[HN Gopher] Running GUI apps within Docker containers
Running GUI apps within Docker containers
Author : rl1987
Score  : 274 points
Date   : 2022-03-26 09:19 UTC (13 hours ago)
web link (www.trickster.dev)
w3m dump (www.trickster.dev)
| janjones wrote:
| This is also supported directly in VSCode Dev Containers by using
| just a feature switch[1]
| [1] https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-
| containers/blob/main...
| RVuRnvbM2e wrote:
| This is what Flatpak (https://flatpak.org/) is designed for.. why
| would you use docker?
  | sascha_sl wrote:
  | Because Flatpak imposes some design choices that are... less
  | than optimal for porting existing applications, and if you ask
  | them to change maintainers will insist this is the way to go.
  | They have told users that if they want, for instance, Jetbrains
  | IDEs to work, they should simply get a Job at Jetbrains and
  | convince them to rewrite their entire IDE to support the
  | flatpak model.[1]
  | This is the reason I avoid distros with Flathub enabled by
  | default. Half the software on there is broken in some pretty
  | subtantial way, and nobody at Flatpak or Flathub cares. They
  | really need to realize they're not Apple, they simply can't
  | tell everyone to do things their way and hope to build a
  | working and reliable ecosystem.
  | They have the equivalent to snap's classic confinement, but it
  | needs to be explicitly enabled every time you launch an app.
  | [1]: https://github.com/flathub/com.jetbrains.IntelliJ-IDEA-
  | Commu...
    | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
    | Seems like just allowing the user to specify 'unconfined' as
    | an override. Then the user would just need to do that with
    | flatseal. Alternatively, and with much more needless
    | complication, some kind of fuse-mounted /bin directory that
    | acts as a portal could be used. Point is there are solutions
    | that don't require huge perversions of the Flatpak model and
    | also don't require Jetbrains to rewrite everything.
    | Personally I like that the Linux Desktop community is finally
    | starting to wake up to the idea of universal application
    | distribution that doesn't require armies of unpaid third
    | party maintainers, and while Flatpak is definitely not
    | perfect it is, in my opinion, a huge step forward in that
    | regard[0].
    | [0] Not that the idea is really that new, there have been
    | many attempts at bringing sanity to Linux application
    | distribution, many of them better (IMO), but they've just
    | never really been embraced by the community the way Flatpak
    | has.
      | sascha_sl wrote:
      | That's the problem, the flatpak developers outright refuse
      | to compromise.
      | The person I linked above is in fact a flatpak maintainer.
      | Also, I hate they are shipping broken software. Almost
      | nothing in that IDE works properly, yet Fedora now shows it
      | by default when I search software.
      | At least snaps work most of the time.
        | jcastro wrote:
        | IDEs usually expect/require access to all sorts of things
        | on the host, things like vscode can be used to use remote
        | container support on the host, etc. but it's still an
        | area that needs improvement.
        | Personally I just layer my IDEs with ostree as a
        | compromise.
        | throwaway82652 wrote:
        | You're under the impression that they can compromise
        | here, when this is false. That's a misreading of that
        | comment. The "compromise" used by snap is to just not
        | have sandboxing at all. Mounting /bin fundamentally
        | breaks the sandboxing, it's never going to work. The only
        | other option is to change the entire OS to support this
        | (and maybe the kernel too), and that's going to break
        | everything even more. You'll have the same problem
        | attempting to do this in docker.
        | The main mistake you're making is thinking that Flatpak
        | imposed this design constraint, when really it's a
        | fundamental property of the underlying OS, that
        | sandboxing solutions are forced to work around. It's
        | possible to fix this with a distribution built in a very
        | specific way like NixOS where you can theoretically mount
        | different systems together, but that comes with it own
        | sets of problems and things that it breaks.
        | sascha_sl wrote:
        | If you can't make it work, don't ship it. Please. In this
        | instance, not only the Terminal is broken, but also large
        | parts of code analysis, task running, compiling,
        | testing... essentially all but the editor. And this
        | experience is essentially universal. The next app I
        | installed had sync support that didn't work because the
        | sync working directory was unwritable.
        | It makes me want to rip out flatpak from every system I
        | see.
