| HappyMacs Software Archive
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| | (Again!) | | / ____| / _| |
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Welcome to the HappyMacs Software Archive. Here we present a reasonbly
extensive selection of MacOS software, organized roughly by architecture:
68K, PPC, and MacOS 9.x specific PPC. There is also a PPC MacOS X section,
but this has not yet been fully populated.
The majority of the software presented here is packaged with Stuffit DropStuff,
and so you will need a copy of Stuffit Expander to make use of these programs.
Stuffit Expander is available as a MacOS standard IMG file in each of the 68K
and PPC (Up to MacOS 8.6) sections. The same IMG file also contains the
BunchTyper program, to allow easy access to setting and changing the all
important Type and Creator codes for any files you may have that are not
set correctly. To access these IMG files, simply mount them with DiskCopy,
which is standard MacOS software that is included with most if not all
MacOS installation media.
If you run into any issues with this archive, don't hesitate to email us
at support@inverary.net