Desk Accessories

The System 7 Today collection of Desk Accessories for your Mac.
These are in no way essential updates for using your System 7
Macintosh, but they do add some useful functionality - or
simply fun. Unless noted otherwise, any DA will work with any
version of System 7 including 68k and PowerPC Macs!

Snow for Macintosh
A desk accessory for the Christmas time!
Let's snow fall down on your desktop.
Displays all characters in a font at a glance,
the character's ordinal value, what it considers
the best way to generate it and copy specific
character(s) to the clipboard.
Conversion DA 2.0.5
Oldie but goldie! Converts between various measurements
of length, weight, temperature, fractions, decimal etc.
Thanks to mrdav for helping out with version 2.0.5!

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