        | throwaway82652 wrote:
        | I agree the quality of packages on flathub is pretty
        | inconsistent. That part sucks. They're all made by third
        | party packagers.
        | You could make a curated repository but that would just
        | be taking flathub and removing a lot of packages.
| moody5bundle wrote:
| I am actually running a few of my daily applications, such as
| firefox, vscode, or spotify inside a podman container (rootless
| makes me feel a little safer). I build a small python script
| around it, which creates a desktop icon, tags the current version
| (so you can rollback), and updates the images after x amount of
| time. I'll clean it up and put it on github if someone is
| interested :)
  | ntietz wrote:
  | Please do share! I would be interested in seeing it and doing
  | something similar (and use podman for the same reason).
    | moody5bundle wrote:
    | here you go: https://github.com/mody5bundle/capps please feel
    | free to open issues and pull requests :)
    | moody5bundle wrote:
    | I will! cleaning up now and going to publish it later on
    | github. The main idea was a least privilege approach to
    | running simple desktop applications independent from the host
    | OS and being able to control filesystem/network access on a
    | per app basis. (spotify on fedora without flatpak or rpm-
    | fusion repo's, not even sudo needed to install)
      | zozbot234 wrote:
      | No real need for full Flatpak, Bubblewrap (bwrap) is
      | intended to be a lightweight sandbox providing this out of
      | the box, with Flatpak (and other stuff besides) building
      | upon it. The Arch wiki has a nice introductory page:
      | https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Bubblewrap
        | moody5bundle wrote:
        | Oh didn't know about bwrap yet! If i understand the wiki
        | page correctly, you still need to get those binaries to
        | your pc. So thats why i went with plain and simple
        | dockerfiles.
    | Proven wrote:
  | bogwog wrote:
  | Isn't this what Flatpaks are for? Idk if they use podman, but
  | they do use similar sandboxing features.
  | Having a full blown container like this can be useful in some
  | scenarios, but I think it's overkill for general purpose apps.
    | [deleted]
    | moody5bundle wrote:
    | i think they use bwrap as mentioned in a comment below. my
    | use case is to restrict network access for example. Or
    | running multiple firefox instances in parallel (so they dont
    | have the same parent process / cookies etc.). or restrict
    | memory for to 2G per container. there were just a few things
    | i wanted to do that didn't quiet work with flatpak or snap.
  | traverseda wrote:
  | Firejail is really nice...
| TacticalCoder wrote:
| One advantage one running GUI apps within a Docker container is
| that it is, in my experience, totally trivial to put RAM/CPU
| quotas on piggy apps. Sure, you _may_ put quotas using other
| means but it can get tricky (if I 'm not mistaken it's
| particularly tricky on processes forking themselves like there's
| no tomorrow).
| Using a Docker container, which you may already have anyway,
| putting CPU/RAM quotas is a one-liner.
  | akvadrako wrote:
  | If that's all you want it's easier to use systemd-run and start
  | your process as a service.
  | I do this to put many of my resource hungry apps like FF in
  | slices.
  | amelius wrote:
  | Can you also add bandwidth quotas?
    | TacticalCoder wrote:
    | That's a good question, I never tried so I don't know either.
| g8oz wrote:
| >> _" This would provide a degree of protection against social
| media platform cracking down on sock puppet accounts being used
| from single setup because traffic is kept separate for each
| account and cookie cross-contamination is being prevented."_
| This can also be accomplised by using Firefox's Multi-Account
| Container extension in conjunction with the Container Proxy
| extension.
| The Multi-Account Container extension is also great for non-
| dirtbag purposes. For instance testing different user profiles in
| an application - create 1 container for User, 1 for Admin etc.
| pvtmert wrote:
| for macOS, you can use -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0
| if docker version is >20.10.x also works with Linux
| mirekrusin wrote:
| Nice article.
| ps. you know, for some people it's very hard to read bright text
| on black background. Especially if you're flipping from opposite
| contrast.
  | LoveGracePeace wrote:
  | Agreed, I bring this up all the time, FYI it's about 40% of the
  | population according to several decades of research.
| eurasiantiger wrote:
| The author seems to focus on something called "growth hacking",
| which seems to boil down to social media fraud akin to the
| cyberwarfare psyops various nation-states have been doing.
