| cjv wrote:
| ...doesn't the JAX example just need the argument set to
| static_argnums and then it will work?
| ChrisRackauckas wrote:
| static_argnums is really just a way to give a bit more
| assumptions to attempt to build a quasi-static code even if
| it's using dynamic constructs. In this example that will force
| it to trace one only one of the two branches (depending on
| whichever static_argnums sends it down). That is going to
| generate incorrect code for input values which should've traced
| the other branch (so the real solution of `lax.cond` is to
| always trace and always compute both branches, as mentioned in
| the post). If the computation is actually not quasi-static,
| there's no good choice for a static argnum. See the factorial
| example.
| cjv wrote:
| Ah, thanks for the explanation.
| ssivark wrote:
| There are many interesting threads in this post, one of which is
| using "non standard interpretations" of programs, and enabling
| the compiler to augment the human-written code with the extra
| pieces necessary to get gradients, propagate uncertainties, etc.
| I wonder whether there's a more unified discussion of the
| potential of these methods. I suspect that a lot of "solvers"
| (each typically with their own DSL for specifying the problem)
| might be nicely formulated in such a framework. (Particularly in
| the case of auto diff, I found recent work/talks by Conal Elliot
| and Tom Minka quite enlightening.)
| Tangentially, thinking about Julia, while one initially gets awed
| by the speed, and then the multiple dispatch, I wonder whether
| it's deepest superpower (that we're still discovering) might be
| the expressiveness to augment the compiler to do interesting
| things with a piece of code. Generic programming then acts as a
| lever to use these improvements for a variety of use cases, and
| the speed is merely the icing on the cake!
| shakow wrote:
| > the expressiveness to augment the compiler to do interesting
| things with a piece of code.
| Julia has very interesting propositions on the subject, from
| language-level autodiff (https://fluxml.ai/Zygote.jl/latest/)
| to automated probabilistic programming (https://turing.ml/dev/)
| through DEs (https://diffeq.sciml.ai/stable/) and optimization
| (https://jump.dev/).
| The whole ecosystem is in ebullition, and I'm very eager to see
| if it will be able to transform in the comping years into a
| solid foundation able to rival the layers of warts stacked on
| top of Python.
| mccoyb wrote:
| Just a comment: you're right on the money here. This is the
| dream that a few people in the Julia community are working
| towards.
| The framework of abstract interpretation, when combined with
| multiple dispatch as a language design feature, is absolutely
| insane.
| I think programming language enthusiasts might meditate on
| these points --- and get quite excited with the direction that
| the Julia compiler implementation is heading.
| marcle wrote:
| There is no free lunch:).
| I remember spending a summer using Template Model Builder (TMB),
| which is a useful R/C++ automatic differentiation (AD) framework,
| for working with accelerated failure time models. For these
| models, the survival to time T given covariates X is defined by
| S(t|X) = P(T>t|X) = S_0(t exp(-beta^T X)) for baseline survival
| S_0(t). I wanted to use splines for the baseline survival and
| then use AD for gradients and random effects. Unfortunately,
| after implementing the splines in template C++, I found a web
| page entitled "Things you should NOT do in TMB"
| (https://github.com/kaskr/adcomp/wiki/Things-you-should-NOT-d...)
| - which included using if statements that are based on
| coefficients. In this case, the splines for S_0 depend on beta,
| which is this specific excluded case:(. An older framework (ADMB)
| did not have this constraint, but dissemination of code was more
| difficult. Finally, PyTorch did not have an implementation of
| B-splines or an implementation for Laplace's approximation.
| Returning to my opening comment, there is no free lunch.
| hyperbovine wrote:
| Were you optimizing over the knots as well? Otherwise I can't
| see why this would be disallowed using either forward or
| reverse-mode AD. An infinitesimal perturbation of beta will not
| cause t * exp(-beta^T x) to cross a knot, so the whole thing is
| smooth. (And, with B-splines the derivatives are continuous
| from piece to piece anyways.) But in general I agree--a good
| spline implementation I something I miss the most when moving
| from scipy.interpolate to jax.scipy. Given that the SciPy
| implementation is mostly F77 code written before I was born, I
| do not see this situation resolving itself anytime soon.
| svantana wrote:
| It's not about smoothness, it's about how to JIT the gradient
| function. ML libs don't generally do interpolation, partly
| because it's tricky to vectorize (you have to search for
| which segment to use for each element) and partly because
| most ML practioners don't need it. What I've done in my code
| is use all the vertices for all the elements, but with
| weights that are mostly zero. It's pretty fast on GPU because
| I don't use that many vertices.
| ChrisRackauckas wrote:
| There is definitely no free lunch, it's good to really
| delineate the engineering trade-offs you're making! A lot of
| this work actually comes from the fact that some people I work
| with were building tools that could efficiently handle dynamic
| control flow without requiring tracing (see the description of
| Zygote.jl https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.07951). I had to bring up
| the question: why? It's much harder to build, needs more
| machinery, and in some cases can make less assumptions/less
| fusions (a general form of vmap is much harder for example if
| you cannot trace, see KernelAbstractions.jl for details). This
| line of inquiry led an example of why you might want to support
| such dynamic behaviors, so I'll leave it up to someone else to
| declare whether the maintenance or complexity cost is worth it
| to them. I wouldn't say that this means Jax or Tensorflow are
| doomed (far from it: simple ML architectures are quasi-static,
| so it's building for the correct audience), but it's good to
| know what exactly you're leaving out when you make a
| simplifying assumption.
