CALL TO ACTION Ad for 1994 Conference and Complete text of the "Missalette" sheets passed out to the participants at the 1993 Call to Action Catholic conference for their Saturday evening liturgy. Uploaded by Robert P. Sheehan. We Are the Church What If We Meant What We Said? Call to Action National Conference November 4-6, 1994 Hyatt Regency O'Hare Chicago, Illinois A national congress of 2,300 persons, communities and organizations working to reinvent the church from the ground up. Pat Brennan Phillip Kaufman Joan Chittister Joe Kilikevice Michael Crosby Anthony Padovano Charles Curran Jamie Phelps Matthew Fox Nancy Sylvester Blanche Gallagher Susan Wood Thomas Gumbleton and more... Mary Hunt As our bishops meet in Washington, come to Chicago with all who want to give expression to another face of church. Call to Action seeks to represent the three out of four American Catholics in the May, 1992 Gallup survey who favor a wider decision-making role for the people, women in ordained ministries, dialogue on human sexuality, freedom of conscience, adult responsibility. We are rebuilding the Church for our children. Catholic social teaching also demands an outward mission. We will address peace, poverty, human rights and environmental issues in the "new world order." We will also explore the spirituality we need to be justice-seekers. * Sessions for small faith communities * Meeting of church reform networks * Special interest group programming * Marketplace of crafts and causes * Prayer and Eurcharistic Celebration * Dances of Universal Peace * Live Theater by CTA Performing Artists * Childcare and children's programming CALL TO ACTION'S 1993 LITURGY Complete text of the "Missalette" sheets passed out to the participants at the 1993 Call to Action Catholic conference for their Saturday evening liturgy. This annual conference is perhaps the Catholic left's most important event of the year. It features virtually every big name dissenter and popular speaker on the left's conference circuit from Gumbleton to Curran to Rosemary Reuther to Richard Rohr to Michael Crosby to Dick Westly. According to their own figures about one third of the some 2,000 participants at the conference were Church employees, one tenth were priests. Saturday 5:30 PM, October 30, 1993 *Identify the Eucharistic Minister at your table. If no one has previously volunteered, please select someone to perform this role.* ................................................................. Instructions for the Eucharistic Minister/Volunteer from each table: The children will begin the offertory procession with their gifts. As the children leave the central platform will the volunteer Eucharistic minister from each table please perform the following tasks: 1. As the offertory procession begins be sure that the collection basket has been passed around your table. After the children have processed in with their gifts, bring the basket to the table at the side of the room that has a table cloth of the same color as the napkin at your table. 2. Receive the center burlap cloth, the bread and wine from the same table at the side of the room and return to your own table. 3. Raise the elements during the consecration. 4. After those at your table have received communion, wash the vessels with the water from the small pitcher on your table and return the cloth and vessels to the side table where you picked them up. ................................................................. Opening Song: Sing 'Til The Power of the Lord Come Down. African American Traditional, Arranged by Y.M. Barnwell Gospel:Matthew 5: 1-12 Presiders: This is the Gospel of Jesus Response: Praise to you Jesus, the Christ CREED We believe that Creation is a gift of God, an expression of Our Creator's goodness. We believe that as human beings we are part of this creation and that we share in a special way in the creative power of God. We believe that the resources of our lands and waters and air are precious gifts from our Creator, to be used and looked after with loving care. We believe that there is a rhythm to God's creation, like a drumbeat; when we lose the beat or the drum is damaged, the music is out of tune. We believe that in order to be good members of creation, we have the responsibility to seek information on important concerns of our people and our region, and to share information in our communities. We believe that we are called to work not in isolation, but in community, linked with women and men in our local situation, in our region and internationally. We believe that we can rely on the strength and support of each other, to build on the common concerns we share, to go beyond the boundaries which separate and divide us; united we stand. We believe that as Christians we are called to be peacemakers, in the true peace God promises us. We believe that this may sometimes mean "disturbing the peace" as Jesus did, for a purpose--to restore the purpose of God in societies of peace and justice. We express these beliefs, reminded of the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. So be it! Intercessions The response will be the last two lines of We Are The Church: We Mean What We Say We are the Church, What do we believe in? We teach your children today, we are the Church and we mean what we say. Offertory song: Simple Gifts American Folk Hymn (Shaker tune) *The children will now begin the offertory procession with their gifts. As the children leave the central platform will the volunteer Eucharistic minister from each table please perform the tasks outlined above.