid once per session,
| due to JIT.
| Julia is the first language I find truly pleasant to use in
| this domain. I am more than happy to pay a small initial JIT
| overhead in exchange for code that looks like Ruby but runs
| 1/2 the speed of decent C++.
| Plus, lots of libraries are really high quality and
| _composable_. Python has exceptionally good libraries, but
| they tend to be big monoliths. This makes me feel Julia or
| something like Julia will win in the long run.
| exdsq wrote:
| Julia runs 2x the speed of decent C++?!
| nextos wrote:
| Sorry I meant 1/2 the speed or 2x the time, edited :)
| Consider that BLAS written in _pure_ Julia has very
| decent performance. If you are into numerical computing,
| you will quickly understand this is crazy.
| Carefully written Julia tends to be surprisingly fast.
| Excessive allocations tend to be a bigger performance
| problem than raw speed. Of course excessive allocations
| eventually have an impact on speed as well. There are
| some idiomatic ways to avoid this.
| derbOac wrote:
| That's a good point about Nim. Nim has a nice set of
| compilation targets, which I tend to forget.
| You might be right about the REPL aspect of things. On the
| other hand, R took off with a pretty minimal REPL, and my
| first memories of Python didn't involve a REPL. I think as
| the runtime increases a REPL becomes less relevant, and it
| seems like most languages with significant numerical use
| eventually get a REPL/notebook style environment even if it
| wasn't there initially.
| kzrdude wrote:
| Python was pragmatic and adopted changes that numpy needed and
| advocated for. Maybe Julia is the only other worthy comparison?
| Also, dynamic typing is a boon - and default & keyword
| arguments is a great feature for complicated, versatile, useful
| algorithm implementations and interfaces to them. Both of these
| features have a cost in bigger programs, but they really make
| Python stand out.
| ip26 wrote:
| _People will go out of their way to avoid talking directly to
| machines at a low level_
| I would put it differently. At 30 bugs per kLOC, I'd prefer my
| codebase expresses a problem & it's solution- and as little
| below that level as possible.
| Each well-vetted layer of abstraction between a scientific
| programmer and the machine's low level interface eliminates
| whole classes of bugs that are irrelevant to the problem that
| user is actually working on.
| DasIch wrote:
| > At 30 bugs per kLOC[...]
| Where does that number come from?
| arthurcolle wrote:
| The context suggests to me that this was a self-reported
| approximation from GP
| ip26 wrote:
| It's a median-ish of various studies. You can google "bugs
| per 1000 lines of code".
| The important part wasn't the exact number, but rather the
| discovery that the ratio is pretty stable.
| catlifeonmars wrote:
| I believe an appropriate term for that low level in this
| context is _undifferentiated lifting_
| Robotbeat wrote:
| It's because Matlab (and Mathematica, etc) is proprietary, and
| therefore you always have to pay the Danegeld. So we use numpy
| instead because it's extensible, it uses all the super fast
| C/C++/FORTRAN stuff on the backend, and is fairly easy to
| learn.
| I actually still would prefer Matlab as the syntax is more
| compact and natural than numpy (which is like a matlabified
| Python), but that's probably just due to more experience in
| Matlab.
| adgjlsfhk1 wrote:
| I'd definitely recommend checking out Julia for this usecase.
| You get code that looks pretty much like matlab, but which
| runs like fortran/C++. (Also there is very solid and fast
| interop with python, so you can call anything you need from
| the python side).
| Robotbeat wrote:
| What does a Julia environment look like, in practice? Is it
| anything like the Matlab environment, where not online is
| there a console and integrated editor and super easy to use
| debugging/performance measurement, but also all the
| variables are visible in the GUI?
| If so, I'd consider switching (as Matlab does that better
| than vanilla numpy). Julia is pretty great in theory. It is
| still a very new language for my uses, which means the
| documentation and community are orders of magnitude smaller
| than Matlab or Numpy/python.
| ForHackernews wrote:
| Yes(-ish). You can use Julia in a Jupyter (the Ju- is
| Julia) notebook, just like Python. This is a pretty user-
| friendly experience for students, academics and data
| scientists.
| https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-best-use-julia-
| with-ju...
| kragen wrote:
| Octave is free software with Matlab syntax and Matlab-style
| interactivity (autoreload, etc.) I'm not a huge fan of the
| language (Matlab/Octave) but it certainly does make it quick
| to whip things up.
| Robotbeat wrote:
| It sucks compared to Matlab, though. Unfortunately. (Sci
| lab is better, altho not compatible.) But I have also used
| it in a pinch. Size of the community means Matlab or Numpy
| are your best options. If you aren't happy with Matlab due
| to cost or licensing stuff, numpy is really good. Also
| integrates with a lot of Python stuff like machine vision,
| machine learning, etc, which have expensive or nonexistent
| packages in Matlab.
| kragen wrote:
| Interesting! What are the drawbacks of Octave?
| pm90 wrote:
| Yep. When I was in grad school all the labs were furiously
| migrating away from matlab because of its costs and confusing
| licensing around running multiple replicas.
