| ExcavateGrandMa wrote:
| Behavior DB, let's call it that way :D
| macando wrote:
| It's incredible how little attention is paid to data modeling and
| querying in the education of people entering the software
| engineering workforce.
| Getting your database model right, on the logical and physical
| level, will make developing and deploying any data-driven app
| simpler and easier. Getting it wrong? No modern programming
| language or architectural pattern will save you from the worst
| kinds of bugs, workarounds and bad performance.
| Do yourself a favor and read this or any other legendary DB book.
| adamnemecek wrote:
| > this or any other legendary DB book.
| What are the other legendary DB books?
| macando wrote:
| https://www.amazon.com/Modeling-Essentials-Third-Graeme-
| Sims...
| My favorite. Not an easy read, it took me weeks to complete
| it.
| https://www.amazon.com/Date-Database-
| Writings-2000-2006-Chri...
| Relatively unknown but great book if you want to read the
| thoughts of a DB heavyweight Christopher Date who
| collaborated with Edgar Codd.
| https://www.amazon.com/NoSQL-Distilled-Emerging-Polyglot-
| Per...
| The best book to start exploring the land outside the
| relational world. An easy read, can be completed in two to
| three days.
| vishnugupta wrote:
| Copy pasting my comment[1] from an earlier thread.
| A couple of years ago I spent quite some time trying to
| evaluate the tech stack (and general engineering culture) of
| merger/acquisition targets of my employer. It was quite a fun
| exercise, all said and done. I encountered all sorts; from a
| small team start up who had their tech sorted out more or less
| to a largish organisation who relied on IBM's ESB which exactly
| one person in their team knew how it worked!!
| I discovered this exact method during the third tech evaluation
| exercise. When the team began explaining various modules top-
| down and user-flows etc., I politely interrupted them and asked
| for DB schema. It was just on a whim because I was bored of
| typical one way session interrupted by me asking minor
| questions. Once I had a hang of their schema rest of the
| session was literally me telling them what their control and
| user flows were and them validating it.
| Since then it's become my magic wand to understand a new
| company or team. Just go directly to the schema and work
| backwards.
| Conversely, I've begun paying more attention to data modelling.
| Because once a data model is fixed it's very hard to change and
| once enough data accumulates the inertia just increases and
| instead if changing the data model (for the fear of data
| migration etc.,) the tendency is to beat the use cases to fit
| the data model. It's not your usual fail-fast-and-iterate
| thing.
| [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24137997
| macando wrote:
| > I politely interrupted them and asked for DB schema.
| In order of importance:
| 1. DB schema
| 2. List of dependancies
| 3. List of 3rd party integrations
| Depending on the domain, 2. and 3. can be switched.
| macintux wrote:
| Many years ago, my employer was transitioning ERP systems
| from...something CA-owned whose name escapes me and I'd
| probably have pretty awful memories dredged up if I actually
| went looking for it.
| Anyway, we were lucky enough to have a very talented intern
| who was assigned the task of understanding the database
| schema behind the CA product in order to migrate our data to
| the new system.
| It was...horrific. Absolute nightmare of spaghetti. I'd like
| to say I've seen worse, but I've never seen anything even in
| the same ballpark.
| I think we finally gave up after weeks of digging into it and
| just started over with a mostly clean slate.
| msluyter wrote:
| To wit: I made it through a master's in CS without a database
| class.
| This reminds me of the famous Rob Pike quote:
| "Data dominates. If you've chosen the right data structures and
| organized things well, the algorithms will almost always be
| self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central to
| programming."
| I've often found that if I'm coding something and the code
| starts looking increasingly gnarly, that rethinking the data
| structures / data model will clean up the code.
| gautamdivgi wrote:
| We had two books when I was doing my bachelors in CS many
| moons ago (late 90's). One was by Silberschatz & Galvin and
| the other by Ullman. The first one was used for relational
| algebra, various normal forms and introducing table design,
| keys, constraints,etc. The second was used to teach the
| theory for internals on how a DB is implemented - B+ trees,
| deadlock handling, etc, etc. That was a hard course and it
| was mandatory.
| I can see not electing to have databases as a course for
| masters though. Masters is to allow you to specialize and be
| more choice driven.
| andrewl wrote:
| On that topic, Fred Brooks, author of _The Mythical Man
| Month,_ said "Show me your flowchart and conceal your
| tables, and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your
| tables, and I won't usually need your flowchart; it'll be
| obvious."
| slver wrote:
| "Data structures, not algorithms, are central to programming.
| Can we unify this to simply "data structures are essential to
| algorithms". It's really weird to put these in opposition,
| when algorithm with no data and data without algorithm make
| no sense.
| Data structures are encoded with use cases in mind, those use
| cases at least at the very low level are their algorithms.
| Twisol wrote:
| I think programming is more than just algorithms. System
| design and architecture have a real impact on the longevity
| and maintainability of your system, and I'd argue that data
| models (not _structures_ per se, the distinction being
| logical vs. physical) are foundational to a good design. In
| contrast, algorithms play a much more focused role.
| Put differently:
| > Data structures are encoded with use cases in mind, those
| use cases at least at the very low level are their
| algorithms.
| As you've lampshaded, it's the use cases that are most
| fundamental. The data model should be designed to serve
| those use cases. The data structures and algorithms reflect
| the physical reality of the logical data model.
| macando wrote:
| > "Data dominates. If you've chosen the right data structures
| and organized things well, the algorithms will almost always
| be self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central
| to programming."
| I'm saving this quote.
| > I've often found that if I'm coding something and the code
| starts looking increasingly gnarly that rethinking the data
| structures / data model will clean up the code.