| Fast capitalism, to me, seems to be an ideology entirely centered
| on an authoritarian we-versus-them mindset where profit is king,
| civilian collateral be damned.
  | ttyprintk wrote:
  | Well, growth hacking is a buzzword for a marketing position in
  | a company encountering the steep part of the curve. I suppose
  | one of the innovations is that a widget becomes more attractive
  | to a segment of the population when you bolt on some social
  | functionality, what you're seeing.
  | At the top of growth is incumbency. I think that's where your
  | second paragraph comes in. Incumbents surveil innovations, and
  | "growth hackers" don't like to talk about this obvious
  | conclusion. They'd rather inhabit a role that concludes once
  | growth has succeeded and slowed.
  | This is no more revolutionary than traditional marketing.
  | Marxism talks about capitalist marketing as a way to channel
  | alienation among working classes away from collective
  | organization. But, Marx from the beginning needed to market his
  | ideas to different groups. He needed those groups to realize
  | that they needed his political orientation. He tries to do this
  | with abstractions, and explicitly gives up on whole classes he
  | deems unfit to understand those ideas (the lumpenproletariat).
  | As the product of a growth hacker reaches incumbency, marketing
  | gives way to public relations. We might consider Cambridge
  | Analytica public relations hackers. Same level of statistical
  | sophistication, same single-focus of corporate promotion over
  | all other advancements.
| rovr138 wrote:
| I use some projects that use vnc and also have setup novnc on
| them..
| Here's an example of one, https://github.com/accetto/ubuntu-vnc-
| xfce-g3
| Novnc just allows accessing things via a browser too. I use it
| for quick checks but VNC when I want a client
| galoisscobi wrote:
| Reading this makes me want to revisit running i3wm in a docker
| container on macOS. After having tried Amethyst (current daily
| driver), yabai, and hammerspoon, nothing comes close to i3wm, in
| my experience.
  | adamnew123456 wrote:
  | I looked into the equivalent setup for WSL a while ago. The
  | thing I could never solve was: how to manage the hosts windows
  | via the virtual environment's WM? Without the integration that
  | setup is just extra config for no gain.
  | Because if most tools belong to the VM, then just run a VM in
  | full screen and use that. No need to have the display server
  | shared if you're using mostly Linux tools that display on the
  | VM's X server.
    | galoisscobi wrote:
    | That's a good point. I'll try out the VM route and see how
    | that goes. I mainly just want to tile the web browser, some
    | docs, a terminal emulator and vim/IDE and be able to switch
    | between layouts and apps seamlessly and VM does seem like a
    | good option. Kinda sad that macOS WM is a joke to do all this
    | compared to some of the TWMs out there.
| adamgordonbell wrote:
| Of course you can also play DOOM in docker:
| https://earthly.dev/blog/dos-gaming-in-docker/
| corobo wrote:
| Additional reading on this topic if you fancy it. This is the
| first one I read regarding docker for GUI apps
| https://blog.jessfraz.com/post/docker-containers-on-the-desk...
| phil294 wrote:
| I cannot recommend the mentioned x11docker cmd line tool enough
| for this. It takes care of all possible edge cases, supports
| different outlets (like nxagent or xephyr), focuses on security
| and exposes an easy interface. I'm using it for day to day work
| with VSCode, for example, to fix its atrocious security model, or
| more recently, to try out JPEXS (Java), IDA (wine) and AHK
| (wine). I specially like that this leaves no config or cache
| files left behind.
| The article says you need a compatible image for that, but in my
| experience, everything launches just fine.
| stickac wrote:
| Exactly that https://subuser.org does
  | ttyprintk wrote:
  | Looks like its the only solution in this thread leveraging
  | Xpra.
  | https://www.xpra.org/
| Klasiaster wrote:
| For getting a proper Wayland session I recommend doing this with
| Phosh and wayvnc (WLR_BACKENDS=headless WLR_LIBINPUT_NO_DEVICES=1
| as env vars for starting Phosh and then "wayvnc 7050").