| aimor wrote:
| I have the same experience, but it's more than just syntax.
| The Matlab IDE pulls together so much in a polished and
| robust product. Python notebooks and IDEs (Spyder, Jupyter,
| PyCharm, VSCode among a few others I've tried) are
| frustrating to use in comparison.
| Robotbeat wrote:
| Yup, I agree 100%. I've been trying to use just vanilla
| python because of interdependency hell (and changing terms
| of service for anaconda), and I've been succeeding, but
| it's a LOT more work and less clear what's going on.
| agumonkey wrote:
| Isn't it the usual "dynlang as prototyping clay" story ? python
| (with FFI -> native libs) gets you iterate over ideas faster
| and leaner.
| zozbot234 wrote:
| > You had the US federal government funding language
| competitions because of this (see: Chapel).
| Wait, weren't they supposed to be using Ada for everything
| anyway? What's wrong with Ada?
| tormeh wrote:
| Different design objectives, I believe.
| _dain_ wrote:
| Nim is not LLVM based, it compiles to plain old C/C++.
| adenozine wrote:
| Nim actually has LLVM support via nlvm
| https://github.com/arnetheduck/nlvm
| It's not officially blessed, but it does work.
| pdonis wrote:
| _> C, C++, Fortran are still used, most Python users just don
| 't see it because it's hidden away underneath the calling
| function._
| Yes, the article talks about this: Python is a glue language
| and the actual heavy duty computation is being done inside an
| extension module like numpy that's written in a faster
| language.
| joshuamorton wrote:
| OpenBLAS and LAPACK are mostly Fortran and numpy will use
| them if present on the system.
| oh_my_goodness wrote:
| This article expresses the ancient Python(/Matlab) v Fortran
| argument beautifully ... but it's kind of shocking that the
| argument is still going on at all. My generation came out of
| school happy to use FORTRAN indirectly, via a scripting language,
| for rapid prototyping. That was 30 years ago.
| scythe wrote:
| As a physicist, having spent eight years in academia, Python did
| not win by beating Fortran. Nor did it beat C++. It didn't really
| compete with Ruby or Lisp, although Lua (Torch) was a briefly
| serious competitor before everyone realized that a language
| developed by four people, one of whom doesn't get along with the
| others, couldn't be responsive to users' needs.
| Python defeated Matlab. I know because I cheered it on. I was
| there. I watched my roommates and friends struggle with
| introductory scientific computing in Matlab and I joined the
| chorus that was practically begging for Python, even though I
| didn't really like it. I can't even begin to explain how awful it
| is to try to teach programming concepts in Matlab. But something
| like Python or Matlab had to be the choice because the schools
| wanted to teach programming through a language where you could
| just call "graph" and the computer would display a graph.
| Python's team, unlike Lua's, aggressively courted educational
| institutions by offering scientific, numerical and graphical
| libraries within a programming language that works like a
| programming language, not a glorified computer algebra system.
| They even added a dedicated operator for matrix multiplication.
| It's a great example of finding a niche and filling it: I still
| don't like _using_ Python, but I can 't dispute that no other
| language/ecosystem comes close to offering what we need to teach
| programming to physics students.
| You want to beat Python? Build a type system that can capture
| dimensional analysis. Warning: it won't be easy.
| poleguy wrote:
| I'm in engineeering at a major engineering company historically
| using simulink and matlab. Python took over here in large part
| because matlab licensing caused so much friction, and we wanted
| to scale the simulink and matlab models up to run on a cluster
| of machines. We wanted to give scripts to people without matlab
| licenses quickly. etc. It was not the cost per-se, but the red
| tape.
| We also ditched simulink because it is very difficult to
| version control and collaborate with a graphical interface.
| Matlab is pushed heavily in the schools so all the engineers
| knew it and were comfortable with it. Matplotlib and numpy
| mimicing matlab very closely allowed the transition to be easy.
| We're not looking back. Only a handful of people still use
| matlab for their individual work because the python camp hit
| critical mass and the transition is not hard.
| Matlab working to control serial ports, ethernet, visa/gpib
| instruments, all without the friction of getting extra licenses
| was icing on the cake. Matlab has a buy the cadillac model: the
| wheels, doors, hood, gas cap, mirrors are all optional add-ons.
| Each point causes friction, as only a few people had the whole
| tool, and therefore nobody could reliably share code.
| _aavaa_ wrote:
| Oh god, the atrocities I have seen colleagues do with MATLAB
| scripts...
| analog31 wrote:
| I think a factor in Python vs Matlab is that Python grew into
| areas where Matlab was not entrenched. Also, students with an
| aptitude for programming and an eye for the market want to
| learn languages that are used by software developers. Very few
| engineers actually want to _program_ in Matlab. If they can
| program, then they want to market themselves as programmers.
| A benefit of Matlab remains that it all comes from one place,
| with one installer, meaning that you can get a classroom full
| of students up and running almost instantly. And it offers some
| relief for students who will never grasp programming, through
| its collection of pre-written apps.
