# Old Computer Challenge - day 4

I've learned my lesson, to avoid spending the first 10 - 15 minutes
of the day trying to get linux to boot, I'm now leaving the laptop
switched on. The sleep and resume function seems to work well and the
battery also amazingly still holds about an hour of run time.

## lynx

It still didn't build with gnutls and ssl. I must have tried 10 times
now, with various flags and paths, and all I'm doing successfully is
cooking my balls! This thing gets hot!

## Distractions

I decided to fix the NetBSD install on the Pentium Pro machine and
reset the BIOS settings back to optimal in the hope that whatever
caused it to reboot last time and hose the installation won't happen
again. I've installed xfree and a few other bits and pieces. It's
giving me grief over not having termcap for urxvt but that's the
least of my worries at the moment. At least the version of lynx on
there can access HTTPS websites!

I refitted the SCSI card to the Pentium Pro while I was at it and
decided to start scrubbing the old SCSI disks I have laying around so
I can get rid of them. The first 9.1Gb drive is done and the second
one is most of the way through as I write this. Hopefully it will be
done soon because I want to go to bed and this thing is pretty loud.
From down stairs it sounds like there's a small truck running in my

On the positive side it has been running all afternoon and not missed
a beat.

## lynx pt2

I figured maybe the openssl libs which are installed are too old so I
downloaded libressl and tried to compile that. That too fails to
build so it's not looking promising I'll get lynx to build any time
soon. I tried asking on #lynx on libera.chat but no one answered...

## Thoughts

Software dependency rats nests! There's nothing standard about
anything, not even the compression tools used to compress the files
for download. How on earth package maintainers deal with all this and
stay sane, I'll never know!