|u/Splorgamus - 10 hours
|Are there potential moonmoonmoons?
|u/ConfuciusCubed - 9 hours
|We can only hope.
|u/FocalorLucifuge - 9 hours
|Moon moon moon moon, I want you in my moon.
|u/SurviveAdaptWin - 1 hour
|So we can be together?
|u/FocalorLucifuge - 55 minutes
|Universal law of gravitational attraction.
|u/Popular-Row4333 - 8 hours
|This comment should have at least 1k upvotes, and it's a travesty it
|u/gmishaolem - 7 hours
|> moonmoonmoons This is just what happened with neopets. They added
|pets for your pets that were petpets, then they added pets for petpets
|that were called petpetpets. So you might have some sort of big bear
|neopet, and it might have a little kitten petpet, and the kitten might
|have a flea petpetpet. Yes this is real.
|u/Disciple153 - 1 hour
|Sounds just like parasites in real life, which can have [hyperparasi
|u/trollsong - 9 hours
|At some point it's just a flail with extra steps
|u/ravens-n-roses - 9 hours
|There's no chains though
|u/Joe_Buck_Yourself_ - 9 hours
|Gravity is the chain
|u/ravens-n-roses - 9 hours
|Id main that weapon
|u/slinger301 - 8 hours
|Is that a Linkin Park lyric?
|u/Xenon009 - 5 hours
|Most likely not. A moonmoons' only realistic hope of existing is a
|comet or asteroid getting trapped in the orbit of a gigantic moon,
|which in turn orbits a gas giant. Moons are only relatively stable,
|but earths moon will eventually leave earths orbit, but a moonmoom
|takes that to the next level, with a gas giant and a would-be planet
|both trying to push it in different directions. Thats probably why we
|don't see moonmoons, they're just outrageously unstable. So
|moonmoonmoons have three hurdles to their existence. 1) A small
|moonmoon needs to capture a satellite at all, which is highly unlikely
|that the gas giant, or even the moon, wouldn't steal it first. 2) the
|moonmoon needs to stay stable enough to capture a satellite while its
|orbiting a moon 3) the moonmoonmoon has to stay stable enough for
|someone to spot the bloody thing. Somewhere, somewhen in the
|universe, a moonmoonmoon did, does, or will probably exist, but it
|being now is unlikely, and somewhere near enough, we could ever see it
|even less likely. Also, even if it did, the moonmoonmoon is probably
|little more than a pebble.
|u/Sixbiscuits - 2 hours
|I thought the earth moon's orbit was on the path to becoming larger
|until they become tidally locked?
|u/Top_Tart_7558 - 7 hours
|They probably exist, but we can't detect terrestrial planets very well
|from such a vast distance. We just recently photographed the first
|foreign solar system
|u/I_AM_ACURA_LEGEND - 8 hours
|It’s moons all the way down
|u/Rudeboy67 - 5 hours
|Like the island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island?
|u/thebestdaysofmyflerm - 4 hours
|Like a petpetpet
|u/I_might_be_weasel - 9 hours
|[Dance time.](https://makeagif.com/gif/ppappen-pineapple-apple-pen-
|u/Upset-Basil4459 - 5 hours
|Since our sun is orbiting the galaxy, it should be theoretically
|possible. (Replace the center of the galaxy with a massive star, and
|replace the sun with massive planet)
|u/doomgiver98 - 4 hours
|If a moon becomes to big wouldn't it just become a planet?
|u/Lypos - 4 hours
|Pluto thought so, but they denied its right faster than the Jedi
|Council denied Anakin.
|u/Thatsnicemyman - 3 hours
|Take a seat, young dwarf planet.
|u/GrownUpACow - 3 hours
|It should be noted that Pluto is smaller than our moon.
|u/zealoSC - 2 hours
|Only if it's parent planet becomes big enough to call a star
|u/J3wb0cca - 4 hours
|If they are proportionate to the sizes of planets and moons then it’s
|probably too small to detect. With the amount of objects being pulled
|in thanks to the sun and Jupiter, the largest moons probably have
|something they’re pulling in.
|u/WhisperingWillow_Bre - 1 hour
|Moonmoonmoon madness!
|u/ClassiqueGTA - 10 hours
|Dammit, Moon Moon.
|u/I_might_be_weasel - 9 hours
|u/Goodbar47 - 7 hours
|That video never fails to crack me up! Moon Moon's a legend.
|u/cyborg_127 - 1 hour
|But this video has nothing whatsoever to do with Moon Moon.
