

scl  group 

Leave. EU:  Profile  Raising  and  Outreach 


Cambridge  Analytica  is  the  world's  foremost  provider 
of  data-driven  political  campaign  solutions. 

We  have  over  twenty-five  years  of  global  political 
experience,  and  have  worked  on  over  200  national 
and  local  races  in  over  50  different  countries  with 
an  unrivalled  track  record  of  supporting  our  clients' 

Our  methodology  is  driven  by  data. The  more  you 
know  about  someone,  the  more  you  can  understand 
the  best  way  to  engage  them.  And  it  is  increasingly 
the  case  that  voters  don't  easily  fit  into  the  traditional 
boxes  of  party  supporters,  especially  when  it  comes 
to  issues-based  referenda. 

Cambridge  Analytical  Behavioral  Microtargeting™ 
goes  beyond  demographics,  enabling  your 
campaign  to  identify  potential  supporters 
irrespective  of  where  they  live  or  any  demographic 
traits  that  may  have  led  political  parties  to  overlook 
them  in  the  past. 

We  use  vast  amounts  of  data,  including  consumer 
histories,  lifestyle  information,  census  returns,  and 
historical  voting  records  to  construct  advanced 
profiles  of  individual  voters. 

We  use  state-of-the-art  psychoglcal  analysis  to 
quantify  voter  behavior  and  design  campaign 
messaging  strategies  accordingly,  and  our  voter 
profiles  include  detailed  insight  into  how  likely 
voters  are  to  turn  out,  how  persuadable  they  are, 
and  the  issues  that  are  most  important  to  them. 

These  profiles  provide  campaigns  with  a  complete 
portrait  of  target  groups,  allowing  you  to  better 
understand  your  traditional  supporters  as  well  as 
how  to  identify  and  engage  new  enthusiasts. 

Our  political  messaging  specialists  help  your 
campaign  design  messages  that  speak  directly 
to  your  target  voters'  unique  profiles,  helping  you 
to  forge  a  connection  with  supporters  that  will 
produce  real  electoral  results. 

Behavioral  Microtargeting™  represents  the  next 
generation  of  voter  messaging  and  mobilisation. 







Predictive  models  that 
reveal  the  underlying 
psychological  triggers 
of  behavior 

Predictive  models 
that  segment  voters 
by  demographic 

Static  data  that 
shows  the  general 
opinions  of  broad  groups 





Voters  and  businesses  alike  see  the  conning  referndum  as  an  opportunity  to  voice  their  concerns  over 
issues  caused  by  Britain's  membership  of  the  EU.  Whether  it  is  regulations,  border  controls  or  Britain's 
international  profile,  British  people  have  real  worries  about  the  EU's  impact  on  their  lives  and  businesses. 
As  such,  the  coming  months  will  be  an  important  period  for  the  Leave.EU  campaign  as  it  seeks  to  show 
the  public  that  it  represents  a  serious  position  on  the  EU  that  is  separate  from  the  vested  interests  of 
frequenty  out-of-touch  politicians. 

To  do  this,  Leave.EU  must  identify  the  types  of  people  likely  to  support  a 'Leave' campaign,  whether  they 
are  journalists,  businesspeople,  politicians  or  ordinary  voters,  and  capture  their  attention. 

Cambridge  Analytica  can  help  you  do  this. 

From  turnout  propensity  to  issue  salience  to  communications  channel  selection,  we  can  provide 
Leave.Eu  with  a  holistic  campaign  design  that  will  maximise  your  chances  of  being  successfully  selected 
by  the  Electoral  Commission  and  then  give  the 'Leave' campaign  the  best  possible  chance  of  winning  the 

Our  powerful  predictive  analytics  and  campaign  messaging  capacity  can  help  you  to  segment  and 
message  the  population  according  to  a  range  of  criteria: 


Groups  based  on  likelihood  to  turn  out  to  vote  in 
particular  elections 


Groups  based  on  voter's  priority  top-line  issues 
(eg.  National  Security)  and  nuanced  views  (eg. 
National  Security-:  Defending  the  border) 


General  Voter  -  groups  based  on  propensity  to 
vote  in  the  referendum 

Ideological  Voter  -  groups  based  on  ideological 
perspectives  on  Britain's  EU  membership 

Opposition  Voter  -  groups  to  dissuade  from 
political  engagement  or  to  remove  from  contact 
strategy  altogether 

p$y(  hogralhil  clusters 

Groups  based  on  voter's  personality  traits  and 
demographic  data 



Groups  based  on  voter's  propensity  to  be 
persuaded  based  on  all  data  held  on  the 

Groups  based  on  potential  to  donate  to  different 
parties,  candidates,  and  causes 

Groups  based  on  the  most  effective  channels 
(email,  web  advertisements,  direct  mail  etc)  to 
reach  target  voters  and  potential  donors 





This  proposal  outlines  the  scope  of  work  that  we  propose  to  undertake  in  support  of  Leave.EU's  goals. 