| You can even have a whole systemd setup in a container using this
| VNC backend, here in this Dockerfile with CPU rendering
| (LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1) to avoid requring a GPU:
| FROM docker.io/fedora         RUN dnf -y update && dnf install -y
| phosh phoc wayvnc sudo socat iproute mutter xorg-x11-server-
| Xwayland dbus-x11 mesa-libgbm mesa-libOpenCL mesa-libGL mesa-
| libGLU mesa-libEGL mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-libOSMesa mesa-dri-
| drivers mesa-filesystem gnome-shell gnome-terminal         RUN
| mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/phosh.service.d && echo -e '\
| [Unit]\n\         ConditionPathExists=\n\         [Service]\n\
| Environment=WLR_BACKENDS=headless\n\
| Environment=WLR_LIBINPUT_NO_DEVICES=1\n\
| StandardInput=null\n\         TTYPath=/dev/console\n\
| TTYReset=no\n\         TTYVHangup=no\n\
| TTYVTDisallocate=no\n\         ExecStart=\n\
| ExecStart=/usr/bin/phoc --exec "bash -lc \"/usr/libexec/phosh
| --unlocked & wayvnc 7050\""\n\         '  >
| /etc/systemd/system/phosh.service.d/10-headless.conf         RUN
| systemctl enable phosh.service         # Work around a problem
| with a missing dbus.service unit file         RUN mkdir -p
| /etc/systemd/system && ln -fs /usr/lib/systemd/system/dbus-
| broker.service /etc/systemd/system/dbus.service         # Mask
| udev instead of making /sys/ read-only as suggested in
| https://systemd.io/CONTAINER_INTERFACE/         RUN systemctl
| mask systemd-udevd.service systemd-modules-load.service systemd-
| udevd-control.socket systemd-udevd-kernel.socket         ENV
| container=docker         RUN groupadd --system sudo         RUN
| useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash -G sudo user         RUN
| echo '%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers         ENV
| LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1         RUN sudo -u user gsettings set
| sm.puri.phoc auto-maximize false         EXPOSE 7050         #
| Set up a /dev/console link to have the same behavior with or
| without "-it", needs podman run --systemd=always         CMD [
| "/bin/sh", "-c", "if ! [ -e /dev/console ] ; then socat -u
| pty,link=/dev/console stdout & fi ; exec /sbin/init" ]
| Use as: podman run --systemd=always --rm -p 7050:7050 imagename
  | qbasic_forever wrote:
  | Very cool! systemd is so underrated and underappreciated in the
  | container world.
| Legogris wrote:
| jessfraz maintains quite a collection of Dockerfiles you can
| borrow: https://github.com/jessfraz/dockerfiles
| timmattison wrote:
| I love the idea of this. I've struggled to get a setup like this
| to work on MacOS though. Which X server is the "right" one to
| use? Which is the easiest? Is there some way to make it work
| seamlessly with built in tools?
| As an aside, instead of talking about growth hacking, and OSINT I
| think this whole thing could be a lot more relatable if the
| author chose a simple motivation like privacy. Another comment
| here mentioned subtools (?) which clearly highlights that not
| everything should be trusted with full access to your system.
  | FPGAhacker wrote:
  | I've used xquartz for this on macOS in the past.
  | hoherd wrote:
  | It sounds like you missed the x11vnc part of this. You connect
  | into the container using vnc, not x11, and potentially via a
  | browser based vnc client. If you want to see a working example
  | of a gui app running successfully in docker, check out
  | https://github.com/jlesage/docker-handbrake
    | FPGAhacker wrote:
    | the vnc solution was one of several presented in the article.
    | The second was using the host x11 server by sharing the
    | socket.
| zubnix wrote:
| another solution that allows both wayland and x11 applications
| accessible from the browser (disclaimer: I am the author, it's
| also still very much under development)
| https://github.com/udevbe/greenfield
| madduci wrote:
| I'm doing this since quite a while and I am happy with this
| approach, especially with applications that tend to pollute my
| machine in every folder possible, like IntelliJ:
| https://github.com/madduci/docker-intellij
| mellosouls wrote:
| Is Sandboxie still around? It used to do that (containerised GUI
| apps) pre-Docker on Windows very effectively.
| Ah (edit), there it is:
| https://github.com/sandboxie-plus/Sandboxie
| modinfo wrote:
| And how to launch GUI app from docker via ssh?
