Machine Logic

At the junction of computation, logic and mathematics

Types versus sets (and what about categories?)

16 Mar 2022

[ general  logic  type theory  Dana Scott  Martin-Lof type theory 
set theory  philosophy  ]

A recent Twitter thread brought home to me that there is widespread
confusion about what types actually are, even among the most
prominent researchers. In particular: are types the same thing as
sets? At the risk of repeating some of my prior posts, perhaps it's
time for a little history about type theory, set theory and their
respective roles as foundations of mathematics.

Type theory in two minutes

Type theory was a response to Russell's and other paradoxes. In its
earliest form, in Principia Mathematica, it consisted of Byzantine
rules (but bizarrely, no visible syntax) governing the use of
variables. It created a type hierarchy in which, at each type level,
you could define "classes": what we would call typed sets. Simplified
by Ramsey, codified by Church and later christened "higher-order
logic", simple type theory again offers a hierarchy of types
constructed from an arbitrary but infinite type of individuals, a
type of truth values and a function type former. It's notable that
Church's original paper repeatedly refers to possible interpretations
of his theory, but never once to sets, although Zermelo-Frankel set
theory was well established by 1940 and an interpretation of Church's
theory in ZF is trivial: function types denote set-theoretic function

Moving on two decades, de Bruijn's AUTOMATH introduced what he called
a lambda-typed lambda calculus. He certainly had no set-theoretic
interpretation in mind. I knew him well enough to understand that he
regarded axiomatic set theory with loathing. In a previous post you
can read his remarks about how absurd it is that "a rational number
and a set of points in the Euclidean plane... might have been coded in
ZF with a coding so crazy that the intersection is not empty seems to
be ridiculous."

As a computer scientist, I don't find it ridiculous: everything on a
computer is encoded as a bit string. Let's pursue the analogy: if we
have a directory full of devotional icons in some image format, and
another directory full of hardcore porn clips in some video format,
it's certainly conceivable that the exact same bit string could
appear in both directories. On the other hand, it's easy to see why a
mathematician would resent being informed that they are working in
ZFC whether they like it or not. That is ridiculous. Like the
intuitionists -- but unlike Godel and others -- I regard mathematical
objects as existing only in our minds. It's good to know that they
can be encoded in ZF, just as it's good that images, videos and music
can all be coded as bit strings, but imagine how stupid it would be
to insist that images, videos and music were nothing but bit strings.

Interest in type theories had exploded by the 1980s, including System
F (developed independently by Girard and Reynolds), various versions
of Martin-Lof's intuitionistic type theory and finally the calculus
of constructions of Coquand and Huet. In every case, they were
created with no interpretation in mind. They were justified
syntactically, for example via proofs of strong normalisation. Models
came later.

An analogy with the $\lambda$-calculus

The syntactic essence of type theories is perhaps best understood
through something much simpler: Church's untyped $\lambda$-calculus.
There are only three kinds of term:

  * $x$, $y$, ... (variables)
  * $\lambda x.M$ (abstractions)
  * $M N$ (combinations)

The most basic rule of the $\lambda$-calculus is $\beta$-reduction,
which replaces $(\lambda x. M)N$ by $M[N/x]$, which denotes a copy of
$M$ in which every free occurrence of $x$ has been replaced by $N$.
Obviously, $\lambda x. M$ should be seen as a sort of function, with
$(\lambda x. M)N$ the application of that function to the argument
$N$. But there is no obvious model for the $\lambda$-calculus. There
is the degenerate model (where all terms denote the same thing) and
there are syntactic models (where $\lambda$-terms essentially denote

A quick flick through Church's Calculi of Lambda Conversion makes it
clear that this is mathematics at its most formalistic. Indeed,
Church's colleague Haskell Curry became a firm advocate of the
formalist school of the foundations of mathematics. This is the view
that mathematics is a mechanical game played with meaningless
symbols. Absolutely nothing more. Many advocates of "constructivism"
today seem to be playing this formalistic game; they are not
practising intuitionism. It is striking to see the Curry-Howard
Correspondence covered in the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy's
entry on Formalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics. It barely gets a
mention under Intuitionism.

For some time there was scepticism as to whether any interesting
model could be found to make sense of such horrors as $(\lambda x.
xx)(\lambda x. xx)$. Dana Scott was ultimately successful, and in
lovely essay (also available here) a imagines a 1930s Master's
student formulating a new conception of function in set theory, from
which the laws of the $\lambda$-calculus would follow as theorems.
For mortals it's hard to get an intuitive feel for Scott's models,
especially his $D_\infty$ construction. The main lesson from his work
is that the "functions" that we get must be continuous in a certain
complete partial ordering, an insight that had a profound impact on
the field of programming language semantics.