Over  the  conning  months,  our  primary  objective  will  be  to  ensure  that  Leave.Eu  is  selected  by  the  Electoral 
Commission  as  the  official  campaign  on  the 'No  to  EU'side.  Only  once  that  has  been  accomplished  can 
focus  shift  to  enlarging  the  scope  of  the  the  supporter  engagement  campaign  in  order  to  ensure  that  the 
campaign's  ultimate  goal  is  achieved  and  that  the  United  Kingdom  leaves  the  European  Union. 

This  proposal  focuses  on  the  steps  necessary  to  achieve  Electoral  Commission  selection,  and  does  not 
deal  with  workstreams  during  the  general  campaign  despite  the  fact  that  Cambridge  Analytica  would  be 
delighted  to  continue  supporting  this  effort:  We  believe,  however,  that  in  the  short  term  it  is  important  to 
focus  on  the  task  at  hand. 

As  such,  Cambridge  Analytica  has  designed  a  two-phase  programme  of  work  that  will  engage  key 
stakeholders  and  demonstrate  the  innovative  and  powerful  nature  of  Leave.EU's  campaign  in  advance 
of  the  Electoral  Commission's  decision. 

Phase  I,  which  involves  a  short  programme  of  data  analytics  and  creative  support,  is  specifically  designed 
to  enable  Leave.EU  to  showcase  its  intellectual  capacity  and  robust,  data-driven  approach  to  campaigning 
during  the  series  of  presentations  scheduled  for  November  17th  and  18th.  The  products  of  Phase  I  will  be 
a  comprehensive  plan  for  further  research  and  data  analytics  on  a  larger  scale,  as  well  as  sample  creative 
products  across  multiple  formats  (digital,  print,  audiovisual)  that  will  begin  to  illustrate  to  observers 
that  Leave.EU  has  the  capacity  to  execute  a  powerful,  exciting  and  technologically  advanced  national 

Building  on  the  initial  phase,  Phase  II  will  involve  a  pilot  microtargeting  project  in  one  geographic  area, 
which  will  provide  Leave.EU  with  a  deeper  understanding  of  the  dynamics  at  work  across  the  UK  in  terms 
of  views  on  Europe  and  voting  intentions.  Additionally,  this  pilot  project  will  provide  further  evidence  of 
Leave.EU's  capacity  to  successfully  mobilise  supporters  and  convince  swing  voters,  further  underlining  to 
the  Electoral  Commission  and  others  that  Leave.EU  is  the  premier 'Leave' campaign. 

The  products  of  Phase  II  will  be  a  comprehensive  report  on  target  audiences  identified,  as  well  as  an  online 
voter  engagement  platform  that  will  allow  Leave.EU  to  target  specific  voters  based  on  their  interests  and 
voting  intentions. 

In  parrallel  with  Phase  II,  we  will  coordinate  a  programme  of  targetted  donation  solicitation,  using  digital 
advertising  and  other  media  as  appropriate  to  raise  funds  for  Leave.EU  in  the  UK,  USA  and  in  other 



Leave.EU's  main  priority  during  the  initial  stages  of  this  campaign  should  be  convincing  journalists,  donors, 
politicians  and  the  Electoral  Commission  that  they  are  the  'Leave'  campaign  that  best  represents  those 
who  wish  to  restore  Britain's  independence  from  the  EU. 

With  that  objective  in  mind,  Cambridge  Analytica  proposes  a  short  programme  of  data  integration 
and  analytics  that  will  enable  the  campaign  to  better  understand  its  existing  supporters  and  to  begin 
designing  its  messaging  strategy. 

Working  with  the  data  that  Leave.EU  and  its  allies  have  already  collected  from  supporters,  we  can  analyse 
voters' viewpoints  and  provide  summarised  insights  that  will  help  you  to  understand  their  motivations  and 
interests.  These  insights  will  then  form  the  basis  for  the  development  of  a  series  of  sample  creative  pieces, 
including  static  and  audiovisual  digital  advertising  and  mail  products,  which  will  be  designed  to  appeal  to 
specific  segments  of  Leave.EU's  support. 

