| edoceo wrote:
| Oh man, patterns of enterprise, it's like 20 years old now! I
| really like Martin's work. Worth every penny
| mpfundstein wrote:
| id rather argue that his book was one of the major reasons why
| we ended up in over engineering hell.
| i was affected by that as a junior and even medior as well and
| i caused a lot of harm :-)
| luckily i learned to step away from it.
| GordonS wrote:
| I was exactly the same in my earlier dev days! I'd learn
| about a pattern, think it was the greatest thing since sliced
| bread, and see uses for it everywhere... where it really
| wasn't suitable at all. I was like a builder with only a
| hammer - everything looked like a nail!
| I ended up making a lot of things a lot more complex than
| they needed to be, or/and a lot less performant than they
| could be.
| At some point, lot's of people seemed to come to the same
| realisation - worshipping design patterns is a _bad idea_.
| Around this time I first heard about "cargo culting".
| These days my motto is "no dogma" (well, except about not
| being dogmatic ;), and I think it serves me well.
| zwieback wrote:
| I think I know what you're saying. I remember that time,
| around the birth of Java. But I also remember that we were
| trying to solve real problems that aren't such big problems
| anymore: modularization, dependency management, large
| codebases with crude editing tools, SW delivery and
| distribution in the age of diskettes!
| It turns out that developing large systems in static
| languages with heavily constrained libraries is difficult.
| Rapid zero-cost distribution and decentralized storage AND
| GUIs have really changed the field. Does anyone even call
| themselves a SW Engineer anymore?
| kitd wrote:
| I'd argue that the over-engineering hell preceded this book,
| with every tiny J2EE project using a full 3-tier stack, incl
| (but not limited to) stateful EJBs, session EJBs, countless
| JSPs, DAO layers, god only know what else.
| It was this book that actually revealed, in patterns, the
| bigger picture, where it was all going wrong, and the
| alternatives. This book and Spring v1.0 go along together in
| my mind.
| BTW (and OT), another underrated Fowler book in a similar
| vein is "Analysis Patterns", another 10k-ft view of common
| business problems.
| mmcdermott wrote:
| I'm a little torn on this one. On the one hand I see it,
| because it feels like patterns books made the limitations of
| C++/Java/C# seem respectable, even desirable. Norvig observed
| this with his talk on patterns in dynamic languages (p. 10 of
| https://norvig.com/design-patterns/ summarizes this).
| On the other hand, I have found his work to be useful in
| selling approaches to others. There were times where I did a
| design, then browsed the patterns books to find names for
| what I was doing to "make it respectable."
| blandflakes wrote:
| I've done the opposite, disguising something that is a
| named pattern as anything but a factory to prevent
| structure-avoidant zealots from knee-jerk reacting to the
| word in a PR.
| edoceo wrote:
| Oh, see, I saw that book after watching dozens of dot-com
| companies re-implemting common patterns (poorly). Basically
| under-engineering heck. So, once we had the book we could
| shift the conversation and use common terminology.
| The discipline is, of course, knowing which spells to cast
| and when. And it's super useful to see the scroll of common
| spells.
| zerkten wrote:
| A problem in a lot of cases is that for some people, the
| discipline is about casting spells as opposed to solving
| problems. It doesn't take a lot of these people to damage
| projects, but they exist independent of pattern books.
| If I was going to complain about engineering hell, it'd be
| about how shallow we investigate these areas. We stop at
| the immediate technical events, or inappropriate technology
| choices, instead of getting to the motivations behind it.
| This gets into a qualitative area that HN readers tend to
| want to avoid, but these flaws are with the humans and
| their circumstances.
| nivertech wrote:
| Can you provide some concrete examples?
| I.e. pattern X was recommended for a scenario Y, but ended up
| in over-engineering hell for Z.
| withinboredom wrote:
| IoC is one that comes to mind. It greatly simplifies
| testing, but the engineering (before we had libraries for
| it) was ridiculous to implement.
| mmcdermott wrote:
| I think this is a good one. Most recent Java/C# systems
| would have a full IoC container, but have no dynamically
| selected components (which is how frameworks like Dagger
| -https://dagger.dev/ - can exist). A lot of runtime
| reflection/calculation gets done for something that can
| be known at compile time.
| AtlasBarfed wrote:
| I'll plant a midpost flag and say, while it shouldn't be
| revered as a bible of eternal truths, it did document and
| progress the discussion on many things.
| I think Fowler does a good job of identifying and classifying
| things, but that hasn't necessarily made IT / Enterprise all
| that simpler. What has made "progress" in IT has fundamentally
| been programmers treating more and more things like code and
| automating the hell out of everything.
| vishnugupta wrote:
| > What does it mean for a system to be distributed? There are two
| aspects: > 1. They run on multiple servers. The number of servers
| in a cluster can vary from as few as three servers to a few
| thousand servers. > 2. They manage data. So these are inherently
| 'stateful' systems.