What we can't do is claim that $\lambda$-terms are nothing but the
names of certain elements of $D_\infty$ just as 0, $\pi$, $\sqrt 2$,
etc. are the names of certain real numbers. The $\lambda$-calculus
existed for decades with no imagined model.

Some thoughts from scientific colleagues

Thierry Coquand, whose calculus of constructions evolved into the
type theory now used in Coq and Lean, stated his view clearly:

    One main theme of this work is the importance of notations in
    mathematics and computer science: new questions were asked and
    solved only because of the use of AUTOMATH notation, itself a
    variation of l-notation introduced by A. Church for representing

Emphasis his. He states the situation clearly: types are syntax, not

Regarding this syntactic approach, Dana Scott's criticism of
combinatory logic (which can be regarded as synonymous with the $\
lambda$-calculus for our purposes) seems apt:

    I agree that we can regard Group Theory as an analysis of the
    structure of bijective functions under composition, Boolean
    Algebra as an analysis of sets under inclusion, Banach Space
    Theory as an analysis of functions under convergence of infinite
    series, etc. etc. But Combinatory Logic? It just does not seem to
    me to be a sound step in analysis to say: "We now permit our
    functions to be self-applied." Just lke that.^1

I emailed Neel Krishnaswami for his views on the matter of types
versus sets and he replied as follows (there was more):

    A view from I tend to think of the syntactic rules of type theory
    as giving a "presentation of an algebraic theory".

    When you look at the models of those type theories, though, they
    will (a) usually include sets, (b) and also include lots of
    things which are not just sets.  So I tend to see statements like
    "types are sets" as being wrong in the same way that "rings are
    polynomials" is wrong - polynomials are certainly form a model of
    the theory of rings, but there are many rings which are not

    Similarly, for most well-behaved type theories (though not the
    fancy HoTT ones), types can be interpreted as sets, but there
    will usually be other interpretations as well. (One I care about
    are the realisability interpretations, because I want to actually
    compile programs to run!)

    In the specific case of dependent types, I most often think of
    them as a subsystem of set theory. If you take a dependent type
    theory, add an impredicative Prop sort a la Coq, and then add
    axioms for function extensionality, quotient types and the axiom
    of unique choice (i.e., every functional relation gives rise to a
    function), then the result can be interpreted in any topos, in
    exactly the same way that intuitionistic bounded ZF can be
    interpreted in any topos.

In other words, your types can be interpreted in many weird and
wonderful ways. But we need interpretations that make intuitive
sense. Neel informs me that the original calculus of constructions
was modified (during the transition to the calculus of inductive
constructions) in order to make standard set-theoretic models

What set theory does and what it doesn't

As already remarked, it's wrong to insist that all mathematicians are
working in ZFC. This claim completely misrepresents what set theory
tells us. Many people are seriously bothered by definitions such as $
(x,y) = \{\{x\}, \{x,y\}\}$ and $n = \{0, \ldots, n-1\}$. I would
advise them to relax. The point is not that ordered pairs and natural
numbers can (let alone must) be coded in that way, but rather that
some truly tremendous things (the notion of ordinals, cardinals,
transfinite induction, fantastic combinatorial constructions,
gigantic hierarchies of spaces) can be justified axiomatically. They
can even can be justified conceptually, through the idea of the
cumulative hierarchy of sets. The point of set theory is the
knowledge that you can get away with ambitious constructions such as
those in perfect safety.

Axiomatic set theory also gives us a critical warning: you risk
inconsistency if you assume collections that are too big. So when we
say that the carrier of a group is a set, it doesn't have to be
specifically a ZF set; but if we imagine collecting up all groups as
a single entity, that warning light should flash. It's dangerous to
take the collection of all sets as a single entity, then to build on
top of that. And yet, that is precisely what is done in category
theory, again and again. Their very starting point, Set, is the
category of all Zermelo-Frankel sets. What on Earth do they need all
of them for? No one has ever told me. And category theorists are
happy to tell you how much they despise ZF set theory, although they
have gobbled it up whole. If you despise Spam, do you wrap it in filo
pastry with truffle sauce?

 1. Dana Scott. Lambda Calculus: Some Models, Some Philosophy. In: J.
    Barwise, H. J. Keisler and K. Kunen, eds., The Kleene Symposium
    (North-Holland, 1980), 258 -

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