  | jbverschoor wrote:
  | Run X and set the display host?
  | ttyprintk wrote:
  | ssh -X will do, but in this thread is a project using Xpra.
  | Assuming your docker is remote, that's probably better.
  | https://www.xpra.org/
| adhesive_wombat wrote:
| > This is beneficial for things like social media management,
| growth hacking (either via social media automation or manual
| labour done by VAs) or OSINT investigations.
| Ugh, sounds like the software equivalent of using a huge stack of
| ingenious hardware to just do something parasitic like high-
| frequency trading.
| pronoiac wrote:
| Oh hey, I just automated this a bit to run the Linux version of
| Scantailor Advanced on a Mac. I contributed it back upstream.
| It's not too complicated, but it took a while to get it working.
| https://github.com/ryanfb/docker_scantailor
| Edit: this method uses xquartz on the Mac side, and socat to
| bridge between a network port and a file socket.
| mg wrote:
| You can also do it with this one-liner:
| docker run -it --rm -e DISPLAY --net=host -v
| $XAUTHORITY:/root/.Xauthority -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix
| debian:11-slim
| Then inside the container, run:                   apt update
| apt install firefox-esr         firefox
| Now Firefox runs inside the container but displays on your hosts
| screen and you can use it right away.
  | ThePhysicist wrote:
  | Yes, I think few people seem to realize X Windows can be
  | operated over a network as well. I used to do that with the
  | Windows Subsystem for Linux to use the KDE Konsole and other
  | great tools on my Windows machine using an X server running on
  | the Windows side and a few environment variable tweaks on the
  | Linux side. My colleagues were always confused when they saw
  | the Linux UI seamlessly mixed with the Windows stuff on my
  | display. For the use case mentioned in the article xvfb
  | probably makes more sense though as that stuff often runs on a
  | server and you don't want to stream the output somewhere to
  | work with it interactively.
    | zozbot234 wrote:
    | This is not running X on any network, just sharing access to
    | the resources that the containerized app needs to find the X
    | server on the same host. There's probably an equivalent
    | incantation for Wayland, too.
      | nrdvana wrote:
      | Well, that's sort of splitting hairs... It is a unix
      | socket, which at the API level is the same as a network
      | connection, but the kernel skips the hassle of attaching
      | protocol headers and routing the packets.
      | The example above _is_ writing and reading every X11
      | message over a socket, and not reaching into  /dev on the
      | host, else it would need additional parameters added to the
      | docker command.
      | I'm not current on Wayland, but as of a few years ago all
      | attempts to run it non-locally required the X11 back-compat
      | layer. I have no idea what /dev nodes would be required to
      | be shared for wayland to run in a chroot.
        | OJFord wrote:
        | I found your comment grepping for someone sharing how to
        | do it in Wayland, so here it is for the next person:
        | docker run -e XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp \                -e
        | WAYLAND_DISPLAY=$WAYLAND_DISPLAY \                -v
        | \                --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) \
        | imagename waylandapplication
        | Pretty simple and reasonable really, just needs to use
        | the same Wayland socket and (in order to access it) user
        | ID. From: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/359244
        | I suppose if you were adventurous you could give it
        | whatever other known user ID, and start a separate
        | Wayland compositor for it. But I don't know why you
        | would, when surely the point is to get containerised GUIs
        | visible to you alongside others. Containerised multi-seat
        | I suppose?
        | bdavis__ wrote:
        | thanks for posting this, but I don't think it meets the
        | definition of "Pretty simple".
        | OJFord wrote:
        | It's verbose, but that's why I included the description
        | 'just needs same socket and user ID'. That's simple isn't
        | it? Of course it'll always need something.
        | It could be made less verbose by encapsulating in a
        | compose file, or by removing the env var to point into
        | /tmp and instead using whatever the default is for the
        | chosen image. Also it's not necessary to specify the
        | value for an env var being passed through with the same
        | name (I just copied from SO).
    | i_like_waiting wrote:
    | So WSL is a must? Because I tried already countless of times
    | without that and it never worked.
