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Talking to a gopher server in mIRC script
April 06th, 2018
Using gopher in an mIRC script is darn easy... Here is an example
script that could be put into the bot to connect to a gopher-based
spell checking service...
Lets start by creating an alias that will close any stale sockets and
open a new TCP socket to a gopher server when called... in mIRC
scripting it could be done like so:
alias aspell {
sockClose aspell
sockOpen aspell gopher.zcrayfish.soy 70
Now lets set mIRC to listen for spell check requests when a user sends
``!spell someword'' to the channel:
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
if ( $1 == !spell ) {
if ( $2 != $null ) {
set %aspellchan $chan
set %aspellreq $2
aspell }
Take our user's request and send it into the newly opened socket:
on *:SockOpen:aspell: {
sockwrite -nt aspell /aspell/plain.mole? $+ %aspellreq
sockwrite -nt aspell $crlf
And finally, read the reply from the gopher server:
on *:sockread:aspell:{
if ($sockerr > 0) return
while (1) {
sockread %readaspell
if ($sockbr == 0) return
msg %aspellchan %readaspell
My mIRC scripting isn't the best, but the example works just fine, you
can see it in action in a few channels on UnderNet (/whois Rasalhague)
or freenode (try #gopherproject or #devious)... The bot will respond
to !spell
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