What's more impressive when it's done naked?
|u/Happy_Terd - 12 hours
|Bee keeping
|u/itsROCKETMAN - 12 hours
|Im a beekeeper, can confirm this.
|u/Sliksteve - 7 hours
|Where's the most painful place to get stung that isn't the eyes
|u/WienerBatter - 6 hours
|The peehole
|u/ProbablyHornyMaybe - 5 hours
|Buzz buzz
|u/DoctorJordi_ - 5 hours
|Ya like jazz?
|u/CodenameX47 - 36 minutes
|u/LardAmungus - 4 hours
|Name checks out
|u/Consistent-Tap-4255 - 4 hours
|I trust your expertise u/WienerBatter
|u/TheOxygenius - 6 hours
|How old are you? Obviously bee keeping age.
|u/northb4 - 6 hours
|R&M reference for the win!
|u/xendelaar - 3 hours
|I guess you definitely must be beekeeper age then.
|u/Waltonruler5 - 11 hours
|Well when you're bee keeping age...
|u/HorseMeatEyeballs - 12 hours
|Bee creeping
|u/md22mdrx - 10 hours
|First thing I thought of …
|u/stardustxglow - 12 hours
|There was a guy on the local news that fought a cougar while naked,
|'cause it attacked his dog.
|u/SeanTheTranslator - 10 hours
|Is this about the same guy as the top comment? /u/Long-Tip-5374
|u/Long-Tip-5374 - 10 hours
|No it was definitely not a cougar I chase cougars but not that kind
|u/SucculentBussy_ - 8 hours
|My man
|u/hanging_with_epstein - 9 hours
|That was a fantastic reply
|u/millennialoser - 6 hours
|How many “name checks” do you get in a day??
|u/hanging_with_epstein - 6 hours
|Quite a few, all with varying degrees of the same joke. I
|just reply 🥁💥 now
|u/Aware_Impression_736 - 1 hour
|I'm on the express elevator to Hell for laughing at your screen
|u/ssw_watermelon1255 - 8 hours
|someone give this man an award.
|u/honkywonky74400 - 9 hours
|u/oatmeal28 - 9 hours
|No the cougar was having a picnic nearby and paid ole Long Tip a
|visit that evening
|u/Master_Air_8485 - 12 hours
|This is why you always go to her house after the bar instead of going
|to your place.
|u/AcademicWeapon06 - 11 hours
|Isn’t a cougar an animal? English isn’t my first language so maybe
|I’m mistaken idk.
|u/314159265358979326 - 10 hours
|It's slang for older ladies trying to bang young men in this
|case, but yes, it is also a large cat.
|u/Saturated-Biscuit - 8 hours
|And by “bang” he means “shtup.”
|u/Leviathan1337 - 6 hours
|And by "shtup" he means "The Married Horizontal Charleston"
|u/vujn - 11 hours
|lol, cougar is slang for a older woman who likes younger men.
|u/Littens4Life - 9 hours
|I was waiting for this joke lol
|u/Myfathersfavdaughter - 13 hours
|Making bacon
|u/zer00eyz - 11 hours
|One of my first jobs was at a fast food joint. When you opened one
|of the things you had to do for one of the stations (hotdogs) was to
|fry an ungodly amount of bacon bits (think 20+ pounds). The thing you
|had to do was to get yesterday's aprons out of the dirty bin, hold
|two up as a shield and stick your arm through to flip and spread
|them... You would still get bacon bits on the arm, and to the face...
|it was pretty much hell. Making 20 pounds of bacon bits on a hot
|griddle would be far far worse.
|u/Alt0173 - 2 hours
|They seriously couldn't just give you proper PPE...
|u/Wtf-Happened-44 - 12 hours
|You sub-of-a B&\^#$, you stole my answer, lmao
|u/Vegetable_Tension985 - 7 hours
|bacon pancakes, making bacon pancakes
|u/Howmanygravels - 6 hours
|On slow Sundays, I will hop out of bed naked, start the oven at 200°F
|and slap a pack of bacon on the racks. Go back to bed, lay down, nap
|for a couple more hours and return to said oven, still naked but
|chomping on bacon this time around.
|u/docta_pepper - 10 hours
|baking bacon in the oven is the superior method
|u/002dollar - 7 hours
|u/namath3030 - 6 hours
|Always wondered why we cook bacon, but we bake cookies…
|u/docta_pepper - 5 hours
|lol. we also have scalloped potatoes but no potatoed scallops?
|crazy world we live in
|u/314159265358979326 - 10 hours
|I tried an air fryer. Problem is, I didn't look up the smoke point
|of bacon fat beforehand. Protip: it's less than 400.
|u/Sharin_the_Groove - 9 hours
|So what'd you fry it at and for how long? And would you keep
|doing it that way?
|u/TheKnightRider009 - 9 hours
|I think they're trying to say that things didn't turn out so
|well doing it that way
|u/Long-Tip-5374 - 13 hours
|Protecting your dog from a coyote. I ran out into my front yard naked
|with my sha boingy boingy out to protect my Jack Russell Terrier
|Gunther from a coyote attack one time. My neighbors across the street
|were having a family picnic when it happened.
|u/vexage_the_anti_simp - 12 hours
|Your neighbours got to witness your username
|u/LastEngill - 12 hours
|maybe they thought you were bringing the sausage...
