APRIL IS THE MONTH OF FUN by blitzdoughnuts Licensed under CC0 April Fools Day is fun, but why not dedicate the entire month to silly stuff? I don't mean pull practical pranks each day of the month, but I mean incorporate some form of tomfoolery inside of some things. For instance, you can make a tongue-in-cheek game mod, or make a rewriting of a serious article into something much more vulgar or radicool, or maybe write funny Git commit messages that still get the point across, or perhaps you could make seemingly provocative statements on the Internet that turn into completely innocent statements when thought is put into it. As examples: - An Anarch mod idea: Corpo Re-Arm, flips the game philosophy 180 while keeping its suckless nature, pro-capitalist and pro-suffering (as an explicit joke, of course) - Look at the Motherfucking Website. Use it as an example of a vulgar satire and apply it onto something else (e.g. a snippet of a story) - "I slammed a buttplug into the character movement" for fixing character momentum, or "Update main.c: Tell upsetStomach() to stop whining" to say that the upsetStomach() function is now gonna shut the fuck up in your compiler warnings - "The world is retarrded!" could be taken as either "The world is mentally degenerate!" or "The world is going backwards!", with you meaning the latter. (Of course, we know both are likely true) This does not mean Encyclopedia Dramatica style lulz, but rather mostly innocent fun. April shouldn't be known as 4Chan month, they probably already have that. Maybe September for the 9/11 attacks or something, I don't fucking know.