|u/thirtyseven1337 - 8 hours
|This guy gets it.
|u/WhenTardigradesFly - 9 hours
|should be called a mooon. and if a mooon has a moon, that would be a
|moooon, and if that had a moon it would be a mooooon, and so on.
|u/meester_pink - 9 hours
|Then a boulder on the ground is a mon?
|u/epostma - 9 hours
|I think a planet would be a mon. And a star would be a mn. Edit:
|every 'o' is a representation of one of the bodies it is circling
|u/Astronius-Maximus - 4 hours
|What is below a star, and would it be m or n?
|u/fenrir245 - 4 hours
|u/devvorare - 1 hour
|Ah, a binary system
|u/SlothOfDoom - 9 hours
|u/maxdamage4 - 4 hours
|u/Samuel_L_Johnson - 1 hour
|Omae wa mou shindeiru
|u/fanau - 8 hours
|They definitely should have asked you first - this is much more
|u/WhenTardigradesFly - 7 hours
|it's not too late. if they could change their minds about pluto
|being a planet they can change their minds about what to call a
|moon's moon too.
|u/fanau - 7 hours
|That’s it. Make a petition. I’ll sign it.
|u/zealoSC - 2 hours
|Physics teachers are strong advocates of this 'spherical cows in a
|vacuum ' model
|u/Benyed123 - 2 hours
|The Luuke logic
|u/trustych0rds - 10 hours
|I always thought that a moon moon would always be unstable because of
|the moon's parent pulling on it as well... which would negate the
|"Stable" part of the definition for it to be a moon(moon).
|u/OttoVonWong - 10 hours
|The moon moon would have to be fairly close. Think of it like how the
|sun hasn’t thrown the moon off its orbit because it’s close enough to
|the Earth.
|u/SUDDENLY_VIRGIN - 7 hours
|That is... an amazing example
|u/myotheralt - 9 hours
|Would the Apollo Command Module count while the lunar lander went
|down? Granted, not a natural satellite.
|u/ramxquake - 7 hours
|It's not a long-term stable orbit.
|u/Bed8 - 9 hours
|Yes it’s a moon moon, but notably an artificial satellite. In much
|the same way, any object orbiting our moon would be, or any other
|object orbiting the moon of another planetary body. What would
|actually be considered a surprise to find would be a natural
|satellite moon moon.
|u/Alotofboxes - 9 hours
|The moonmoon would have to be pritty close to the moon, and the moon
|would have to be pritty large and relatively far from the planet. It
|would be like how Mercury and Venus don't have moons because the sun
|would quickly destabilize the orbits. If we find one, it'll probably
|be around a distant moon around a gas giant.
|u/jaysaccount1772 - 8 hours
|That's not true, it just has to be a natural satellite.
|u/Kahnza - 5 hours
|u/phobosmarsdeimos - 5 hours
|If that were true then moons are unstable because of the Sun.
|u/trustych0rds - 3 hours
|Moon is slightly unstable and getting further away very slightly.
|u/phobosmarsdeimos - 3 hours
|Until it's tidally locked and won't move anymore.
|u/StairwayToPavillion - 3 hours
|it is tidally locked
|u/NotTheAbhi - 5 hours
|I assume it would have to be small and close to the moon so it's not
|affected by the parent.
|u/wadeishere - 9 hours
|u/Wynter_born - 4 hours
|Giga bald.
|u/A_Mirabeau_702 - 9 hours
|One small stepstep for a manman, one giant leapleap for mankindkind
|u/Cantthinkofnamedamn - 9 hours
|That's no moonmoon!
|u/CNpaddington - 9 hours
|It’s a spacespacestation!
|u/phobosmarsdeimos - 5 hours
|That would be an interesting concept, a space station station...
|u/TerrifiCK_ - 9 hours
|u/Crafty-Photograph-18 - 5 hours
|Hate to be that guy, but moonmoon is the informal name. The words you'd
|see them being referred to by in any serious situation are "submoon" or
|u/Peanut_Champion - 9 hours
|Twitch is hosting one right now
|u/Fragrant_Reporter_86 - 7 hours
|twitch hosts a moonmoon
|u/Bigred2989- - 8 hours
|My mind immediately went to the Moon Moon colony in Double Zeta Gundam.
|That was a weird couple episodes in an already odd show.
|u/DebeliHrvat - 5 hours
|That NASA mission that orbited the moon and then returned to Earth was
|technically a moonmoon
|u/pemcil - 4 hours
|Earth is technically a moonmoon. Bodies orbit each other. It takes two
|to gravitate.