* Liturgy of the Eucharist The Eucharistic Prayer will be prayed by the entire congregation in a choir to choir fashion. Please read the section in BOLD below. Presiders: Let us pray together that these gifts will be acceptable to our loving God. All: May God accept this sacrifice at your hands, for the praise and glory of God's name, for our good and the good of all God's Church. Our God be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to our God. Let us give thanks and praise. Blessed are you strong and faithful God, All your works, the height and the depth, echo the silent music of your praise. In the beginning your Word summoned light; night withdrew, creation dawned. As ages passed unseen, waters gathered on the face of the earth & life appeared. When the times had at last grown full and the earth had ripened in abundance, you created in your image humankind, the crown of all creation. You gave us breath and speech, that all the living might find a voice to sing your praise. So now, with all the powers of heaven and earth we chant the ageless hymn of your glory. All: Holy, holy, holy God. God of power and might. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blest is the one who comes in the name of our God. Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna in the highest. How wonderful the works of your hands, O God! As a mother tenderly gathers here children, you embrace a people as your own and fill them with longing for a peace that would never fail. Through countless generations your people hungered for the bread of freedom. From them you raised up Jesus the living bread, in whom ancient hungers were satisfied. Jesus healed the sick, though he himself would suffer; Jesus offered life to sinners, yet death would hunt him down. With a love stronger than death, Jesus opened wide his arms and surrendered his spirit. God of all creation. let you Holy Spirit move in power over us, and over our earthly gifts of bread and wine, that they may become the body and blood of Christ. ALL: On the night before he met with death, Jesus came to the table with those he loved. JESUS TOOK BREAD AND PRAISED YOU, GOD OF ALL CREATION; JESUS BROKE THE BREAD AMONG THE DISCIPLES AND SAID: TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU, AND EAT IT; THIS IS MY BODY WHICH WILL BE GIVEN UP FOR YOU. WHEN SUPPER WAS ENDED, JESUS POURED A FINAL CUP OF WINE AND BLESSED YOU, GOD OF ALL CREATION. HE PASSED THE CUP AMONG THE DISCIPLES AND SAID: TAKE THIS ALL OF YOU, AND DRINK FROM IT; THIS IS THE CUP OF MY BLOOD, THE BLOOD OF THE NEW AND EVERLASTING COVENANT. IT WILL BE SHED FOR YOU AND FOR ALL SO THAT SINS MAY BE FORGIVEN. DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME. Memorial Acclamation: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. God of all creation we commemorate Jesus you Son, as we offer you his sacrifice. Death could not bind him, for you raised him up in the Spirit of holiness. May Christ's coming in glory find us ever watchful in prayer, strong in love and faithful to the breaking of the bread. Rejoicing in the Holy Spirit your whole church offers thanks and praise together with John Paul, our Pope, Joseph, our bishop, and all whose lives bring hope to this world. God of the living and dead, awaken to the undying light of pardon and peace those fallen asleep in faith, and those who have died alone, unloved and unmourned. Gather them all into communion with Mary, the mother of Jesus and with all your saints. Then at last will all creation be one, and all divisions healed! And we shall join in singing your praise through your Son, Jesus Christ. ALL: Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all honor and glory is yours, Almighty Creator, forever and ever...Amen Presiders: Let us behold the body and blood of Jesus Christ Response: Holy Food For Holy People Presiders: Amen! Response: Amen! Communion Songs: Blest Are They Words and Music by David Haas Choir: Calling Words and Music by Ellen Oak ------------------------------------------------------------------- The electronic form of this document is copyrighted. Copyright (c) Trinity Communications 1994. 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