[HN Gopher] Archive (2021-10-27) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
GitHub Copilot available for JetBrains and Neovim | |
375 points by orph (214 comments) | |
How I made Google's data grid scroll faster with a line of CSS | |
130 points by mankz (52 comments) | |
Female African elephants are evolving without tusks due to ivory... | |
283 points by amrrs (200 comments) | |
Kicad 6: new feature review for open source EDA tool | |
83 points by altrus (27 comments) | |
New MacBook Pro has first 'DIY-friendly' battery replacement des... | |
346 points by tailspin2019 (389 comments) | |
Paxos automatically determined safe and secure | |
51 points by rbanffy (6 comments) | |
DIY Acoustic Camera | |
295 points by tomsonj (114 comments) | |
The 'semi-rich': Millions of high-income Americans may not feel ... | |
11 points by rainhacker (0 comments) | |
SqueakJS - A Squeak (Smalltalk) VM in JavaScript | |
57 points by gjvc (6 comments) | |
Skio (YC S20) is hiring founding engineers | |
1 points (job listing) | |
OpenTelemetry | |
37 points by 9woc (16 comments) | |
Which stars can see Earth as a transiting exoplanet? | |
23 points by colinprince (11 comments) | |
Riding the Writing Wave | |
48 points by kkoncevicius (22 comments) | |
Decades after polio, Martha is among the last to still rely on a... | |
177 points by pseudolus (122 comments) | |
One Typed Page | |
33 points by brudgers (8 comments) | |
Too many new papers may mean novel ideas rarely rack up citations | |
158 points by pseudolus (172 comments) | |
How Debian cron handles DST transitions | |
62 points by zdw (36 comments) | |
My 10 Year Side Project Story | |
74 points by jonathanberger (15 comments) | |
Radio Station WWV | |
3 points by artursapek (0 comments) | |
Artificial intelligence sheds light on how the brain processes l... | |
12 points by rbanffy (0 comments) | |
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