[HN Gopher] Archive (2021-07-23) - Page 2 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
The Dig | |
66 points by doppp (40 comments) | |
"I would buy a Mac today if I was not working at Microsoft" (2004) | |
70 points by renaudg (122 comments) | |
Inside TikTok's Algorithm [video] | |
84 points by hardmaru (62 comments) | |
Floating wind turbines could rise to great heights | |
100 points by prostoalex (84 comments) | |
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook will turn into a 'metaverse' | |
145 points by Choc13 (307 comments) | |
AWS's Egregious Egress | |
461 points by jgrahamc (128 comments) | |
We'd rather have the iceberg than the ship | |
276 points by oftenwrong (267 comments) | |
Tropical Rainforest Index | |
9 points by infodocket (1 comments) | |
Feynman vs. the Abacus (1985) | |
40 points by marcodiego (31 comments) | |
Edward Snowden on privacy and threats to democracy (2019) [video] | |
81 points by hidden-spyder (1 comments) | |
Can we survive technology? (1955) [pdf] | |
155 points by georgestrakhov (79 comments) | |
Syncthing: Syncing All the Things | |
370 points by sohkamyung (141 comments) | |
Privacy is an afterthought. Here's how devs can easily make it b... | |
62 points by c1ll1an (17 comments) | |
Judges reject Viasat's plea to stop SpaceX Starlink satellite la... | |
92 points by LinuxBender (61 comments) | |
Huawei hiring former Democratic super lobbyist Tony Podesta | |
104 points by jimmy2020 (55 comments) | |
Learn Python by doing fun interactive exercises | |
72 points by damicoa1 (36 comments) | |
93% of Paint Splatters Are Valid Perl Programs (2019) | |
406 points by codetrotter (147 comments) | |
Amazon to investigate allegations of discrimination following pe... | |
3 points by throwawaysea (0 comments) | |
Plasmid, Virus or Other? DNA 'Borgs' Blur Boundaries | |
19 points by rbanffy (1 comments) | |
Microsoft Re-Designs the iPod Packaging (2006) | |
14 points by Apocryphon (1 comments) | |
Go to the next page | |
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