| adw wrote:
| As a physicist who spent a decade in academia, including a PhD
| where all the new work was done in Python, it absolutely won in
| some fields by beating - or rather, by conveniently wrapping -
| Fortran.
| (In particular, that's how things have gone in the materials
| physics/solid-state/quantum chemistry field. It absolutely beat
| out Matlab in other fields. One of the underrated benefits was
| being a lingua franca across more of physics!)
| dboreham wrote:
| Always nice to hear an authentic telling of history from
| someone who was there and had the necessary insight to
| interpret events and motivations. So much of what we read is
| "the victors' written revision".
| rsfern wrote:
| > You want to beat Python? Build a type system that can capture
| dimensional analysis. Warning: it won't be easy.
| Curious about your thoughts on pint and Unitful.jl -- pint
| doesn't really go all the way to a full type system, and
| Unitful.jl doesn't work with everything (autograd is a problem
| still I think). But Unitful.jl is super cool.
| https://pint.readthedocs.io/en/stable/wrapping.html#checking...
| https://painterqubits.github.io/Unitful.jl/stable/
| BeetleB wrote:
| > Python defeated Matlab.
| This is _the_ answer. Scientific Python was originally an
| alternative to MATLAB. When I was in grad school, I did most of
| my research in MATLAB. Then we had a visiting student who was
| doing very similar computations in SciPy, and he assured me
| performance was not a problem. I migrated my MATLAB scripts to
| Python and never looked back.
| It was only _after_ being a viable alternative to MATLAB did
| people decide it can be used for much more than what you
| typically get with MATLAB.
| [deleted]
| jrochkind1 wrote:
| As a rubyist, it makes me sad that python ended up here rather
| than ruby. And I sometimes wonder why.
| > As the name suggests, numeric data is manipulated through this
| package, not in plain Python, and behind the scenes all the heavy
| lifting is done by C/C++ or Fortran compiled routines.
| So I wonder, was it easier to write C/C++ or fortran compiled
| extensions in python than it was in ruby?
| belval wrote:
| I don't know how easy it is in Ruby so I cannot give you a
| comparison.
| However it is very very easy to write Python bindings for a
| C/C++ library with minimal work. Solutions range from "just
| works" like ctypes to "actually integrates with the language"
| like Cython. You also have automated tools for wrapping like
| pybind11 which does a lot of the heavy lifting for you.
| bsder wrote:
| > And I sometimes wonder why.
| David Beazley talks about this in a YouTube video somewhere.
| (Can't find it right now, maybe someone will in the comments.)
| It was a lot of serendipity. Python was up and running when the
| US national labs wanted to collaborate and their tools all
| sucked. Since they wanted visualization this left only Tcl/Tk
| or Python/Tk. And Beazley was hanging around as a grad student
| in a national lab with a connection machine, no real boss, no
| real oversight, and very little budget. He built stuff out of
| Python, and it snowballed to other labs.
| (Found it: see jasode's response)
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riuyDEHxeEo&t=1804s
| mountainriver wrote:
| It's all about the community. As soon as a language gets
| attached to a profession it's hard to break. Ruby has primarily
| been a web dev language, also the syntax is bad =P
| jltsiren wrote:
| From what I remember, people were actively promoting Python as
| the first programming language already in the 90s. Many
| universities started teaching Python, creating a steady supply
| of non-CS majors who were familiar with Python but no other
| language. And because the community was there, people started
| building the ecosystem.
| In contrast, I've never really encountered anyone advocating
| for Ruby outside web development.
| zozbot234 wrote:
| Python got its _start_ as a pure teaching language. It 's
| what the language was designed for in the first place, a
| modern alternative to old BASIC.
| wwfn wrote:
| Perl was my horse in the race. I attribute it's, lisp's,
| ruby's, etc loss to 1. "There should be one-- and preferably
| only one --obvious way to do it" being part of python's ethos.
| 2. ipython repl
| 1. pairs with jaimebuelta's artistic vs engineering dichotomy,
| but also plays into the scientist wearing many more hats than
| just programmer. Code can be two or more degrees removed from
| the published paper -- code isn't the passion. There isn't
| reason, time, or motivation to think deeply about syntax.
| 2. For a lot of academic work, the programming language is
| primarily an interface to an advanced plotting calculator. Or
| at least that's how I think about the popularity of SPSS and
| Stata. Ipython and then jupyter made this easy for python.
| For what it's worth, the lab I work for is mostly using shell,
| R, matlab, and tiny bit of python. For numerical analysis, I
| like R the best. It has a leg up on the interactive interface
| and feels more flexible than the other two. R also has better
| stats libraries. But when we need to interact with external
| services or file formats, python is the place to look (why PyPI
| beat out CPAN is similar question).
| Total aside: Perl's built in regexp syntax is amazing and a
| thing I reach for often, but regular expressions as a DSL are
| supported almost everywhere (like using languages other than
| shell to launch programs and pipes -- totally fine but misses
| all the ergonomics of using the right tool for the job). It'd
| love to explore APL as an analogous numerical DSL across
| scripting languages. APL.jl [0] and, less practically april[1],
| are exciting.