| _hl_ wrote:
| Tangentialy related: Faster training of Neural ODEs is super
| exciting! There are a lot of promising applications (although
| personally I believe that the intuition of "magically choosing
| the number of layers" is misguided, but I'm not am expert and
| might be wrong) but right now it takes forever to train even on
| toy problems, but I'm sure that enough work in this direction
| will eventually lead to more practical methods.
| 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
| This is a really cool post.
| It seems like you can't solve this kind of thing with a new jax
| primitive for the algorithm, but what prevents new function
| transformations from doing what the mentioned julia libraries do?
| It seems like between new function transformations and new
| primitives, you out to be able to do just about anything. Is XLA
| the issue, and you could run but not jit the result?
| ChrisRackauckas wrote:
| XLA is the limiting factor in a lot of these cases, though
| maybe saying limiting factor is wrong because it's more of a
| "trade-off factor". XLA wants to know the static size of a lot
| of arguments so it can build a mathematical description of the
| compute graph and fuse linear algebra commands freely. What the
| Julia libraries like Zygote do is say "there is no good
| mathematical description of this, so I will generate source
| code instead" (and some programs like Tapenade are similar).
| For example, while loops are translated into for loops where a
| stack of the Boolean choices are stored so they can be ran in
| reverse during the backpass. The Julia libraries can sometimes
| have more trouble automatically fusing linear algebra commands
| though, since then they need to say "my IR lets non-static
| things occur, so therefore I need to prove it's static before
| doing transformation X". It's much easier to know you can do
| such transformations if anything written in the IR obeys the
| rules required for the transform! So it's a trade-off. In the
| search for allowing differentiation of any program in the
| language, the Julia AD tools have gone for extreme flexibility
| (and can rely on the fact that Julia has a compiler that can
| JIT compile any generated valid Julia code) and I find it
| really interesting to try and elucidate what you actually gain
| from that.
| awaythrowact wrote:
| If the next machine learning killer-app model requires
| autodiff'ed dynamic control flow, do you think
| Google/Facebook will build that capability into
| XLA/TorchScript? Seems like if NLP SOTA requires dynamic
| control flow, Google will build it? Maybe they let you
| declare some subgraph as "dynamic" to avoid static
| optimizations? But maybe the static graph assumption is so
| deeply embedded into the XLA architecture, they'd be better
| off just adopting Julia? (I honestly don't know the answer,
| asking your opinion!)
| ChrisRackauckas wrote:
| "Maybe they let you declare some subgraph as 'dynamic' to
| avoid static optimizations?" What you just described is
| Tensorflow Eager and why it has some performance issues
| (but more flexibility!). XLA makes some pretty strong
| assumptions and I don't think that should change.
| Tensorflow's ability to automatically generate good
| automatically parallelized production code stems from the
| restrictions it has imposed. So I wouldn't even try for a
| "one true AD to rule them all" since making things more
| flexible will reduce the amount of compiler optimizations
| that can be automatically performed.
| To get the more flexible form, you really would want to do
| it in a way that uses a full programming language's IR as
| its target. I think trying to use a fully dynamic
| programming language IR directly (Python, R, etc.) directly
| would be pretty insane because it would be hard to enforce
| rules and get performance. So some language that has a
| front end over an optimizing compiler (LLVM) would probably
| make the most sense. Zygote and Diffractor uses Julia's IR,
| but there are other ways to do this as well. Enzyme
| (https://github.com/wsmoses/Enzyme.jl) uses the LLVM IR
| directly for doing source-to-source translations. Using
| some dialect of LLVM (provided by MLIR) might be an
| interesting place to write a more ML-focused flexible AD
| system. Swift for Tensorflow used the Swift IR. This
| mindset starts to show why those tools were chosen.
| awaythrowact wrote:
| Makes sense. I don't use TF Eager, but I do use Jax, and
| Jax lets you arbitrarily compose JITed and non-JITed
| code, which made me think that might be a viable pattern.
| I guess I wondered if there might be something like
| "nonstatic_jit(foo)" that would do "julia style"
| compiling on function foo, in addition to "jit(foo)" that
| compiles foo to optimized XLA ops. Probably impractical.
| Thanks.
| 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
| > and can rely on the fact that Julia has a compiler that can
| JIT compile any generated valid Julia code
| This seems to be the key bit. It's a great data point around
| the meme of "with a sufficiently advanced compiler..." In
| this case we have sufficiently advanced compilers to make
| very different JIT trade offs. XLA is differently powerful
| compared to Julia. Very cool, thanks for the insight.
| ipsum2 wrote:
| The example that fails in Jax would work fine in PyTorch. If
| you're working on purely training the model, TorchScript doesn't
| give many benefits, if any.
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