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    /       |            W A R E Z   C D ' S              \
   |  ../    \                                             `.
    `` \.   .'  Once upon a time, in a land far away -or- to `.
         `-'  put it more specifically -me, in the mid-to-late `..
90's, in Belgium.   Dragging myself  out of bed every morning,  much
earlier  than I think is reasonable,  get dressed  - fuck breakfast,
ain't  nobody  got time  for that, walk  all the way to the end of a
long street  of row-houses,  to a pedestrian tunnel  under the train
tracks,  covered  in graffiti,  smells slightly  like pee.  Only  to
emerge from the tunnel, and catch a glimpse of a departing tram. The
tram I needed.  I run, but to no avail. It's gone. It's raining, and
cold,  and because  this is the desolate  terminus,  at the edge  of
what's considered downtown, there is no shelter. 15 minutes later, I
finally  would make it onto the tram.  Eventually  as the tram makes
it's way into the city center,  more people  hop on at every  stop -
looking miserable,-  every single one. Eventually it is cramped full
of people like sardines  in a can.  When my stop comes  up, I barely
make it out of the over-crowded public transportation  vehicle,  get
slightly  beaten up along the way - some more walking, to eventually
make it to school,  half asleep and resume my nap that was so rudely
interrupted, in a hostile  and much more uncomfortable  environment.
Rinse.  Repeat.  Every.  Day. After 2 hours of trying to ignore  the
harsh sounds  of rebelling  youth,  and dodging  objects  and blows,
eventually  the bell rings signaling it is time for a break.  I'd be
the last to leave,  typically,  in order to avoid people  as much as
possible.   Some guy signals me to come over.  I know him.  He's the
dude with the goods.   Finally.  Perhaps the day won't be completely
miserable. He reaches for something inside of his bag and hands me a
thicker-than normal cd jewel case.  It's one of those 4 cd in 1 case
type  of deals.  Within the case is a cover  with some cool  looking
art, with references  to some recent movie or whatever, and the text
'Crazy   Bytes'   - I immediately  flip the thing around  and  start
studying the list of software and games on the back. Excitement!  20
Euro's,  says the guy who handed me the disk.  I hand him some cash,
and walk away with the cd set, still looking at the back and reading
through  the list of software, wondering  what wonders will await me
when I get home. 

This pretty much describes the typical experience  I had back in the
day with Warez CD-rom's.  There was internet,  but it was very slow.
Sneakernet  was the best,  and quickest  way go get a big chunk   of
software. But we were kids, and there was no way we could afford any
of the big box stuff  on display in stores.  These cd releases  were
our one and only way of obtaining software and games en-masse. 

There was a few series of disks like this, these were the major ones
I could get at the time: 

 * Crazy Bytes
 * Bits & Bytes
 * Twilight

         _.-~='  T h e    E x p e r i e n c e  `=~-._

But these were more than just disks with software. For one, they all
were centered  around  some sort of theme.  Crazy Bytes'   theme was
movies and/or tv shows. Each release  would be named around a movie,
and have related  artwork on the box, and in the menu. 

When you popped  one of these disks in, first you would have to know
how to install  the menu. In order to smuggle these disks across the
border, the pirates  would hide the fact that they are warez cd's in
various ways - for instance, the software  was often compressed  and
encrypted  and made to look like image  files or some other  sort of
file - Often  they would  pose as porn disks.   (Kind  of makes  you
wonder what kind of a society we live in, if software has to pretend
to be porn  to make it across the border)  - and there was some sort
of  executable  posing  as something  else, where you could enter  a
special  key combination  + password  to get into the real installer
that would install the menu for the disk set. 

Then,  once you've got the menu installed,  it would often open with
some over-the-top  demo-like movie playing back, and then eventually
drop  you into an easy to navigate  menu listing  the software   and
games you could install.   The menu's  almost always  had background
music  playing   too.  MP3's were still relatively  new, and  seeing
actual  video playback on a computer  would still blow me away every
time.   Selecting  a menu item would  give you a description  of the
software or game, often even a rating and/or mini-review,  and often
with  the  nfo & obligatory  scene  ascii  art.  All  things   added
together, these things really were an experience! 

            _.-~='  A r c h e o l o g y  `=~-._

In  recent  years I've been trying  to re-create  the collection  of
these  disks I had back in the day. Thankfully  archive.org  hosts a
big chunk of them (for now anyway - it wouldn't  surprise me if they
vanish  some  day- so I made sure to download  as many of them  as I
can) (as an aside, it wouldn't surprise me if archive.org in general
either  vanishes  or has to delete a lot of it's content because  of
overzealous  copyright enforcement  one of these days - you know how
people  usually  don't realize  when they are living  in the 'golden
age' of something  unless it's over?  Well, now is the golden age of
archive.org  - go donate  to them and leech as much  as you can grab
while it's still there!) 

 * https://archive.org/details/software?query=crazy+bytes
 * https://archive.org/details/software?query=bits+bytes
 * https://archive.org/details/software?query=twilight

There are others, I didn't interact with at the time
A few notable ones are:

   * The Legacy
   * HolyGrail (mac warez)

(These can also be found on archive.org )

Because these things were released at regular  intervals  and packed
with the latest greatest software and games of the time, another fun
side-effect now, is that each of these disks serves as a little time
capsule of long forgotten software. Indeed, when going through these
again,  I thought  I for sure remembered  all the software  that was
around  at the time,  but that only seems  to apply  to the big name
things,  because there was a lot of fun stuff in these that  I don't
even remember  seeing at all. There's some things I can't  even find
anything  online  about.   That alone makes these of special  use  &
interest to retro-computing enthusiasts today.

        _.-~='  T h e   D a r k   S i d e  `=~-._

Of course, it isn't all sunshine and roses. There was definitively a
dark side to these things,  beyond the fact  that software piracy is
not exactly legal. Back in the day, the guy I used to buy these from
always had these crazy stories that sound like from some bad mobster
flick. I always figured he had seen too much scarface.  But lately I
found out that there was some truth to the stories.  A Dutch guy who
used to run the Twilight  series went to jail for  all sorts of  bad
stuff (physical assault, extortion,...)  -  apparently some of these
groups  didn't  quite get along,  and when  money got  involved, the 
criminal aspects escalated,  which is a  shame  for  something  that 
started out of fun and creativity.

You can read more about that on wikipedia here:

    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_(warez)

Here is a talk from 2013 on Twilight:

    * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOAgSYei-xo