      | [deleted]
      | nrdvana wrote:
      | You could do the same thing with User Mode Linux or a
      | virtual machine. WSL is just the easiest/fastest way to run
      | native Linux binaries on a Windows system. If you have a
      | X11 server installed properly on windows and can run Linux
      | apps over ssh (which I've done with cygwin, but there are
      | other paid options as well), then you can run them over ssh
      | to a virtual linux on your own host, or look for ways to
      | skip the ssh tunnel if they can route packets to eachother.
      | I'm a little surprised the examples don't require fiddling
      | with X permissions, which I always had to do when not using
      | ssh.
    | nousermane wrote:
    | > X Windows can be operated over a network as well
    | Yes, but GP's example is X over a unix socket. Not sure if
    | that counts as network.
    | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
    | > Yes, I think few people seem to realize X Windows can be
    | operated over a network as well.
    | Because in practice it generally can't; I'm not aware of any
    | Linux distribution not shipping their X server with
    | `-nolisten tcp` by default.
  | remram wrote:
  | This has less isolation. The container has full access to your
  | X server and can record your screen or log all key presses, for
  | example. It also has access to the host's network interfaces,
  | and can access services bound to localhost (even if
  | firewalled). There is little point in running software this
  | way, if the software is available on the host.
  | On the other hand the use cases that the article describes can
  | already be accomplished by Firefox's "account containers"
  | feature or just creating another profile and running `firefox
  | --no-remote`
    | joombaga wrote:
    | The container would only be able to record the screens or key
    | presses that occur in the same xserver, right? I never
    | thought about access to localhost services. I'm guessing
    | there's some xserver configuration that could prevent that.
      | remram wrote:
      | The parent's setup makes the host's X server socket
      | available to the container, so there's only one X server in
      | that case. In the article, they run a separate X server,
      | which offers some isolation as you note.
      | 0x0 wrote:
      | Nobody runs more than one X server. And the X server isn't
      | involved with other localhost services.
        | joombaga wrote:
        | I don't intend to run more than one X server. Most of my
        | GUI applications don't use X.
    | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
    | > There is little point in running software this way, if the
    | software is available on the host.
    | 1. That's a big "if"; I'm fond of docker precisely for fixing
    | software availability issues.
    | 2. It's diminished, but it still provides significant
    | protection, since the containerized program still can't see
    | the real filesystem or process table without going through X
    | or something networked. That's still pretty significant; it
    | would, for instance, protect against a Firefox zero-day that
    | was being used to read people's private SSH keys (not a
    | hypothetical; that incident is what pushed me personally to
    | start sandboxing my browser).
      | beardog wrote:
      | Using it for fixing availability is fine, but I disagree
      | that it provides protection.
      | I don't deny that in theory someone could deploy a Firefox
      | zero day that steals ssh keys and that having an abnormal
      | setup via docker could throw a wrench in that, but you are
      | essentially relying on obscurity of your setup which is not
      | an acceptable approach - in the same way that the obscurity
      | of TempleOS would not be a good security approach.
        | BoorishBears wrote:
        | I feel like security through obscurity is the most
        | prominent example of the Dunning-Kruger effect
        | Where beginners in security wrongly rely on it entirely
        | Then intermediate experts proudly proclaim that it's not
        | acceptable
        | Then expert experts realize it's an excellent part of
        | defense in depth.
        | -
        | I mean I know it's a hyperbolic example in your comment,
        | but do you really think leveraging the obscurity of
        | TempleOS wouldn't be an extremely potent way of dodging
        | 99.99999% of malware in existence?
        | Forcing a tailored attack to breach your isolation is
        | already miles ahead of just running it on your desktop
        | and is most certainly an "acceptable approach", even if
        | it's not infallible.
      | javajosh wrote:
      | _> Firefox zero-day that was being used to read people's
      | private SSH keys_
      | Backup there. I somehow have not heard about this. What was
      | the vector? What was the exposure? E.g. have I leaked the
      | contents of ~/.ssh to some (hopefully small, at least)
      | subset of sites I've visited? Where can I learn more?
        | tedunangst wrote:
        | https://www.rapid7.com/db/modules/auxiliary/gather/firefo
        | x_p...
    | tedunangst wrote:
    | The container should only have access to the server's
    | keyboard input if you give it the magic cookie to do so. If
    | you want a secure container, you would only grant limited
    | permissions.