|u/Slinktard - 4 hours
|That’s no moonmoon. That’s a battlestationbattlestation
|u/IWantTheLastSlice - 9 hours
|M O O N M O O N spells moon moon.
|u/Kliffoth - 3 hours
|Laws yes!
|u/scottcmu - 8 hours
|That's no moonmoon, that's a space station space station.
|u/trophycloset33 - 5 hours
|Wait if we capture an asteroid and lock it in moon orbit would it
|classify as moonmoon?
|u/wokexinze - 4 hours
|The fact you can have space craft orbit the moon like the Lunar
|Reconnaissance Orbiter. Pretty much easily confirms that this can be the
|u/FineSharts - 9 hours
|I wish our moon had a badass name like all the other planets’ moons.
|How’d we lose that one
|u/AwfulUsername123 - 8 hours
|All other moons are so called in honor of our moon's name.
|u/charrsasaurus - 8 hours
|The moon's name is Luna
|u/AwfulUsername123 - 8 hours
|This is mostly a misconception caused by science fiction. The name
|"Luna" is used in English, but the great majority of English-
|speaking astronomers, including the International Astronomical
|Union, call it simply "the Moon". In other languages that use
|"Luna", it's generalized like "Moon" in English. A Spanish speaker
|can say Phobos and Deimos are "lunas" of Mars.
|u/phobosmarsdeimos - 4 hours
|Luna isn't even used in English. In English the name is The Moon.
|Luna is Latin.
|u/ScissorNightRam - 9 hours
|Can a moon have rings? Can rings have rings?
|u/dethb0y - 9 hours
|if we had the courage, we could give the moon a moon, and then that moon
|a moon, and then, that moon a moon itself...
|u/Boojum2k - 9 hours
|One SF novel I read called them a moony. Not sure which is less bad.
|u/watchingsongsDL - 9 hours
|What about a sunsun?
|u/ThunderBlunt777 - 9 hours
|Zeetus Lapetus Zenon!
|u/HumbleXerxses - 8 hours
|So.....that one part on Requiem for a Dream shall now be called, "The
|Moon moon scene".
|u/seeingeyefrog - 8 hours
|Yeah, I'm not going to call it that. I'll go with sub-moon.
|u/Deitaphobia - 8 hours
|Wouldn't we know by now if our moon had it's own moon?
|u/AdaptiveVariance - 6 hours
|Not the much more intuitive metamoon???
|u/TheManWithNoSchtick - 6 hours
|I'm just gonna say it; scientists are bad at naming things.
|u/equality4everyonenow - 6 hours
|Did Elon's car become our moonmoon?
|u/SkyInital_6016 - 5 hours
|your mom is a moonmoon
|u/bones_boy - 5 hours
|YIL Mike Tyson likes to show his moonmoon on Netflix
|u/joedude - 4 hours
|imagine the largest moon on the largest planet possible and someone tell
|me how many moonmoonmoonmoonmoonmoonmoonmoonmmoons we have get to before
|theyre too small or whatever.
|u/pemcil - 4 hours
|Could an astronaut, from the surface of the moon, single-handedly cause
|a baseball to stably orbit the moon by pitching it up at an optimal
|angle? Does he have the strength?
|u/Ruadhan2300 - 2 hours
|Nope, aside from the obvious problem that you can't get the ball going
|fast enough to orbit, the orbit would necessarily start and finish at
|ground level because all orbits describe a loop. Maybe if he stood on
|a mountaintop and had the mother of all pitching machines.
|u/Stahl_Scharnhorst - 4 hours
|[And you take the moon...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Xza9qae3Xk)
|u/adfthgchjg - 3 hours
|Not “moon McMooney face moon”?
|u/mrcydonia - 3 hours
|They should have used a combo of Latin and old Greek, like Seleneluna.
|u/zealoSC - 2 hours
|The Apollo missions were temporary moonmoons.
|u/SemiHemiDemiDumb - 2 hours
|I tried to do this numerous times in Universe Sandbox and could never
|get it to work.
|u/Kurtotall - 2 hours
|That's no moonmoon.
|u/kirokun - 1 hour
|moonmoon is clintstevens father
|u/PoopyHead-4MAR- - 1 hour
|u/theguyfromgermany - 44 minutes
|Que QI question: How many moon does the earth have? One Brrrr brrrrr
|brrrrr Actually the moon has a moon called a noonmoon...
|u/BananaDiquiri - 9 hours
|There is a pretty good joke here about the 7th planet but I’m an adult
|so I will just give someone the setup.