| [0] https://github.com/shashi/APL.jl [1]
| https://github.com/phantomics/april
| prpl wrote:
| It was multiple things, really. I would attribute ute some of
| it to Swig, Perl attrition, SCons/Software Carpentry,
| integration with GUI libraries, good documentation, and various
| other efforts in the mid 2000s. A lot of those things were
| solving research problems simply, and Python's use just kept
| expanding.
| Python was already taking over in many use cases by late 2000s.
| Ruby was known, but it didn't have the following at multiple
| levels in academia like Python did
| jrochkind1 wrote:
| You describe what happened, which I saw happen too. The
| question I have is _why_ though. Right, _why_ did python 's
| use in scientific computing keep expanding, and not ruby's?
| _Why_ was python already taing over many use cases by the
| 2000s, but not ruby? _Why_ did python develop the following
| at multiple levels in academia, and not ruby? (Why is Perl
| attrition relevant, when ruby was in fact explicitly based on
| Perl?)
| That's the question, not the answer!
| It seems like a lot of the answer is NumPy, which makes the
| question -- why did NumPy happen on python, not ruby?
| Certainly one answer could be "nothing having to do with the
| features of the language, it's just a coincidence, they chose
| to write it in Python, if those working on numpy had chosen
| to use ruby instead, history would be different."
| But one hypothesis is that maybe NumPy wouldn't have been as
| easy in ruby as python.
| Someone else suggested the first numpy release happened
| before the first ruby release, so that could also be an
| answer.
| [deleted]
| calmdown13 wrote:
| This episode of the lex fridman podcast gives a good
| overview of how python's scientific computing community
| developed. https://youtu.be/gFEE3w7F0ww
| beagle3 wrote:
| Nitpick: Numpy is the newest, revised and reconciled vector
| library for Python; The first one was called "Numeric";
| then there was "Numarray" which was not fully compatible,
| which caused a bifurcated ecosystem; and then IIRC it was
| Travis Oliphant who decided enough is enough, created Numpy
| which was somehow magically backward compatible with both,
| and reunited the community.
| dalke wrote:
| I was using Perl and Python in the 1990s for scientific
| work.
| Around 1993 I got hooked on Perl. I read the Perl book and
| it was great. But 1) I couldn't figure out how to handle
| complex data structures (this was Perl 4), and 2) I
| couldn't embed it into other projects.
| More specifically, worked on a molecular visualization
| program called VMD. It had its own scripting language. I
| wanted a language to embed in VMD that was usable by my
| grad student users. This is when I first learned about
| Python, but I chose Tcl because it fit the existing command
| language almost perfectly.
| At around the same time, UCSF started embedding Python for
| their molecular visualization package, Chimera, so it was
| already making in-roads in structural biology.
| I later (1997) went into more bioinformatics-oriented work,
| where I did a lot of Perl. I tried out one implementation
| (a Prosite pattern matcher) in Perl - which took me reading
| an advanced Perl book to learn how Perl 5 objects worked. I
| then tried the same in Python, a language I wasn't as
| familiar with. And it was just so much easier!
| At this time Perl was THE language for bioinformatics, but
| I thought it was a difficult language for complex data
| structures. (Bioinformatics at that time was mostly string
| related, plus CGI and databases - Perl was a great fit.)
| I then moved over (1998) to cheminformatics, working more
| directly on molecular graphs. Python was a much better fit
| for those data structures than Perl. I started using Python
| full-time, and it's been that way since.
| We used a third-party commercial package for the underlying
| cheminformatics called the Daylight toolkit. It had C and
| Fortran bindings. Someone else had already written the SWIG
| configuration to generate Perl, Python, and Tcl bindings,
| but these still meant manual garbage collection.
| I was able to use __getattr__, __setattr__, and __del__ to
| turn these into a natural-feeling high-level API, hooked
| into (C)Python's reference-counted garbage collector.
| I presented a couple of talks about this work, got an
| article in Dr. Dobb's (!) and got consulting work helping
| companies which either had existing Python work, or were
| moving to Python.
| By contrast, I don't think I heard about Ruby until 2000 or
| so, years after Python started entering structural
| biology/cheminformatics. [1]
| I wasn't particularly cutting edge - others had already
| developed tool like SWIG, which was because Beazley and
| others were using Python at LANL. Numeric Python started in
| part because of work at LLNL and other research
| organizations. The concept already firmly established was
| that Python would be used to "steer" a high-performance
| kernel.
| And Python in turn changed, to better reflect the needs of
| numeric computing, in particular, the "..." notation in
| array slices was added to make matrix operations easier.
| (This was 20 years before '@@' was added to simplify matrix
| multiplication.) I believe the needs of numeric computing
| also influenced the changed to "rich" comparisons.
| This all took place around the time Matz started developing
| Ruby. Python had a clear head-start. And except for
| bioinformatics, Perl never had much presence in the fields
| I worked in.
