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querying the hive mind

--- November 17 --------------------------------------------------------
Refinding book on basic Mandarin Chinese characters

--- November 16 --------------------------------------------------------
The daily political writers I should be reading
Easy recipes for lotsa shrimp
Help me find songs for my 2025-2029 Playlist
DVD to iPad?
  Carmel,  Yosemite area,  SF.  Help me make it a great trip!
AITA: Housewarming confusion
What tool is this? AI ad butler
Need new source of men's Real chinos!
Does toilet paper embarrass you?
Advice for creating closed online communities?
Oh Deer
Help me find this "The Office" Meme
Sewing/fashion gift to inspire a creative, crafty tween
Cat meds - Theophylline dosage - what do you make of this?
Google Sheets: self-educating to build a budget "app"
ADHD medication

--- November 15 --------------------------------------------------------
Is it appropriate to belch out loud in a professional setting?
Recommend me energising songs to do housework to!
Loveliest places to window shop online
Did I get a toothbrush bristle in my throat?
Looking for YouTube cozy home recommendations
What to Sleep On That's Both Comfortable and Easy to Move?
Easiest way to convert audio to video to put on YouTube?
How to buy a condo in mexico city
Who are MetaFilter's BlueSky favorites?
IUD stressing
Help me pick a toy for an infant!
Archiving at-risk public research data post-election
What do I do about failure of email service?
Do I need to isolate from my wife who's recovering from COVID?

--- November 14 --------------------------------------------------------
Carbonated iced tea keeps going everywhere
How to get Canadian television within PNW without cable
Can you explain the I-5 Express Lanes in Seattle to me?
Why donate after the Election?
Punches, bits, awls, what am I looking for?
Device Advice - Stopwatch for Slow Motion Strength Training
Fitzgerald's in Berwyn seating chart
How can I stay warm this winter?
Quitting Nicely
Death from afar
anonymous company survey through 3rd party
Shred Alert: It's a Mozzarosity
What are some strong Transitioning support organizations
Flattening a PDF?
Best place to buy cheap-ish bikes online
Rubik's Cube and Rubik's Cube Adjacent Gift ideas
How to improve sound of accompanying guitar when I sing on Zoom?
Moving to a blue state. Which city is better?
Another C-HR questions since you were so awesome with the last one.

"It's moist, but thanks."