Finally,  we  will  collaborate  with  Leave.EU  and  its  partners  to  develop  a  presentation  that  can  be  delivered 
to  stakeholders  on  the  1 7th  and  1 8th  of  November.  This  presentation  will  show  viewers  the  depth  of  talent 
supporting  Leave.EU,  as  well  as  the  innovative  data  analytics  and  creative  development  that  the  campaign 
will  be  deploying. 


Analysis  of  voter  universe: 

■  Briefing  packs  on  predetermined  supporter  segments 

•  High-level  message  creation 

•  Design  of  research  methodology  and  strategy  for  Phase  II 



The  deadline  for  Phase  I  of  this  project  is  Monday  November  16th, 

with  presentations  November  1 7  &  1 8. 

Key  Cambridge  Analytica  critical  path  tasks: 

■  Receive  and  integrate  house  file  data;  identify  suitable  supporter  target  audiences 

•  Develop  digital  marketing  materials  and  messaging  content  for  the  showcases  on  November  1 7  and 
18th,  inclusive  of  creative  guidelines  and  sample  materials  production 

Requirements  from  the  Leave.EU  campaign: 

•  House  file  of  supporters,  members,  and  subscribers -delivery  scheduled  for  Tuesday  Nov  3rd 

•  Access  to  digital  outreach  resources,  including  Facebook  page  and  other  social  media  accounts 

•  Branding  creative:  logo,  graphic  elements,  color  palette,  images,  taglines  and  phrases 

•  •  Priority  campaign  issues 

•  Co-ordination  process  to  integrate  the  campaign's  contacts  and  online  presence  for  digital  outreach 
(e.g.  web  user  flow,  landing  pages,  sign-up  process)  and  mail  vendors 

Additional  reporting  deliverables: 

•  Two  presentations/briefing  sessions  on  results  and  analysis  of  findings 

•  Forward  strategy  documents  to  be  produced  for  use  in  stakeholder  meetings 




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In  order  to  build  on  the  work  undertaken  in  Phase  I,  we  propose  a  multi-faceted  approach  to  Phase  II. 

The  first  part  of  this  phase,  which  will  be  centred  on  a  particular  geographic  area  (likely  a  parliamentary 
constituency),  will  involve  a  programme  of  Target  Audience  Analysis,  whereby  qualitative  and 
quantitative  research  is  conducted  in  order  to  segment  the  population  into  target  audiences  according  to 
their  views,  motivations  and  interests. 

The  second  part  of  Phase  II,  Political  Microtargeting,  involves  the  use  of  secondary  data  sources  and 
advanced  analytics  to  assign  values  on  particular  traits  to  the  entire  voting  population  of  the  area  in 
question. This  will  allow  for  the  target  audiences  to  be  resegmented  and  contacted  as  required  over 
the  course  of  the  campaign,  and  the  use  of  this  data  will  be  facilitated  by  the  deployment  of  an  online 
database  utility  created  by  Cambridge  Analytica  for  Leave.EU. 


Target  Audience  Analysis  (TAA)  is  one  component  of  Cambridge  Analytical  unique  methodology,  and 
enables  a  comprehensive  understanding  of  the  opinions  and  motivations  of  key  audience  groups.  More 
specifically,  it  offers  a  unique  insight  into  the  public's  perception  of  key  political  issues  and  underlying 
motivations  for  voting  behaviour  including  sociological  and  psychological  factors. 

TAA  begins  with  the  collection  of  qualitative  data  through  interviews  and  focus  groups,  which  allow  us 
to  identify  key  issues  and  political  attitudes  that  will  be  tested  during  the  subsequent  quantitative  phase. 
Cambridge  Analytical  quantitative  research  methodology  involves  a  large-scale  survey,  conducted  online 
and/or  via  canvassing  and  telephone,  which  gathers  large  volumes  of  data  on  key  issues  and  political 
opinions,  as  well  as  underlying  motivations  for  behaviour  such  as  propensity  forchange,  normative 
sociological  affiliation  and  other  factors. 

