# Article Roundup Some humor from WTF-d00d.com - [Bourne shell server pages][1]. Classic: > The basic idea behind all server page technologies is this: rather > than writing code that generates an HTML document on-the-fly by > writing it out as a series of print statements, you start with a > "skeleton" HTML document and embed the code right inside > it. Voila! Instead of having a tangled, unreadable, unmaintainable > mess of HTML embedded in source code, you have a tangled, > unreadable, unmaintainable mess of source code embedded in > HTML. Bourne Shell Server Pages are ordinary ASCII text files, > with the special extension .shit, which denotes "Shell-Interpreted > Template." The result of invoking the page compiler on a .shit > file, is, naturally, a shell script. and yet...the minimalist in me thinks this might be a good idea... Didier Stevens wanted to see if [people would click on an ad that offered to infect them with a virus][2]. Short version, they did. Mark Pilgrim expresses his [frustrations with Amazon's new ebook reader and DRM][3]. More humor - [what if Gmail had been designed by Microsoft][4]?. Finally, [you can run multiple HTTPS sites off of one IP address with OpenSSL and TLS extensions][5]. You can [also do this with mod_gnutls][6]. [1]: https://web.archive.org/web/20080409082740/http://hyperrealm.com/wtfd00d/shsp/ [2]: http://blog.didierstevens.com/2007/05/07/is-your-pc-virus-free-get-it-infected-here/ [3]: https://web.archive.org/web/20080103074701/http://diveintomark.org/archives/2007/11/19/the-future-of-reading [4]: http://blogoscoped.com/archive/2007-11-20-n35.html [5]: http://www.howtoforge.com/enable-multiple-https-sites-on-one-ip-using-tls-extensions-on-debian-etch [6]: http://www.g-loaded.eu/2007/08/10/ssl-enabled-name-based-apache-virtual-hosts-with-mod_gnutls/