|u/pm_me_coffee_pics - 11 hours
|…and then disappointed when he didn’t
|u/DeuceSevin - 10 hours
|And brought a cocktail frank instead.
|u/bearwithmeimamerican - 10 hours
|"Everyone, meet Frank. Frank has a cock tail"
|u/phatelectribe - 7 hours
|Shrimp cocktail according to grandma
|u/Long-Tip-5374 - 9 hours
|I brought it with extra head cheese
|u/Silist - 10 hours
|His sha boingy boingy
|u/Gogh619 - 12 hours
|Seems like an odd time to have a picnic. While you’re naked, and your
|dog is being eaten.
|u/FuckThisShizzle - 12 hours
|Sounds like dinner and a show.
|u/Phage0070 - 9 hours
|Family picnic in the front yard with the wild coyotes.
|u/french_fries_dealer - 11 hours
|They send the coyote to bring them dog meat, they were lacking some
|u/False-Somewhere1609 - 12 hours
|Give this guy a 🏅
|u/ClassroomJealous1060 - 12 hours
|I feel more bad his name is Gunther over the incident.
|u/Juan52 - 11 hours
|Man wasn’t the other way? JRTs are vicious little demons!
|u/SubconsciousTantrum - 12 hours
|u/NYCHReddit - 11 hours
|Lmao came here hoping top answer would be the exact same as the “what
|should never be done naked” question, glad to see Reddit does not
|u/Turpentine_Enema - 11 hours
|Besides the intense UV radiation, you could easily TIG weld naked. I
|do it in a tank top and shorts all the time (because Florida)
|u/RJG-340 - 10 hours
|Seems like the UV rays arr worse tig welding aluminum that steel,
|or is it my imagination, or maybe changing the polarity is the
|u/Turpentine_Enema - 10 hours
|The shiny aluminum reflects all that light and heat back at you.
|I had a pretty bad sunburn until my arms got used to it.
|u/pirivalfang - 6 hours
|Your arms don't get used to it. You're just permenently
|damaging your skin with high intensity UV. You're probably
|going need to have several melanomas carved off of your body.
|u/Frosty-the-hoeman - 12 hours
|u/Briffy03 - 11 hours
|Learned this one the hard way, glad i wasnt fully nakedy but didnt
|think i could get a sunburn on my inner thighs
|u/Valtael - 12 hours
|I found out that the mormons always skip my house when they come down
|the street because when she was about 19 my wife once opened the door
|to them stark naked with full goth makeup and vampire fangs.
|u/Frost-Wzrd - 12 hours
|I'd never skip that house
|u/AcquittalBurden - 12 hours
|That'd be the only house we go to
|u/Gomer_Schmuckatelli - 8 hours
|"We're gonna start here and then regroup in an hour for a head
|u/Scarfiotti - 2 hours
|Hmmmm, head count......
|u/Kerrigore - 9 hours
|I, too, choose OP’s naked goth wife.
|u/Captain_Salamander - 9 hours
|Reddit Challenge: Try To Be Original.
|u/Seanvich - 9 hours
|Nice catch 22.
|u/Weird_Fiches - 8 hours
|Original? Didn't you read the ToS?
|u/Rickman1945 - 9 hours
|So you’re a Hex Girl?
|u/Thin_Onion3826 - 9 hours
|If you told me where that house was, I’d fly in just to go there.
|u/Elementus94 - 11 hours
|Guy won the lotto with the goth vampire wife.
|u/8_LivesLeft - 11 hours
|Where exactly?
|u/Daegzy - 10 hours
|That's disgusting! Ew! Where?!
|u/ProdigyLightshow - 9 hours
|There are so many neighborhoods though! Which one?
|u/igotDOOBIEinmyFUNK - 8 hours
|I’m sorry, but I can’t wrap my head around this. You live in your
|house with your wife, who also lived there when she was growing up?
|Or did the Mormons just put your wife’s name on a no call list and
|they avoid her wherever she lives? I’m so confused.
|u/jak119 - 6 hours
|They probably purchased or inherited the house from the wife’s
|parents or live with the parents.
|u/DFWPunk - 11 hours
|That's much easier than how I got them to skip mine.
|u/french_fries_dealer - 11 hours
|What did you do?
|u/DFWPunk - 10 hours
|I lecturedv the missionaries on the actual history of Joseph
|Smith, including the drinking, smoking and having sex with his
|wife's very young maid, which is when he had the polygamy
|"revelation". My father was a bishop so he had me on the do
|visit list. Now I'm on the don't visit list. Only once have they
|shown up and it was right after I moved so the records weren't
|updated. It was two young ladies so I told told them they
|probably weren't supposed to be visiting me. Had I realized
|they're basically required to do any chores you ask I may have
|handled things differently.
|u/Levistras - 10 hours
|Dude I just put a tiny pride flag in the front garden and they
|treat my house like it’s radioactive. Lecturing seems like
|way too much energy expended.
|u/DFWPunk - 10 hours
|Dude. They'll mow your lawn if you ask. I really wish I'd
|taken advantage.
|u/Floppydisksareop - 9 hours
|The spiritual bullshit isn't remotely worth it.