| It's a pity that they don't get to the crux of distributed
| systems because it's very well defined and described for ~40
| years now. Instead they describe the key characteristics of a
| distributed system in a very hand-wavy manner.
| The two _fundamental_ ways in which distributed computing differs
| from single-server /machine computing are.
| 1. No shared memory. 2. No shared clock.
| Almost every problem faced in distributed systems could be traced
| to one of these aspects.
| Because there's no shared memory it's impossible for any one
| server to _know_ the global state. And so you need consensus
| algorithms.
| And due to lack of shared clock it's impossible to order the
| events. To overcome this software logical clock has to be
| overlaid on top of distributed systems.
| Added to this is the failure modes that are peculiar to
| distributed systems, be it transient/permanent link failures and
| transient/permaent server failures.
| This[1] is a decent description of what I've just described here.
| I also recommend to read up on some key impossibility results in
| distributed system. The most famous one being the impossibility
| of achiving common knowledge.
| I'm surprised that someone as reputed as Thoughtworks don't
| describe the topic in more precise terms.
| [1] https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/limitation-of-distributed-
| syst...
| ctvo wrote:
| Agreed. Giving this summary and then going into details would
| benefit readers more. AWS's BuilderLibrary, while containing
| excellent content, also gives an overview of distributed
| systems that sorts of point this out:
| https://aws.amazon.com/builders-library/challenges-with-dist...
| throwaway894345 wrote:
| How does "ephemeral computing" fit into your notion of
| distributed systems? Perhaps this is a concern not shared by
| all distributed systems, but it's a practical reality that we
| in the cloud space have to deal with pervasively and it drives
| profound architectural differences.
| g9yuayon wrote:
| Maybe it's because Fowler's target readers are developers of
| enterprise software who are not familiar with distributed
| systems at all, and Fowler's background is not in distributed
| system either. Therefore, he chose to use colloquial terms.
| jstimpfle wrote:
| > 1. No shared memory.
| Isn't it rather "no synchronized data access"? Remote memory
| isn't a problem if you can read it in a synchronized fashion
| (taking locks and so on).
| And actually "no synchronized information retrieval" is the
| default even on multithreaded, shared memory systems, which is
| why they're a lot like distributed systems. You can use mutexes
| and other synchronization primitives though, to solve some of
| the problems that just aren't solvable on a computer network,
| due to much higher latency of synchronization.
| waynesonfire wrote:
| You can devise all sorts of distributed system architectures.
| You could for example have a synchronous system system
| composed of nodes organized in a ring.
| There is not "one definition" of what a distributed system
| is. You have to define that. There are some common
| distributed system architectures that perhaps most of us are
| familiar with--asynchronous networked system, e.g. no shared
| memory with point-to-point communication. There are other
| dichotomies; though I'm not an expert in the field and am
| unable to succinctly define them.
| As you add more "stuff" into your distributed system--people
| talkig about adding a memcached or whatever in other
| comments, you've introduce a completely different system.
| Maybe some sort of hybrid. And if you're interested, you can
| formally reason about its behavior.
| Regardless, you have to define what you're talking about.
| It's an interesting question to ask what is the most
| fundamental component of a distributed system? Could it be
| multiple processing nodes?
| zvrba wrote:
| > 1. No shared memory.
| I'd rather say "no reliable message delivery". The only
| difference between completely reliable messaging and shared
| memory is performance.
| > Because there's no shared memory it's impossible for any one
| server to know the global state.
| Even _with_ shared memory it's impossible to _know_ the global
| state. Just after you've loaded some data from memory, it can
| be immediately changed by another thread.
| mav3rick wrote:
| Your second point is moot. Even in a multi threaded single
| machine program you can load state and have it changed by
| another thread. That's bad design and not a distributed
| system characteristic.
| jayd16 wrote:
| I don't agree with this. Reliability and transactional/atomic
| reads and writes are different things.
| "Reliable" is also a vague value judgement.
| "Shared memory" implies data coherency.
| DSingularity wrote:
| I think the distinction he is trying to raise is that
| messages can be lost in distributed systems. Building
| distributed shared memory is possible but expensive
| (readers must write, writers must broadcast). That is why
| he is raising that distinction and I think it is a good one
| to raise.
| AtlasBarfed wrote:
| The discussion is kind of walking around the CAP triangle at
| this point.
| jedberg wrote:
| > No shared memory
| I'm not sure that is entirely accurate. If you have a memcache
| cluster and all data is stored in there, you have shared
| memory. Albeit slow and subject to atomicity problems, it's
| still shared state.
| It's also a bad idea to rely on that to run your app, so there
| is that. But it's possible to have shared memory if you're
| willing to accept the hit to reliability.
