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feature requests, bugs, etc.

MeFites for the Holidays

During the first Trump administration, we had MetaTalk threads to connect MeFites who had space at their holiday table with other MeFites who may not feel welcome at their family table or who had nowhere special to go. Given the recent election results, we should revive that tradition.
The process is the same as past years:

Potential hosts who would like to open their tables and/or beds should comment with their home cities and note what day(s)/holiday(s) they're opening their homes.

Potential guests should contact a host directly via MeMail or email to coordinate and work out any potential complications (food allergies and preferences, dishes offered, style of meal and topics that could be discussed that might cause discomfort or arguments) before exchanging contact information.

Now is also a good time to review your location, profile, and mail settings.
posted by maurice on Nov 16, 2024 at 7:04 AM


We're in Syracuse NY and can easily accommodate a couple of guests for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. Both are likely to be fairly casual. Anything we prepare will be gluten-free.
posted by maurice at 7:59 AM


[Added to the sidebar! ]
posted by taz at 12:36 AM