This  data  is  then  analysed  by  our  in-house  team  of  data  scientists  and  statisticians  to  define  Target 
Audience  Profiles,  which  are  descriptions  of  population  segments  that  can  be  grouped  together  based  on 
their  shared  characteristics. To  do  this,  our  scientists  feed  quantitative  and  qualitative  data  through  a  series 
of  sociological,  political  and  psychological  parameters,  identifying  trends  and  grouping  the  population 
accordingly.  In  most  cases  this  results  in  the  definition  of  4-6 Target  Audience  Profiles,  though  the  number 
is  entirely  dependent  on  the  population  and  issues  being  studied. 

Each  of  these  profiles  will  outline  the  views  and  motivating  factors  driving  behaviour  amongst  group 
members,  and  will  also  outline  the  messaging  strategies  most  likely  to  be  effective  in  influencing  them  to 
support  the  Leave.EU  campaign. 

The  end  result  of  this  process  is  a  comprehensive  plan  for  influencing  voters  likely  to  be  receptive  to 
Leave.EU's  positions  and  messages. This  plan  will  include  guidance  on  messaging  including  slogans 
and  visuals,  appropriate  channels  (digital,  m^il,  etc.)  and  scheduling,  which  together  constitute  a  holistic 
strategy  that  will  give  Leave.EU  the  best  chance  of  success. 



Building  on  the  insight  contained  in  Target  Audience  Profiles,  Cambridge  Analytical  Political 
Microtargeting  methodology  assigns  values  relating  these  profiles  to  individuals.  While  particular  data 
protection  regulations  and  the  availability  of  secondary  data  sources  will  dictate  the  extent  to  which  this 
is  possible  (and  as  such  this  Phase  has  not  yet  been  costed),  Politjcal  Microtargeting  is  a  process  whereby 
individuals  across  a  voter  population  are  predictively  modeled  to  understand  where  they  fit  amongst  the 
Target  Audiences  identified  by  our  research.This  predictive  modeling  can  also  indicate  what  issues  they 
care  about,  and  other  factors  likely  to  be  salient  in  shaping  voting  behaviour. 

What  this  process  offers  is  the  opportunity  to  target  communications  at  the  scale  of  the  individual. 

In  other  words,  Leave.EU  will  be  able  to  ensure  that  every  piece  of  digital  or  print  advertising  sent  out  is 
directed  at  somebody  who  cares  about  the  particular  issue,  or  is  likely  to  respond  positively. This  means 
that  your  campaign  can  save  money  that  would  otherwise  have  been  spent  contacting  voters  who  are 
vehemently  pro-EU,  and  direct  those  resources  into  making  more  frequent  contact  with  swing  voters  and 
supporters  you  wish  to  mobilise  as  donors  or  volunteers. 

To  assist  Leave.EU  with  using  this  wealth  of  information,  Cambridge  Analytica  will  develop  a  bespoke 
online  database  tool  with  intuitive  controls  and  powerful  visualisation  capacity.  This  will  help  campaign 
staff  to  understand  their  audiences  and  plan  strategy  accordingly.  New  audiences  can  be  identified  using 
the  database  querying  tool,  and  pre-formatted  Target  Audiences  can  be  displayed  geographically  or 
according  to  other  factors,  all  enabling  a  thorough  understanding  of  the  campaign  and  putting  Leave.EU 
in  the  global  vanguard  of  data-driven  political  campaigning. 


connect  is  our  voter  database  utility, 
which  helps  you  segment,  view  and  understand  your  target  audiences. 




Alongside  theTAA  and  Political  Microtargeting  programmes  described  on  the  preceding  pages, 
Cambridge  Analytica  will  also  design  and  execute  a  programme  of  donation  solicitation  amongst 
individuals  interested  in  Britain's  EU  status. 

These  could  include  both  corporate  and  individual  targets  in  the  United  States,  UK  or  other 
Commonwealth  countries.  Depending  on  budget  and  required  specifications,  this  programme  would 
make  use  of  targeted  digital  advertising,  direct  mail,  telephone  marketing  and  other  methodologies  as 
appropriate  to  solicit  campaign  financing  from  individuals  willing  to  support  a  campaign  for  Britain's 
independence  from  the  European  Union. 

Cambridge  Analytica  has  significant  experience  designing  and  executing  donation  programmes,  and 
we  can  handle  the  entire  process  from  the  development  of  creative  pieces  and  design  of  targeting 
frameworks  to  the  scripting  of  telephone  calls  and  production  of  digital  animations  and  donation 
collection  websites. 


Cambridge  ■ 

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