|u/Repulsive-Relief1818 - 10 hours
|We had Jehovah’s Witnesses at our door today at the exact
|time my fiancé was trying to leave to go grab food. She goes
|“welp I guess the dog is going for the ride” and let him out
|the door. Apparently the pit/mastiff barreling through the
|door at them was enough for them to grow wheels…because they
|were back in the street with the quickness.
|u/tylerbrainerd - 10 hours
|Did you explain how wrong they were using monopoly and
|u/DFWPunk - 9 hours
|Nah. When your father's a bishop and you hate him and his
|church you just know the history. Honestly it's amazing how
|little they really know, and how what they do know has been
|u/purejawgz - 9 hours
|Is door knocking from religious groups common in the US? I think
|I’ve been done once in 15yrs of adulthood and the last 7ish of those
|I’ve had a video doorbell
|u/Roku-Hanmar - 5 hours
|In the last 20 years I can only recall getting the knock once (not
|u/CoIbeast - 7 hours
|I had to read this like 3 times because I was picturing your wife
|opening the door and seeing *them* naked with vampire fangs and
|makeup and got super confused.
|u/stelleOstalle - 11 hours
|And a vampire cape, I hope.
|u/Rigamortus2005 - 5 hours
|Disgusting. As a Mormon, can I get the exact location of your home so
|I can also avoid it?
|u/GreyPilgrim1973 - 10 hours
| An we get a photo of your wife? Just for record keeping, mind you.
|u/Remote-Two8663 - 9 hours
|Who was she expecting at the door?
|u/Final_Dance_4593 - 10 hours
|u/DonaldMaralago - 9 hours
|Looking to spread the word. What’s your address
|u/RetroBerner - 6 hours
|Guess I'll be a Mormon next Halloween, what's the neighborhood again?
|u/IlIIlIIIlIl - 10 hours
|I love your wife...
|u/rowenaravenclaw0 - 9 hours
| I once turned the sprinklers on the jehovah's witnesses
|u/Financial-Round-1685 - 9 hours
|Where do you live so I know which house to avoid….
|u/Saturated-Biscuit - 8 hours
|Pics or it didn’t happen
|u/SmiteThe - 12 hours
|u/Toshii1609 - 8 hours
|How tf
|u/anxiouskeleton - 7 hours
|You never take off your skin suit?
|u/Briezerr - 4 hours
|Username checks out
|u/nightfall8000 - 7 hours
|u/Brvcx - 6 hours
|[Robby Williams](https://youtu.be/BnO3nijfYmU?si=Fs6PVzuu-8gj-c50)
|did this well over 20 years ago. I was an early teen when this song
|(and videoclip) was all over the music channels in a lot of European
|countries at the time. Before anyone explodes, didn't take long for
|a SFW video to appear, only for this one to be shown "after dark".
|u/Chaos-n-Dissonance - 13 hours
|Hitting a home run without a bat.
|u/pastelchannl - 12 hours
|somewhere somewhere there exists a hentai about this I bet.
|u/ogcuddlezombie - 8 hours
|u/Kingflowerpants - 12 hours
|No that's actually more impressive when you're wearing clothes.
|u/Unseenmonument - 8 hours
|You can be naked and still wearing clothes.
|u/binz17 - 6 hours
|Werecloths turn into a birthday suit during a full moon.
|u/BubbleGumps - 12 hours
|Even more impressive if you're a woman and you do it with your tits.
|u/happy--muffin - 12 hours
|That sounds painful I’m hurting just thinking about it
|u/overthehillhat - 13 hours
|making the State of the Union Address
|u/AirpipelineCellPhone - 11 hours
|A, the emperor has no clothes, kind of situation, I assume.
|u/betterthanamaster - 10 hours
|“My fellow Americans. I know. Everyone else gasped, too. I just
|got this new suit. It’s the best suit I’ve ever worn. Just
|incredible craftsmanship. China wishes they had a suit like this
|one. It’s going straight to the museum after this, too and everyone
|can look at it and marvel!” Worst part is, I think any of the
|presidential candidates could have done this because their egos were
|so big.
|u/Imightbeafanofthis - 12 hours
|Cross country skiing.
|u/Square_Ad8710 - 11 hours
|Down hill skiing. I would figure the below freezing weather at
|faster speeds would be worse.
|u/ketchupnliqour - 6 hours
|It feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!
|u/JadedBrit - 12 hours
|Parading in front of thousands of your subjects. They'll tell that
|story forever.
|u/Funkeysismychildhood - 12 hours
|I understood that reference.
|u/ADiabloFan - 8 hours
|Where is it from?
|u/Funkeysismychildhood - 8 hours
|I believe he was refering to the old tale, The Emperor's New
|u/BlindWillieJohnson - 11 hours
|Stupid isn’t the same as impressive
|u/DOOM_boy2010 - 12 hours
|u/FaultyTowerz - 12 hours
|Weed trimming
|u/RudeInvestigatorNo3 - 3 hours
|Actually I think being naked helps in this case
|u/Adventurous_wolf02 - 12 hours
|Hiking 3 miles. Although I don't recommend it
|u/DOOM_boy2010 - 12 hours
|Wait fr?
|u/Adventurous_wolf02 - 12 hours
|Yep it's a long story
|u/PresToon - 10 hours
|Well...we are waiting...