| So:
| > why did python's use in scientific computing keep
| expanding, and not ruby's?
| Because Python was in-use several years before Ruby, and
| already rather visible as one of the three main languages
| to consider in that space (Tcl and Perl being the other
| two).
| > Why was python already taing over many use cases by the
| 2000s, but not ruby?
| Because people didn't really know about Ruby, while Python
| already had a pretty large user community. Probably also
| because Python's work was all in English, while a lot of
| the Ruby community was using Japanese.
| > Why is Perl attrition relevant, when ruby was in fact
| explicitly based on Perl?
| Perl attrition started before Ruby was much known. The
| complexity of the language, and the cumbersome need to
| roll-your-own OO, made it difficult for me to recommend to
| the typical software developers I work with - grad students
| and researchers in the physical sciences with little formal
| training in CS. Python by comparison which easier to pick.
| So a language which explicitly based on Perl also picks up
| that negative impression.
| (FWIW, I think Tcl is an easier language to start with than
| Python.)
| > why did NumPy happen on python, not ruby?
| Numeric computing in Python started before Ruby was much
| known. Quoting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NumPy
| """In 1995 the special interest group (SIG) matrix-sig was
| founded with the aim of defining an array computing
| package; among its members was Python designer and
| maintainer Guido van Rossum, who extended Python's syntax
| (in particular the indexing syntax[8]) to make array
| computing easier."""
| Quoting
| https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_(programming_language)
| """The first public release of Ruby 0.95 was announced on
| Japanese domestic newsgroups on December 21, 1995. ... In
| 1997, the first article about Ruby was published on the
| Web. ... In 1999, the first English language mailing list
| ruby-talk began, which signaled a growing interest in the
| language outside Japan."""
| [1] Ha! I found a comment I made in 2003 saying I had
| looked into Ruby "a few years ago", at https://groups.googl
| e.com/g/comp.lang.python/c/xBWUWWWV5RE/m... . I also wrote:
| """ I think my criteria for selecting Python over Perl is
| still true for Python over Ruby, in that it has too many
| special characters (like @ and the built-in regexpes),
| features (like continuations and code blocks) which are
| hard to explain well (I didn't understand continuations
| until the Houston IPC), and 'best practices' (like
| modifying base classes like strings and numbers) which
| aren't appropriate for large-scale software development."""
| jaimebuelta wrote:
| I think the difference is in the community. I've used both
| Python (extensively) and Ruby (a little bit). While the
| capacities of the languages are relatively similar, the
| people around the languages, at least the ones creating
| packages and driving the discussion in conferences are
| actually quite different, for some reason.
| People attracted to Ruby are mostly of an "artistic
| mindset", they want to be expressive, write code that
| doesn't look like programming code and using "magic" like
| dynamically created methods, monkey-patching, etc is
| accepted or even encouraged.
| On the other hand, Python attracts more people with
| "engineering mindset", they like straight forward code
| that's readable, clear and understandable, even if it's not
| as expressive. "Magic" elements are frowned upon: for
| example, imports are explicit and always included in each
| file.
| Obviously, I'm exaggerating it, but I think is a clear
| differentiation between the communities.
| My guess is that the "Python mindset" got into creating
| better integrations for "engineering applications", like
| NumPy or SciPy, and that created some positive feedback in
| certain environments. The main strength of Python is its
| rich ecosystem of third party packages. There's a
| compounding effect, making it grow faster and faster.
| kstrauser wrote:
| I think that's exactly it, and that there's much less
| understanding required to start reading and writing
| Python code. Ruby has some beautiful features, but they
| make it much less clear to newbies who are trying to
| figure out what on earth's going on.
| masklinn wrote:
| > As a rubyist, it makes me sad that python ended up here
| rather than ruby. And I sometimes wonder why.
| Work on numerical packages and scientific computing started
| almost as soon as the language did, for instance the origins of
| Numpy lie in the Numeric package which was introduced in 1995.
| And the core team introduced several niceties at the behest of
| the scientific community (advanced slicing for instance, more
| recently the matmul operator).
| jasode wrote:
| _> So I wonder, was it easier to write C/C++ or fortran
| compiled extensions in python than it was in ruby?_
| Don't know about technical aspects of "easier" but it may have
| simply been an accident of history.
| E.g. in 1995 (before Ruby 1.0 December 1996[0]), David Beazley
| was already wrapping C Language code to Python. Deep link to
| presentation: https://youtu.be/riuyDEHxeEo?t=52m27s
| So DB's Python code for scientific code was released in Feb
| 1996 and presented in July 1996. Python being released in 1991
| was already talked about in magazines in 1995. David's
| presentation also references Jim Hugunin[1] and he authored the
| _1995 Numeric package_ which was the ancestor to NumPy. Once an
| ecosystem gets started, it can attract more mindshare and
| snowball into an insurmountable lead that neither Ruby nor
| Julia will ever catch up to.
| In other words... If the opposite timeline happened and Ruby
| was released earlier in 1991 and Python later in 1996, things
| may have played out differently.
