CCTV Footage enchancer?
I am filipino and from the Philippines and I have been witth my dog for
nearly 7-8years now. He was stolen from our family last november 8. I am
deperate in looking for him because he is like a brother to me now. We
managed to get CCTV footage from when he was stolen but cannot manage to
make out the plate number.
Is there a way to make the footage more clear just for me to make out
the plate number of the dognapper?
If anyone wants to help, i can provide the google drive of the raw CCTV
footage. I cannot provide any compensation because I am just a student
who is looking for his bestfriend.
For anyone who will say that "just use the micro chip to find the dog".
The dog wasn't injected with a microchip when he was vaccinated since it
wasn't in my knowledge that it was available.
|u/okayfriday - 1 day
|You can try your luck with some of the free cctv / video enhancer
|software available the market (e.g.
|[https://videocleaner.com/](https://videocleaner.com/) ). I hope you
|get your best friend back.
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