|u/Adventurous_wolf02 - 10 hours
|I'm still writing it out. Told you it was long
|u/Fireblox1053 - 10 hours
|It’s been two hours. This must be a hell of a story!
|u/Adventurous_wolf02 - 10 hours
|u/Video-Complex - 9 hours
|u/yoitsclarence - 8 hours
|Still waiting...
|u/PresToon - 10 hours
|Oh bet. I just commented so I'll get an update lol
|u/xSoullessx82 - 10 hours
|Thats a smart move, totally not doing the same with this 😁
|u/jenkai1 - 12 hours
|I got time....
|u/ManonegraCG - 12 hours
|Me too...
|u/DogNostrilSpecialist - 10 hours
|So do I
|u/MiserableEar4007 - 9 hours
|I got plenty of time.
|u/jasonreid1976 - 8 hours
|I have a friend that has done a thru-hike of the AT. Apparently,
|there are days where people hike naked in certain areas. He saw
|u/grubas - 7 hours
|Naked people in the backwoods is just a thing. You get
|naturists, nudists, hippies, and whatever else. Rock climbing
|naked... Can hurt.
|u/peanuts_powers - 8 hours
|We definitely got some times
|u/hacksawjim89 - 12 hours
|u/BradleyRaptor12 - 9 hours
|Oh yeah baby, just like that. No, your left foot goes on the far red,
|not the green one. I’d be too competitive on twister, even if I was
|u/Chucks_u_Farley - 8 hours
|Love the thought of this, but I'm colorblind soooo...... yeah, right
|hand grey?
|u/Mysterious_Me3369 - 12 hours
|I think any man that cooks bacon naked, successfully and without
|getting hurt, should get a trophy
|u/pereuse - 9 hours
|Or woman
|u/iHpv - 8 hours
|Drunk me doesn't need a shirt or tongs to cook bacon
|u/sukihasmu - 10 hours
|Job interview
|u/zzz88r1 - 9 hours
|Depends on the job
|u/sukihasmu - 9 hours
|Couch salesman.
|u/Dagobian_Fudge - 8 hours
|I think I’ve seen that movie
|u/Huggy5795 - 2 hours
|I convinced a friend to show up to a job interview nude. It was at a
|nudist resort. I asked her when would she ever get this opportunity
|again? It would be a story she would have the rest of her life.
|Kicker… everyone else showed up dressed.
|u/no_condoms_ - 12 hours
|Cutting steel with a torch.
|u/EmergencyYou - 9 hours
|I was going to say welding. Uv burns in places you never thought of.
|u/Mechanic-Art-1 - 12 hours
|Using an angle grinder.
|u/amyloulie - 12 hours
|Playing the recorder without using your mouth
|u/FkitA-a-ron - 11 hours
|Reminds me of a coworker who decided to share his amazing discovery
|of a woman who could play the "cunt trumpet" while looking for porn.
|He shared it with the entire crew while we were out for a smoke
|break. 🤣
|u/zzz88r1 - 9 hours
|I’d love to see that. 🤣. I have seen one that could shoot ping pong
|balls across the room but never one that is musically inclined.
|u/FkitA-a-ron - 7 hours
|Oh it was nowhere near worth the build up or the hype from the
|dude. It was literally just a light quick prrt. Like if you
|farted into one. 🤣 That being said the dude hyping up the video
|was fucking hilarious. Youd think he discovered a nearby
|inhabitable planet.
|u/ManonegraCG - 12 hours
|Damn you! My drink just shot through my nose!
|u/Bjarki56 - 13 hours
|Deep frying anything.
|u/Amockeryofthecistern - 9 hours
|Shoplifting and not being caught.
|u/Rozkosz60 - 12 hours
|Using my penis to spread buttercream on a cake.
|u/ratraceinsurgent - 12 hours
|I feel like this may be more impressive fully clothed.
|u/IndieGuy_5 - 12 hours
|surely you did this to someone you hate and not for yourself 😵💫
|u/Funkeysismychildhood - 12 hours
|For his wife probably
|u/Rozkosz60 - 10 hours
|It was for my husband’s birthday. Always doing kinky stuff.
|u/bestbuyguy69 - 10 hours
|Well that's a fucking plot twist. Edit: I'd have been able to
|predict it had I opened the profile..
|u/April264 - 12 hours
|u/FishAndRiceKeks - 12 hours
|Men's gymnastics. Dangerous.
|u/FrontConclusion8855 - 12 hours
|fighting mike tyson - seriously tho, that fight sucked, it needs
|u/frugalsoul - 8 hours
|Anything. Preferably lions. It would at least be done sooner
|u/RoboJoePrime - 12 hours
|u/LPPrince - 12 hours
|Putting your clothes on
|u/Funkeysismychildhood - 12 hours
|No, pretty sure that would be more impressive if you already had
|clothes on underneath. That'd make it more difficult
|u/iknowthekimchi - 11 hours
|Kissing your child and then exposing your ass cheeks to millions of
|people on Netflix.
|u/sauceanova - 4 hours
|Ath cheekth
|u/MudkipzAndUnicorns - 12 hours
|u/Ok-Ship812 - 12 hours
|Deep fat frying a thanksgiving turkey.
