             |  Bugs!                           |
             |   Bugs!     Get your BUGS here!  |
             |     Bugs!                        |
               ||                            ||
              """"                          """"

Justify has a bit of an annoying bug yet, which you may have noticed
in the previous  phlog post, which  is, for new paragraphs,  some of
the first  sentence of the next  paragraph leaks into  the  previous

I will fix this soon, but this week has been kind of rough.  My wife
and I have been back and forth to the UofI vet. hospital with one of
our huskies, as he's been very ill. Between that, juggling work, and
a bunch of other stuff, I hadn't had the time yet to fix this.

Also,  I just read a post by imrowan[1]  they explain they tried  to
compile justify  on sdf but had cmake issues - I will look into that
too, but I can already  guess what the issue  is (actually,  there's
likely going to be multiple  issues getting it to work on sdf) - the
biggest problem is that I used a fairly recent toolchain, used c++20
features   and what not, I'm not sure if SDF has a compiler   recent
enough (it may, I haven't checked,  but it likely doesn't)  - next -
there  is a few bits in the code that I have to test on other unixes
yet - it's  just  a few lines  where  it does  an ioctl  to get  the
terminal dimensions  in order to set a sane default width - that bit
may not be portable and/or work on NetBSD - it might - but again,  I
haven't tested it yet.

Also, turbogopher  is full of bugs yet that I have to fix, I haven't
spent   a  lot  of  time  on turbogopher  lately  as  I  got  a  bit
dissapointed because the old TV really does not work well with utf-8
and uses  a lot of ptr's  all over  the place  which  is really  not
needed  in modern object pascal.  This had led me to work  on my own
TV-like library for another project  -  which also needs a bunch  of
fixes at this point.

I  did  manage  to fix VR rendering  in my  game  engine   at  least
relatively recently, so at least there's some bugs being fixed :)

In any event, imrowan,  if you're reading this, thanks for trying it
out! And please be patient with me,  I promise to make  it  work  on

[1] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/imrowan/justified.txt