    | https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.6/doc/xextproto/security.ht.
    | ..
  | bstpierre wrote:
  | Also this method avoids "xhost +" which is a huge security hole
  | paskozdilar wrote:
  | Thanks, this is much simpler than the original post.
  | Here's the equivalent Dockerfile + docker-compose.yaml for
  | convenience:                   # Dockerfile         FROM
  | debian:11-slim         RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y
  | install firefox-esr          CMD ["firefox"]
  | # docker-compose.yaml         services:           firefox:
  | image: firefox             build: .             environment:
  | DISPLAY: ${DISPLAY}             network_mode: host
  | volumes:               - ${XAUTHORITY}:/root/.Xauthority
  | - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp.X11-unix
  | This way you can run it with just:                   docker-
  | compose up
    | moody5bundle wrote:
    | if you want to remove network_mode=host you need to run
    | firefox with the --no-xshm flag
| jandeboevrie wrote:
| This is fun, I did it as well to get an old flash player from
| 2011 working in modern Linux:
| https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/Running_gnash_on_Ubuntu_20.04...
| throwaway69123 wrote:
| Anyway to do this on windows?
| jcastro wrote:
| Distrobox is handy for this:
| https://github.com/89luca89/distrobox
| It just lets you reuse any docker image on your desktop (both
| podman and docker), and has some nice features like the ability
| to create a launcher shortcut on the host and transparently
| mapping your home directory. I switched to it full time, all my
| CLI work is just done in a container, and it's pretty
| transparent.
| melony wrote:
| What about in Wayland environments?
  | heavyset_go wrote:
  | I've successfully used systemd-nspawn with my native Wayland
  | session and nested Wayland sessions.
| varbhat wrote:
| Distrobox let's you do the same(using docker or podman) imo and
| is pretty good.
| https://github.com/89luca89/distrobox
  | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
  | Distrobox (or Toolbox) is a nice tool[0], but honestly the
  | reliance on Podman doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The
  | necessary container functionality is available directly from
  | the kernel[1] with little of the complication that Podman
  | brings along, and from what I can tell[1] it is pretty
  | straight-forward to pull docker and OCI images with simple HTTP
  | interaction (or wget/curl) and extract with tar. This could be
  | a stand-alone statically compiled executable with no
  | dependencies that could work on any Linux distribution with no
  | hassle at all, but isn't for some reason[2].
  | [0] I was exposed to it via Fedora Silverblue, where something
  | like it is a necessity since the base OS is immutable. I've
  | found it very useful even outside that use case however.
  | [1] Seems to me you could even use bwrap if you were reluctant
  | to use syscalls directly.
  | [2] having done a little research towards creating my own tool
  | because I'd rather not depend on a package that isn't available
  | in many LTS distros, among other reasons.
| heavyset_go wrote:
| Truthfully, I think systemd-nspawn and Firejail are better
| solutions than Docker for GUI apps and desktop use.
| 999900000999 wrote:
| I know this isn't the focus of the article, but this license
| provision in a linked project is outright strange.
| >By using this software you agree that the following non-PII (non
| personally identifiable information) data will be collected,
| processed and used by the maintainers for the purpose of
| improving the docker-android project. Anonymisation with respect
| of the IP address means that only the first two octets of the IP
| address are collected.
| https://github.com/budtmo/docker-android/blob/master/LICENSE...
| How can you call a project Apache when you're forcing people to
| pay via their data ? Why is their no opt out option?
| Absent that this seems like a great QA automation tool. Or a
| Tinder bot farm...
  | detaro wrote:
  | According to the documentation about analytics, there is an
  | opt-out.
    | 999900000999 wrote:
    | Where exactly, I'd expect them to both mention the analytics
    | and the opt out option in the readme.
    | Just rubs me the wrong way, you can easily use this without
    | knowing it phones home
      | metadat wrote:
      | Sadly, today this is more common than not, even with OSS.
      | Even Elasticsearch has been doing it for many years now
      | (since well before Kimchi allowed changing the license to a
      | hostile one).
  | arghwhat wrote:
  | While nasty, the Apache license does not concern itself with
  | what an application does, only how it is distributed.
    | detaro wrote:
    | The especially weird thing is putting something like that in
    | the license.
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