|u/TecN9ne - 12 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/Own_Law5626 - 12 hours
|Winning a costume contest
|u/morganstern - 10 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/jstmenow - 10 hours
|Frying 3 pounds of bacon without using the splatter shield on the pan
|u/DifficultLocation80 - 9 hours
|u/FuchsVoid - 10 hours
|u/NoOven2609 - 10 hours
|Yo mama
|u/LadyGrantham - 10 hours
|According to Roland Deschain - fighting naked. >Eddie was doing well.
|The gunslinger measured just how well by the fact that he was fighting
|naked. That was hard for a man. Sometimes impossible
|u/dildiusmaximus - 5 hours
|Hiding a boner
|u/laobai - 12 hours
|Sunday sermon
|u/McLazie - 12 hours
|Per usual in some British churches some, ask the head of the church
|he knows it all
|u/Square_Ad8710 - 11 hours
|Venomous snake milking.
|u/surveyor2004 - 12 hours
|Weed eating.
|u/FemboyChicken - 12 hours
|Cooking/frying somehing
|u/Careful-Midnight-275 - 11 hours
|Yoga, swimming, tanning, and partying
|u/herewegoagain592 - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon.
|u/rippa76 - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/tossaway78701 - 9 hours
|u/felinebarbecue - 9 hours
|Frying bacon.
|u/WholeContent7755 - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/greginvalley - 9 hours
|u/2yearlurking_10_19 - 8 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/The_SovietOnion6 - 8 hours
|putting your phone in your pocket
|u/old_school - 7 hours
|u/ZedSpot - 7 hours
|u/YamOk9501 - 6 hours
|Whats so exciting about cooking bacon
|u/kdog_smash - 6 hours
|GETTING DRUNK, but the downside of this is you will get bruises all
|over your chest that makes it look nasty and blue..no blue not blue
|u/robinson217 - 6 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/lyndy650 - 5 hours
|u/BoringLoverrr - 5 hours
|Giving a commencement speech
|u/CuriousProblemChild - 4 hours
|getting pickpocketed
|u/desert_pine - 4 hours
|u/Any-Register-5967 - 4 hours
|Driving exam
|u/SasquatchNHeat4U - 3 hours
|u/AwetPinkThinG - 2 hours
|Frying bacon on the pan
|u/Atophy - 48 minutes
|Pan frying a pack of bacon !
|u/No_Salad_68 - 43 minutes
|Bungy jumping. Bodily elasticity writ large.
|u/Sideshow_Bob_Ross - 42 minutes
|Deep frying.
|u/somewetsocks69 - 13 hours
|Doing the helicopter with a penis
|u/Big-Instruction1745 - 13 hours
|Lava collecting
|u/djthinking - 12 hours
|Gymnastics, especially Beam or Uneven Bars.
|u/diditjit - 12 hours
|Frying bacon
|u/Ok-Afternoon-3724 - 12 hours
|Frying bacon. BTDT
|u/randc1565 - 10 hours
|Bee Keeping
|u/juanitodel8 - 7 hours
|Do a spacewalk as an astronaut
|u/CountHonorius - 12 hours
|Grilling burgers
|u/Landcruiser2010 - 12 hours
|Walking in public
|u/hyfen666 - 12 hours
|u/ratraceinsurgent - 12 hours
|u/throwingcopper92 - 12 hours
|Carrying donuts handsfree...
|u/Kermit_38 - 12 hours
|Grinding metal tubing
|u/bazingathon - 12 hours
|u/Sithical - 12 hours
|Blowing insulation into an attic.
|u/Upset-Masterpiece218 - 12 hours
|Getting dragged behind a horse
|u/SinceGoogleDsntKnow - 12 hours
|World record number of shirts put on
|u/Shot_Pop7624 - 12 hours
|Having read Drawing of the Three, earning Rolands respect as a heroin
|addict: being in a gunfight.
|u/Adept_Geologist_9536 - 12 hours
|Aerobic exercises.
|u/Dziadzios - 12 hours
|Everything. No exception.
|u/SinceGoogleDsntKnow - 12 hours
|u/aeninimbuoye13 - 12 hours
|Fight in a war and win
|u/redditofexile - 12 hours
|u/dragonboysam - 12 hours
|Parkour (because you aren't shoes or gloves)
|u/urcrazyifurnormal - 12 hours
|Yoga. Very freeing!
|u/Two_dump_chump - 12 hours
|u/inertiam - 12 hours
|u/RunZombieBabe - 12 hours
|Chainsaw juggling
|u/RoastPork2017 - 12 hours
|Going house to house asking them "Have you heard the good news?"
|u/Short-Advertising-49 - 12 hours
|u/jabbertaff - 12 hours
|Press ups
|u/bigsoupinthecoupe - 12 hours
|Hiking Mount Everest
|u/vanchit - 12 hours
|u/AlanDank - 12 hours
|Frying bacon
|u/koadey - 12 hours
|Spending several days naked.
|u/Specialist-Way-648 - 12 hours
|Alligator wrestling.
|u/BoredSteak - 12 hours
|I dont know, come over and show me
|u/Mr_Bob_Ferguson - 12 hours
|Speaking at grandma’s funeral service.