| I've faced this over and over again. Writing algorithms is
| hard when the underlying data is not optimal. It simply
| invites writing complicated code and workarounds.
| AlphaSite wrote:
| Although it says data structures, isn't it more important to
| talk about the structure of the data than the choice of data
| structure?
| bshipp wrote:
| every one of my data scraping projects is littered with files
| titled "database.db.bak1", "database.db.bak2".... for this
| exact reason. "Oh I scraped 1000 pages and realized I missed
| an entire nested data structure....better blow away the dB
| and try again.
| achn wrote:
| This is very true, but also a hugely unfortunate reality. It
| amazes me that we have reached this far with "object" graph
| oriented data models backed with relational DBs. They are very
| seldom conducive to one another.
| rgbimbochamp wrote:
| Plugging in Andy Pavlo's Database lectures @ CMU which are
| completely free on Youtube. Great guy and great lectures.
| alistairw wrote:
| Agreed. I finished watching them at the start of this year and
| it's significantly helped me in using and making choices about
| databases. I've also since started implementing my own database
| for learning off the back of them. Couldn't be more grateful
| for those courses being public.
| link if anyone is interested: https://youtu.be/oeYBdghaIjc
| golergka wrote:
| And hands down best music choice of all the CS lectures I've
| ever seen.
| tinmandespot wrote:
| Seconded. I have been watching them over the past 2-weeks -
| he's a brilliant guy and a great teacher.
| jenkstom wrote:
| We don't need "more theory". The vast majority of computer
| science theory goes unapplied in solving real-world problems.
| While I'm sure this is great for postgrad computer science
| students, it's not very useful for the every day programmers out
| there.
| dudeman13 wrote:
| >We don't need "more theory". The vast majority of computer
| science theory goes unapplied in solving real-world problems
| The sheer amount of rewriting that is being done every day
| around the world because people didn't bother understanding
| what they were doing (and how they should have thought more
| before trying to make it work) disagrees with this.
| ggambetta wrote:
| ...and this is how we ended with NoSQL.
| marcodiego wrote:
| >We don't need "more theory".
| >it's not very useful for the every day programmers out there
| So, programmer's talent is not being used to their fullest. The
| ones which can't understand basic theory can be easily
| condemned to always be mere users of tools while never
| improving them. They run a greater risk of becoming obsolete or
| devalued.
| anonymousDan wrote:
| Anyone recommend a good book specifically on distributed
| databases (not more general distributed systems stuff like e.g.
| klepmann's DDIA)?
| jkaptur wrote:
| In case someone isn't aware, Designing Data-Intensive
| Applications is a very good introduction to distributed
| databases, even if it doesn't specialize in them.
| anonymousDan wrote:
| Yeah I don't disagree, I've just read it already :)
| artificial wrote:
| I'll second this. It's an excellent intro that's very
| approachable.
| convolvatron wrote:
| I got alot of value out of Distributed
| Databases: Principles and Systems Stefano Ceri, Giuseppe
| Pelagatti McGraw-Hill, 1985
| it adopts a very specific approach, and is obviously missing
| some newer techniques, but it certainly leaves you with a
| feeling of 'yeah, i can build this'
| e12e wrote:
| Not a book... But foundationdb documentation (and source) might
| be worth looking at? https://apple.github.io/foundationdb/
| pcthrowaway wrote:
| Not a book, but the podcast series "Scaling Postgres" looks
| really good.
| throwaway823882 wrote:
| Not a book, but I would add to the foreword: "Try not to use
| them."
| victor106 wrote:
| Genuinely curious: What are some challenges with using
| distributed databases?
| biggestdummy wrote:
| Tons of complexity behind this, but the simple problem is
| source of truth. When you store data in multiple places, if
| they become unsynchronized, which is the true answer???
| Within a monolithic system, you don't have differing
| clocks, network partitions that can be very weird, etc.
| And, a related problem, which is race conditions. What if
| you are reading one copy of the data while the other
| replica is being updated. Most complexity, imo, arises from
| this fundamental problem and the various techniques to deal
| with it.
| bshipp wrote:
| This is a valid comment that I'd expand to say "...without
| exhausting all the tools available."
| For example, if you're facing lengthy search queries and are
| looking at partitioning the database to speed them up, many
| databases include helpful internal tools that should be
| attempted first. Proper indexing is a textbook all on it's
| own, and the appropriate design of full-text search
| dictionaries and queries is another.
| The one that shocked me a year or two ago was implementing
| full-text search in a gigantic sqlite DB. I was preparing to
| migrate it to postgresql or elasticsearch because my
| traditional "ilike" queries, even indexed, were ridiculously
| slow, and I was not aware FTS was an included library.
| Although FTS pretty much doubled the size of the DB, a three
| minute query dropped to a few seconds. Since read queries are
| non-blocking in sqlite, this allowed me to continue using the
| DB without needing a bigger, more complex solution.
| decebalus1 wrote:
| Database Internals: A Deep Dive into How Distributed Data
| Systems Work by Alex Petrov
| ChrisArchitect wrote:
| (1995)
| slver wrote:
| Year programmers have ignored relational theory since:
| senthil_rajasek wrote:
| Previous hn post with comments
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19726520
| slyrus wrote:
| Was lucky enough to take Serge's class when he was visiting UC
| Berkeley back in the 90's. And yet I'm still writing SQL :(
| Curious to know what the state in the art in solving the then-
| thornier theoretical problems (negation mostly) is.
| tingletech wrote:
| I think this was my textbook when I took a relational database
| class at UCSD Extension back in the 90s.
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