| So folks like David Beazley and Jim Hugunin chose Python as the
| scripting host language for their C Language code probably
| because Ruby wasn't mature and well-known back in 1995.
| Apparently, Ruby didn't widely spread outside of Japan until
| 1998 when the first documentation in English appeared.[2]
| [1] https://youtu.be/riuyDEHxeEo?t=30m04s
| [2] http://blog.nicksieger.com/articles/2006/10/20/rubyconf-
| hist...
| civilized wrote:
| Timing could be a factor. Python was released in 1991. Numeric,
| the ancestor of NumPy, followed in 1995, the same year Ruby was
| released. So Python already had its hooks into scientific
| computing before Ruby even started.
| adw wrote:
| Fortran interop (f2py in particular) was a significant factor,
| and as soon as you get one thing (in this case LAPACK and BLAS
| bindings) it snowballs. Also, Python is significantly more
| initially familiar for informal programmers and that's
| critical; the hard part of learning a language is often
| believing that you can -and Ruby looks weirder than Python, so
| it makes people doubt themselves.
| guidoism wrote:
| In 2009 I began writing code for a new company doing natural
| language processing. I was _the_ engineer at the time and got
| to pick my tools. I started with Ruby because I was sick of C++
| and Perl and Ruby looked like the future. But I soon discovered
| the NLTK and then Numpy and so I started playing around in
| Python. I never again wrote line of Ruby... until the later
| hired front end devs threw a fit of not being able to use
| Rails.
| It was clear at the time that there basically was no non-web
| Ruby community. Ruby was Rails and Rails was Ruby. Ruby had a
| nice little niche in 2009 but the Python had Numpy and there
| were a lot of ML people doing lots of math and Ruby wasn't
| going to cut it unless they wrote their own libraries, which
| wasn't worth the effort since Python and Nunpy already existed
| and already had a growing community behind it.
| it_does_follow wrote:
| > And I sometimes wonder why.
| Numpy.
| I honestly think it all boils down to numpy being developed
| long before matrix libraries became a standard part of software
| development.
| Ruby's early "killer app" (remember that term?) was Rails. Even
| to this day there is almost no major code out there built in
| Ruby that isn't ultimately related to building CRUD web apps.
| While Ruby may be losing popularity now, it moved the web-
| development ecosystem ahead in the same way that Python has
| moved the scientific computing world ahead.
| 20 years ago if you wanted to use open source tools to
| performant vector code there was Python and a hand full of oss
| clones of commercial products. Given the Python was also useful
| for other programming tasks in a way that say Matlab/Octave is
| not, it was the choice for more sophisticated programmers who
| wanted an OSS solution and need to do scientific computing.
| This creates a positive feed back that persists to this day.
| Given that Python remains a decent language relative to it's
| contemporary peers and it has a massive and still growing
| library of numerical computing software it is extremely
| unlikely to be dethroned, even by promising new languages like
| Julia.
| Even to this day there is nothing even close to numpy in Ruby.
| I do DS work in an org that is almost entirely Ruby, but we
| still use python without question because we know re-
| implementing all of our numeric code into Ruby would be a fools
| errand.
| Had ruby had early support of matrix math, it wouldn't have
| surprised me if it would have replaced Python.
| jrochkind1 wrote:
| I think it's clear numpy is a huge part of it.
| But that begs the question -- why did numpy develop in python
| and not ruby?
| The rest of the thread offers some suggestions though. One is
| simply that python was born first, and got the numpy
| precursor before ruby 1.0 even happened. Which seems like a
| thing.
| jasonwatkinspdx wrote:
| Ruby had a numpy style library since the early 00's, I
| forget exactly when. But it never got the kind of momentum
| numpy and the Python ecosystem surrounding it did.
| Lots of comments in this thread from people who's Ruby
| experience is only from the post Rails era after ~2008, and
| don't understand that the post Rails culture wasn't really
| a thing when Python was first gaining momentum for
| scientific computing.
| largbae wrote:
| Readability, 100%. I have programmed in large projects in both
| Python and Ruby.
| Ruby is very productive to write, because everything and the
| kitchen sink is at your fingertips at all times.
| But because of Ruby's many ways to skin a cat, everyone's code
| is very different. Add to that the penchant for domain-specific
| sub-languages in Ruby: new syntaxes that you might have to
| learn half a dozen of to integrate a large project, all of
| which end up being more limiting than if you could just, you
| know, write Ruby.
| Contrast with Python, which goes so far at normalizing as to
| have a language-wide coding standard in PEP8. Python has its
| problems, package management and distribution is still ugly for
| example. But I can read any project I find and understand it
| without loads of context.
| pwnna wrote:
| A language like Ruby can be very productive for someone who
| has climbed the learning curve to learn all its ins and outs.
| However, in my experience, this turns into a large
| productivity drain the moment someone else (who is less of an
| expert) has to touch it.