|u/Ieatpussy - 12 hours
|Playing horseshoes
|u/Mysterious-Speech874 - 12 hours
|Playing hockey
|u/Competitive-Bat-43 - 12 hours
|Fire juggling
|u/Reddintant - 12 hours
|Swimming across a freezing lake. It’s both daring and extreme,
|showcasing physical endurance and a complete disregard for comfort!
|u/Imissyoudarlin - 12 hours
|Dead lifting
|u/jaskee_rat_ - 12 hours
|you ask me opposite and I will say, SHIT.
|u/Lofty50 - 12 hours
|Olympic Ice Dancing
|u/mrbigcawk - 12 hours
|u/RevolutionAgile7769 - 12 hours
|Snow shoveling
|u/Expensive_Presence_4 - 12 hours
|Using a nut cracker
|u/TerriblePabz - 12 hours
|As a man, making bacon Beware the boiling oil falling on unprotected
|heads lads
|u/Dkkkane - 11 hours
|u/Flimsy-Tradition2850 - 11 hours
|Changing cars oil.
|u/onemanmelee - 11 hours
|Pulling one of those unending handkerchiefs from your pocket.
|u/grendel54 - 11 hours
|u/Shot-Cover-5113 - 11 hours
|Sky diving ?
|u/sas5814 - 11 hours
|Frying bacon.
|u/thaliasophiax - 11 hours
|taking a shower
|u/ConclusionUnusual320 - 11 hours
|Ironing clothes…. Gave myself an interesting burn with an iron doing
|that once.
|u/Stinger22024 - 11 hours
|Cooking bacon.
|u/Griffie - 11 hours
|Modeling dresses
|u/Smitzeh_IRL - 11 hours
|Attending a funeral. Apparently it's only okay if it's your funeral.
|u/Paravachini - 11 hours
|Sky diving
|u/CragTradder - 11 hours
|dry humping
|u/lencc - 11 hours
|u/CRO553R - 11 hours
|Fashion Show
|u/FernSapien - 11 hours
|Doing planks over hot Coles.
|u/edwardbusyhands - 11 hours
|🥌 curling
|u/viper0481 - 11 hours
|Cooking fried chicken
|u/TheTinRam - 11 hours
|Convincing my wife to have sex with me
|u/ddlatv - 11 hours
|Wasn't this already been asked?
|u/woodgie2 - 11 hours
|Frying bacon…
|u/Astrohurricane1 - 11 hours
|Fire fighting
|u/PlayNicePlayCrazy - 11 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/Acceptable_Face_8604 - 11 hours
|Everything :D
|u/ChaoticMutant - 11 hours
|u/SteveBennett7g - 11 hours
|Preaching to the multitudes.
|u/HandsomeRob74 - 11 hours
|Frying bacon
|u/Ravenbob22 - 11 hours
|Fighting an army. It’s a pretty ballsy move.
|u/CalltheeZoo - 11 hours
|A job interview
|u/Dugiongo - 11 hours
|Going out in public
|u/JesusOnline_89 - 11 hours
|Riding my bike 10 miles thru a high population city.
|u/Wranglin_Pangolin - 11 hours
|Public nudity is legal where I live. I’d say having a hard on for
|democracy and voting with a raging boner along with a can do attitude.
|u/Gcoanstevens - 11 hours
|u/Dig1talalch3my - 11 hours
|Frying bacon
|u/OBCTea - 11 hours
|u/Ordinary_Shallot_674 - 11 hours
|Helicopter. No impact fully clothed.
|u/IsThistheWord - 11 hours
|Running onto the field in the middle of a game.
|u/ScottOld - 11 hours
|Cooking sausages
|u/JellySquirtGun - 11 hours
|Opening a jar of pickles
|u/Dustinscottt - 11 hours
|u/HusKimbo - 11 hours
|u/JoeyImage - 11 hours
|Looking great in new jeans
|u/Roninmajiks - 11 hours
|Winning a fight against a bear
|u/skyfishgoo - 11 hours
|u/DpvdSchlrMdrnAlchmst - 11 hours
|Having meetings
|u/teachmeyourstory - 10 hours
|The Olympics God damn modern games ruining half the fun
|u/Lybertyne2 - 10 hours
|Heart surgery
|u/someguywhoreddits36 - 10 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/Used_Operation3647 - 10 hours
|Almost everything.
|u/djauralsects - 10 hours
|Cooking bacon.
|u/Prisoner_of_the_road - 10 hours
|Waiting in your boss's office ... In his chair ... Erected ...
|u/Allison800 - 10 hours
|Pillow grinding
|u/truvex - 10 hours
|Presidential debates.
|u/iamded2401 - 10 hours
|u/Davidc19872010 - 10 hours
|In sport announcer voice: OMG THERE GOES TONY HAWK WITH A 720 !....
|u/Davidc19872010 - 10 hours
|u/loki143 - 10 hours
|u/starrpamph - 10 hours
|Soldering while sitting in a leather chair when it’s hot outside.
|u/mrjazzguitar - 10 hours
|Walking on the Moon.
|u/Tinyshareabebe - 10 hours
|u/Plasma_Cosmo_9977 - 10 hours
|Probably contortion
|u/b3nn3rnbbq - 10 hours
|Charming someone in a bar
|u/DJ-Palli - 10 hours
|u/Political_Unrest7 - 10 hours
|Skydiving naked…impressive for either sex!