| svieira wrote:
| Remote memory does not count as shared because of the
| atomicity problems. The same reason _local_ memory doesn't
| count as shared the minute you spin up two writer threads
| with access to the same mutable memory space. (And why Rust
| is popular for distributed problems that share the same
| clock)
| If you replaced Memcache with a single Redis instance where
| all operations were managed by Lua scripts (e. g. you
| introduced atomicity to your operations) you wouldn't have a
| distributed system, just one with slow, sometimes rather
| faulty memory.
| omginternets wrote:
| >It's a pity that they don't get to the crux of distributed
| systems because it's very well defined and described for ~40
| years now.
| Really?
| I'm incidentally in the midst of a lit-review on the subject
| and it seems quite apparent that no standard definitions have
| emerged.
| >The two fundamental ways in which distributed computing
| differs from single-server/machine computing are.
| >1. No shared memory. 2. No shared clock.
| The typical multiprocessor is, in fact, a distributed system
| under the hood. Most of the time the programmer is unaware of
| this thanks to cache coherence algorithms, which in turn
| benefit from a _reliable_ communication layer between
| individual cores.
| And yet, we can still observe consistency failures when we
| operate the chip outside of the parameters for which it
| guarantees a single-system image (namely: when using something
| like OS threads).
| I think the problem is that we're using the wrong _kind_ of
| definition. Your definitions -- an indeed most definitions
| encountered in literature, with some exceptions -- appeal to
| _design_. They are _teleological_ definitions, and as such they
| can 't define "distributed" in the sense of "distributed
| programming" or "distributed computation". A more useful kind
| of definition is _intentional_ [0]. It is constructed at a
| higher level of analysis that assumes the design serves the
| purpose of _representing the world_ , among others. Thus, you
| get a definition like this: Distributed
| computing is a computational paradigm in which local action
| taken by processes on the basis of locally-available
| information has the potential to alter some global state.
| Returning to multiprocessor initial example, the more useful
| question is often not _whether_ computation is distributed, but
| _when_ it makes sense to regard it as such. There are three
| typical cases in which an engineer is engaged in the practice
| of distributed computing:
| 1. He is designing or developing a distributed computing
| system.
| 2. The system is operating outside of specified parameters,
| such that design invariants no longer hold.
| 3. The system is malfunctioning, which is to say it violates
| its specification despite operating within specified
| parameters.
| The second case is the most relevant to our prototypical
| multiprocessor. The use of OS threads, for example, can be
| understood as operating outside of the range of parameters for
| which the SSI can fulfill its guarantees. It is important to
| note that the system can still be made to function correctly
| (contrary to case #3), provided the programmer shoulders the
| burden of distributed control.
| It's definitely possible -- and I would argue, _correct_ -- to
| reframe "no shared memory" and "no shared clock" in
| intentional terms, but as we've seen with the multiprocessor
| example, those two conditions alone do not define "distributed
| system" in general; they are not fundamental properties. I will
| however grant that they are the most common manifestations of
| distribution in practice.
| To summarize: the literature has not -- to my knowledge --
| arrived at a good definition ~40 years ago. If I've missed
| something, please point it out, though. I'd hate to publish
| something incorrect. :)
| [0]
| https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intentional_stance#Dennett's_t...
| gcblkjaidfj wrote:
| Martin Fowler is in the certification for box checkers
| business.
| 99% of the people that read them work at places where they must
| "move to X" to justify some department. They will likely
| implement a simulacrum of X (usually by importing some java
| library someone wrote as homework), adding all the pitfalls and
| future problems of X with zero of the benefits of X.
| [deleted]
| thewarrior wrote:
| This is too dismissive. Most of Fowler's work is written
| after interviewing lots of real world practitioners.
| zwieback wrote:
| Agreed, Fowler, Martin, etc. are often criticized not
| because of their work but because of their audience, or
| more specifically their paying customers. Makes little
| sense to me, I got a lot out of their writing, especially
| in the early days of OO.
| disgruntledphd2 wrote:
| Fowler and Beck in particular have been massively useful
| to me recently. Refactoring and TDD by example are
| _wonderful_ books, and completely changed my approach to
| software.
| I also love Feathers and Working Effectively with Legacy
| Code, but that might be more of a niche taste ;)
| [deleted]
| morty_s wrote:
| Haven't really read Fowler's stuff, but I have read Martin
| Kleppmann's Designing Data-Intensive Applications and that
| was helpful. Haven't seen it mentioned here (though I
| haven't looked thoroughly through the comments). Just
| thought I'd mention it here.
| davydog187 wrote:
| Curious that there is not a single mention of Erlang or RabbitMQ,
| which follow patterns of distributed systems quite nicely.
| whycombagator wrote:
| Are you referring to the table which presents categories & then
| examples of technology that falls under said category?
| If so, the examples are indeed not in any way exhaustive. But I
| don't believe they are intended to be, nor could/should be.
| davydog187 wrote:
| Sure, but arguably RabbitMQ has a much wider adoption and
| success story as a message broker.
| Also showing Akka as an actor system, but not mentioning
| Erlang
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