| For large projects with multiple developers, readability
| should win over writability every time, most code are read
| more than they are written (my hypothesis). You can see
| evidence of this, given the success of languages like Python
| and Go.
| That said, for scientific compute, in a lot of cases,
| writability matters way more, as your job as a scientist is
| to produce results as fast as possible, code quality be
| damned. However, only a small number of scientists are expert
| developers and have climb the learning curve and can write
| code with ease. The vast majority of them are junior at best,
| and Python's approachability (which is rooted from its
| readability of course), wins. With most of the people using
| Python, the ecosystem develops and there are no other viable
| alternatives. In the long run, I suspect even languages like
| MATLAB and Mathematica will die out as the open source stack
| becomes more mature and (eventually, if not already)
| significantly more capable. Julia might be a wildcard due to
| its (potential) performance advantages, but the aesthetics of
| the programming language is simply not in the minds of 99% of
| the scientific compute users out there.
| civilized wrote:
| My impression is that Perl, Ruby, and Lisp all suffer from
| this issue.
| Even proponents will say things like "this language is so
| expressive, I feel so productive in it, but people do such
| idiosyncratic and clever things that it's hard for anyone
| else but the author to understand".
| That sort of "solo rockstar" programming culture doesn't
| really lend itself to large-scale FOSS projects, which need
| to be inviting to wide participation.
| jrochkind1 wrote:
| I am totally interested in hearing opinions from people who
| have done serious hours of programming in both ruby and
| python, as to readabilty comparison.
| If it's just people who have done a lot of work in ruby and
| little in python saying ruby is more readable, and vice
| versa, I don't find it very useful even anecdotally.
| pwnna wrote:
| As someone that have spent a lot of time in both Ruby and
| Python (and specifically a lot of hours in the Python
| scientific compute stack), I would say that Python is
| significantly more readable. Python is also significantly
| easier to teach as opposed to Ruby, especially if the
| target audience already has a bit of programming experience
| (from MATLAB, or other courses).
| I suspect the main reasons are:
| 1. Python's guiding philosophy of "There should be one--
| and preferably only one --obvious way to do it". With later
| additions to the language, this is getting less true (3
| different ways to format strings, asyncio, type hinting,
| etc). Some libraries also don't conform to this
| (matplotlib). That said, it's a lot better than the Ruby
| code I've encountered, which is like the wild west.
| 2. Python's syntax is reasonably simple to teach. The
| object model could be condensed into something very simple
| if you don't need a lot. With very basic knowledge, you can
| go a long way. Ruby's a bit more chaotic with things like
| inheritance, extend, and include; proc, block, lambda;
| having to use attr_accessor; syntax things like a = b could
| be a function call or not; if/unless; and many more things
| that are confusing.
| 3. Even basic things like loops in Ruby is not idiomatic as
| it wants to apply a function/block instead. Beginners,
| especially those with a bit of background, like their loops
| better than functional programming.
| As I've spent many years working on Ruby code base I still
| get lost all the time. Python in my experience has been a
| lot better, although recent Python versions have regressed
| a bit as it introduced more syntax to do the same things.
| blondin wrote:
| not sure. there are many factors that contributed to python's
| success.
| i discovered the language in 98 or 99. it came with some
| obscure linux distribution and the tkinter module stood out for
| me. it showed pretty scientific graphs and charts. but the
| language has to reinvent its community many times since then.
| my intuition is that it was popular in europe in the scientific
| community. not sure i can say the same for ruby.
| sega_sai wrote:
| As many already noticed, the rise of Python is not counter-
| intuitive at all. (I'm a scientist myself).
| Basically modern python offers you a spectrum from easy to
| understand and quick to write python programs (those will be
| slow), to purely glue code that connects a lot of high
| performance c/C++/fortran code. And many scientists will start
| from pure python code with the help of numpy. In many cases it
| will be good enough. But if needed you can always interface with
| other libraries, or write yourself high performance c/c++/fortran
| code for the most performance critical bit, and use python to
| glue it together. That flexibility where you can trade speed of
| writing the code with the speed of execution is very valuable.
| chalst wrote:
| At this point we can say that against the two criteria of a
| spectrum from prototyping to heavy lifting and ease of
| embedding external high-performance libraries, Julia is simply
| better than Python. Julia does have two drawbacks of being tied
| to the one, rather heavy metal, implementation and lacking the
| wealth of libraries outside scientific computing.
| StreamBright wrote:
| Python is the common scripting language of C, C++, Fortran.
| keskival wrote:
| I don't think Python displaced Fortran in HPC as much as it
| displaced Matlab (and Octave) and R in scientific computing.
| Displacing Fortran was a side-effect of that trend, as now it
| wasn't about productionizing Matlab code into Fortran, but Python
| could do general purpose computing adequately as well.
| d--b wrote:
| Yeah it's counter-intuitive, and it's because it does not make
| much sense.
| Slowness is one thing, but the tooling is also clearly subpar
| compared to languages of the same popularity, the dynamic typing
| makes things difficult to maintain, the 2.7 vs 3 shit show etc.
| etc.