|u/Admirable_Emu_4551 - 10 hours
|Running a marathon
|u/UnfeteredOne - 10 hours
|Proving my point on the completion of the CMDB project in front of a
|board of directors on why the investment was necessary
|u/bang0_slank - 10 hours
|Gun fighting
|u/blaedmon - 10 hours
|u/Warper1980 - 10 hours
|Clapping without using your hands as a guy.
|u/Rinkiin - 10 hours
|Jumping off a cliff 🤣
|u/Temporary_Ice_7982 - 10 hours
|Definitely feed the dog
|u/ScaricoOleoso - 10 hours
|Converting large numbers of people to Catholicism.
|u/Fred_Ledge - 10 hours
|River dance
|u/Temporary_Ice_7982 - 10 hours
|Ohhhh now it's not sounding so bad when. U swish around a lil bit
|u/wigglyboiii - 10 hours
|u/sf24252744 - 10 hours
|Direct traffic
|u/TheFightinSloth - 10 hours
|Clothes shopping.
|u/LitreAhhCola - 10 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/Younes007 - 10 hours
|Meeting parents in law
|u/IllustriousReason944 - 10 hours
|Frying bacon.
|u/Traditional_Age509 - 10 hours
|Home defense
|u/durrylegion - 10 hours
|A cartwheel!
|u/The_Hard_Truth69 - 10 hours
|Definitely not short selling, that’s for sure
|u/Ok-Mud4136 - 10 hours
|Safely defecating in the Amazon Rainforest, full sumo squat
|u/GoLionsJD107 - 10 hours
|u/laceybacey2626 - 10 hours
|Family thanksgiving dinner
|u/Eddie73-3 - 10 hours
|Getting dressed
|u/CokeEhCola - 10 hours
|I know it's not quite fully naked but it's just as impressive. Giving a
|live, world wide broadcasted heartfelt one on one interview with your
|son before you go box Jake Paul. My jaw hit the ground when I seen them
|u/donkeyhustler - 10 hours
|Laying on a bed of nails
|u/King_Prawn_shrimp - 10 hours
|u/LatterOstrich5118 - 10 hours
|Taking a layer off.
|u/ahmitchah - 10 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/SoberAnxiety - 10 hours
|Ted talk about self confidence
|u/ianmoone1102 - 10 hours
|u/KokoTheTalkingApe - 10 hours
|Frying bacon.
|u/stbazx - 10 hours
|u/evil_moron - 9 hours
|Frying bacon
|u/wooties05 - 9 hours
|Surviving a week outside
|u/Important_Piglet7363 - 9 hours
|Twirling a fire baton
|u/WiscoPopPM - 9 hours
|The sexing
|u/SillyGoatGruff - 9 hours
|Pulling off a formal black tie look
|u/306metalhead - 9 hours
|A bank robbery
|u/dcpixels - 9 hours
|The State of the Union address
|u/Da40kOrks - 9 hours
|cooking bacon. That splattering grease is no joke!
|u/dannyantlers - 9 hours
|u/BadseNelson - 9 hours
|Getting dressed
|u/regular-normal-guy - 9 hours
|Wrestling a bear. Jousting. Cross country skiing. Welding.
|u/KingLouisXCIX - 9 hours
|u/OolongGeer - 9 hours
|u/FUNEMNX9IF9X - 9 hours
|for a male, carrying 6 donuts and two cups of coffee...
|u/Earth2Meekus - 9 hours
|Buying a car from a dealership
|u/negative-nelly - 9 hours
|Watching your kids school play.
|u/Orion14159 - 9 hours
|Men pole vaulting
|u/Grossent - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/BobknobSA - 9 hours
|Frying bacon
|u/JustDaggerz - 9 hours
|cooking bacon
|u/Momentofclarity_2022 - 9 hours
|u/well_friqq - 9 hours
|Walkin into work
|u/Jitkay - 9 hours
|Everything !
|u/Carl-99999 - 9 hours
|Chainsaw juggling.
|u/ecallawsamoht - 9 hours
|Not "impressive", but running feels amazing when you do it naked. I
|REALLY want to do a sanctioned nude 5K one day.
|u/HeifTreez - 9 hours
|A friend of mine was woken up in the middle of the night to intruders
|downstairs at his house. He hid beside the door to his bedroom and when
|one of the intruders entered the room, he physically captured him, used
|him as a human shield, walked him to the other two intruders and began
|digging a rollerblade key into the guys temple as a “shock and awe”
|measure of violence to scare them into abandoning their plans and
|leaving. It worked. As he screwed the metal key into the captive’s
|temple his screams and the others reactions were checkmate. The guys
|ran out of his house. He did all this stark nude.
|u/jp847 - 9 hours
|u/redbreadzed - 9 hours
|Jerking off
|u/zzz88r1 - 9 hours
|Don’t forget your towel
|u/Purging_mofos - 9 hours
|u/booyoukarmawhore - 9 hours
|Getting undressed
|u/ScottCobler - 9 hours
|Playing pickleball
|u/nakanampuge - 9 hours
|MMA fights
|u/Known_Statistician59 - 9 hours
|Winning a contest where the objective is to be fully clothed.
|u/joeyggg - 9 hours
|Frying bacon.
