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|                       Student-Run Computing Facility                       |
|                               Gopher service                               |

PUBLISHING YOUR GOPHER SITE -- a simple how-to guide

 - Create a subdirectory of your home directory called 'public_gopher'
      For example:         /public/home/spqr2/public_gopher
      Or, for a society:   /public/societies/foosoc/public_gopher

 - Files placed in this directory will be served via Gopher at
      (user accounts:)     gopher://gopher.srcf.net/1/users/spqr2
      (society accounts:)  gopher://gopher.srcf.net/1/societies/foosoc

 - It's as easy as that!


 - To attach a description (or "abstract") to a file, say 'myfile.txt', create
   another file called 'myfile.txt.abstract' with a line or two of descriptive
   text.  This will be displayed with any links to that file.
 - If you put a file called .absract in a directory then the descriptive text in
   it will be displayed on links to that file. i.e. if you put a file called 
   .abstract in your public_gopher direcotry then the descriptive text in it 
   will appear on the listing of users/societies.


 - It is possible to replace the automatic directory listing with a custom
   menu or "gophermap".

 - For a brief introduction, see


 - Converting from a html site to a gopher site
      html2text -nobs -style pretty -o <outputfile>.txt <inputfile>
      The -exec section of the find runes that convert .html files to .txt ones
      Only run this on the .html files, it does NOT work for .pdf, .jpg etc.
          -exec html2text -o <outputfolder>'{}'.txt -nobs -style pretty '{}' \;


 - If you require any help with this new, state-of-the-art service please
   contact the support team: support@srcf.net