| The very fact that many smart people have been saying for years
| that Python is a fairly bad tool for data analysis should at
| least raise some people's eyebrows. But no, the entire field of
| data science has decided that it knows better...
| Good for them.
| smitty1e wrote:
| > Of course, If the best algorithm is known beforehand or the
| manpower is not a problem, a lower level-language is probably
| faster, but this is seldom the case in real life.
| One is wary of one-dimensional analysis of anything in a software
| context.
| Who cares if the Fortran library runs like the blue blaze, if it
| cannot be readily maintained?
| Bostonian wrote:
| It is possible to write maintainable modern Fortran without
| gotos with small functions and subroutines. OOP with
| inheritance and dynamic polymorphism is possible since the
| Fortran 2003 standard.
| fancyfredbot wrote:
| I feel like python acts like a kind of bus in scientific
| computing, connecting various high performance libraries and DSLs
| together.
| That said, this article's story of someone using the wrong
| algorithm is a bad example in my view. Python hasn't succeeded
| because people are more likely to use more efficient algorithms
| due to easier experimentation, it has succeeded because the of
| the size of the ecosystem and the fact such algorithms are easily
| available.
| photochemsyn wrote:
| Python displaced a lot of very expensive proprietary software in
| the biosciences arena. Ease of use was also a major factor, as
| many bioscientists have relatively little background in
| programming, but the ability to escape the world of expensive
| restrictive software licenses was very attractive to the
| scientific community, whose historical norms emphasize the open
| sharing of methods and results:
| > "A program that performs a useful task can (and, arguably,
| should) be distributed to other scientists, who can then
| integrate it with their own code. Free software licenses
| facilitate this type of collaboration, and explicitly encourage
| individuals to enhance and share their programs. This flexibility
| and ease of collaborating allows scientists to develop software
| relatively quickly, so they can spend more time integrating and
| mining, rather than simply processing, their data."
| https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/jo...
| Now there isn't any area of molecular biology and biochemistry
| that doesn't have a host of Python libraries available to assist
| researchers with tasks like designing PCR strategies or searching
| for nearest matches on up to x-ray crystallography of proteins.
| jackjackk0 wrote:
| I recommend one of the recent videos by Dave Beazly [1]. He lived
| through and contributed to the raise of Python in scientific
| computing first hand in the 90s, and offers some interesting
| insights. Plus he's always quite an entertainer.
| [1] https://youtu.be/4RSht_aV7AU
| amelius wrote:
| New languages should always provide bindings to call into Python
| modules, so you get the immediate benefit of the largest
| ecosystem on the planet.
| elil17 wrote:
| It's amazing how often the authors point of "agility" arises in
| real world circumstances. I'm not a programmer, but I use Python
| a lot in my engineering job. There have been 3 times in the past
| month where I got an order of magnitude speed up because SciPy
| implements a very complex but highly efficient algorithm which I
| would never have had time to deploy.
| JuettnerDistrib wrote:
| > There have been 3 times in the past month where I got an
| order of magnitude speed up because SciPy implements a very
| complex but highly efficient algorithm which I would never have
| had time to deploy.
| Yes. I feel like the author conflates the language with the
| package ecosystem. Pure Python is pretty horrible for
| scientific computing (3*[3]=[3,3,3] is about as
| counterproductive to scientific computations as it gets), but
| Numpy changes the semantics of those operations.
| In other words, Python has an absolutely stellar package
| ecosystem. There have been attempts to bring a package
| ecosystem to C, but it never took off. However, I do wonder how
| C would fare if it had.
| blunte wrote:
| Python won because people who knew math/science domains only knew
| Python (or it was the best they knew). And so they made libraries
| for Python. And it propogated like many other bad ideas based on
| ignorance.
| Python is a miserably bad language for modern times. If you know
| any of half a dozen other languages, then you understand.
| There was a good essay, from Paul Graham?, about the ladder of
| awareness of programming languages. Unfortunately I can't find it
| now.
| The point is, Python has won and is frankly terrible. It has
| inconsistent features, but it has an awkward OOP approach (in a
| time when OOP is finally being recognized as bad itself), as well
| as seriously lacking basic language features which are only
| appearing as of 3.9 and 3.10.
| Frameworks like Django and Django Rest Framework expand on these
| bad ideas, creating monstrosities which make the PHP code of yore
| look arguably decent.
| Sadly, I don't think there's any way to kill this. The only
| option is to vastly outperform the Python people and produce
| reliable, readable, performant solutions in half the time and
| beat them to market. Perhaps someday they will die off.
| travisjungroth wrote:
| > Python won because people who knew math/science domains only
| knew Python.
| This doesn't explain why they knew Python in the first place, a
| pretty critical step. It reached popularity without a platform
| mandate (JS, Swift) or corporate backing (Java, Go) so there's
| something going on.
| dekhn wrote:
| Counter-intuitive? I picked it because it was the closest
| scripting language to C (see the select and socket APIs for good
| examples). And it had numeric array support early-on (making it
| an attractive replacement for matlab).
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