|u/cake-hat - 9 hours
|climbing everest
|u/ZakkTheInsomniac - 9 hours
|u/redditAvilaas - 9 hours
|winning a fashion contest
|u/woke_up_sad - 9 hours
|Summiting Everest.
|u/HardworkingBludger - 9 hours
|Welding or working in a foundry or steelworks
|u/rowenaravenclaw0 - 9 hours
| Bungee jumping
|u/Soggy-Resolution-144 - 9 hours
|Classroom presentations
|u/bobbyjones2222 - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon 🥓
|u/RoyalWeasel - 9 hours
|u/JuicyOrangelikesjsal - 9 hours
|Getting kicked in the nuts with no reaction
|u/AcanthaceaeNew6761 - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/xplosivetaco - 9 hours
|Evading arrest
|u/ReverbAtBat - 9 hours
|One word is needed Houdini
|u/munko69 - 9 hours
|Ascent of Mt. Everest without a Sherpa
|u/kennnyisbored - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon.
|u/chairplanet - 9 hours
|Prime Ministership
|u/hadean_refuge - 9 hours
|Bear wrestling? Unicycle? Roofing? Thanksgiving?
|u/rodrigoelp - 9 hours
|Collecting bees to relocate them
|u/CyberTheWerewolf - 9 hours
|Kind of an odd answer, but body painting. Using your body as a
|paintbrush to make artwork is quite the talent.
|u/knightress_oxhide - 9 hours
|Opening a jar of pickles.
|u/lith0s - 9 hours
|Being an Emperor.
|u/Logical-Rip-8138 - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/THEBUS1NESS - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/SpecialPush1069 - 9 hours
|Giving a speech
|u/corkas_ - 9 hours
|Bee keeping
|u/Vgcortes - 9 hours
|Everything that could harm you. Freeze, burn, cut, etc. Everything else
|is just stupid stuff, lol.
|u/abajasiesu - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/Riverrat423 - 9 hours
|Snow skiing!
|u/Off_The_Sauce - 9 hours
|doing a triple backflip while putting on a Tuxedo ..
|u/Successful_Load5719 - 9 hours
|Bowling a 280
|u/Draculamb - 9 hours
|Ice skating. Trick or treating. Bungee jumping.
|u/bippityboppityboing - 9 hours
|Juggling chainsaws
|u/Kamalas_Daddy - 9 hours
|Spinning fire is impressive. But when done naked, tho.
|u/CircleCityCyco - 9 hours
|u/c3534l - 9 hours
|walking on the moon
|u/AmbiguousAlignment - 9 hours
|u/No-Bar7826 - 9 hours
|Arguing a court case.
|u/steroboros - 9 hours
|Operating a deep frier
|u/Weak-Ganache-1566 - 9 hours
|Jumping chain link fences
|u/PanickedPoodle - 9 hours
|Carving the Thanksgiving turkey. Bonus points for no knife.
|u/RagingSensei - 9 hours
|u/ptsnucka - 9 hours
|Quitting your job https://www.reddit.com/r/loopdaddy/s/QHHE73qCk1
|u/Curtainmachine - 9 hours
|Fighting the cops
|u/n00-1ne - 9 hours
|u/hasteiswaste - 9 hours
|Crossing the north pole.
|u/PatK9 - 9 hours
|I do remember Naked News, got my attention.
|u/FlightOrFightLatter - 9 hours
|Have sex. With a one inch.
|u/AnyWar1424 - 9 hours
|Taking the garbage out
|u/RustyNK - 9 hours
|There was one dude on the news who protected his dog from a coyote
|while naked.
|u/mjohansen555 - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon....
|u/that_guy_who_builds - 9 hours
|u/D-ouble-D-utch - 9 hours
|Deep frying
|u/69AlphaKevin88 - 9 hours
|Walking on the moon
|u/D-ouble-D-utch - 9 hours
|Running backwards through a cornfield
|u/0623 - 9 hours
|combing ur hair and jerking it at the same time
|u/50_MHz - 9 hours
|Modeling for Vogue.
|u/Ok_Rip1855 - 9 hours
|Going to the movies
|u/Ok_Rip1855 - 9 hours
|u/Particular_Minimum97 - 9 hours
|u/Blutroice - 9 hours
|Painlessly cooking bacon is quite a feat to accomplish in your birthday
|u/txlady100 - 9 hours
|Fry cooking
|u/Gobertdd - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon
|u/hollywoodswinger1976 - 9 hours
|That scene from Titanic
|u/robot_diablo - 9 hours
|Cooking bacon.
|u/LorgPanther - 9 hours
|Magic shows. Everything on display, can't hide any of the
|u/buddymoobs - 9 hours
|u/hankado - 9 hours
|Cooking Bacon
|u/CoolBreeze303 - 9 hours
|u/Bluerocky67 - 9 hours
|Frying food!
|u/wit_tha_shits - 9 hours
|Jump roping
|u/PlasticPizzaParty - 9 hours
|Climbing Mt. Everest
|u/The_Kwizatz_Haderach - 9 hours
|Sprint demo day
|u/Strange_Search_12 - 9 hours
|Killed a opossum in the closet. Hammered him to death.
|u/forfar4 - 9 hours
|Frying bacon.