# Old Computer Challenge - day 1

Where to begin, things haven't gotten off to a good start!

Firstly, the G3 apple wallstreet powerbook I had decided to use for
the challenge has been very unreliable to boot. It's OK once booted
up, but if I have to restart the machine for some reason I'm getting
bus errors. I didn't have this issue the last time I used it so maybe
something is suffering a little from old age, maybe some capacitors
somewhere? Amazingly the battery still charges!

The version of Linux installed is Linux mint 9. It's based on Debian
squeeze for which long term support ended back in 2016. All the repos
have been archived and I had to mess around with the apt sources.list
to get access to the binary packages to install / update software.

I did briefly get annoyed to the point that I decided to attempt to
use the dual pentium pro computer that I recently got running again.
Unfortunately something caused a reboot and it has managed to corrupt
the CF card I'm using as a HDD and ruin the NetBSD install that's on
there. It also draws 120w, so it was back to the laptop for another
attempt, after I'd calmed down from uninstalling network-manager
which broke my wifi card configuration ...

The version of i3wm in the repos is too old for the configuration
from my current system to work, so it seemed like a good opportunity
to give ratpoison a try. It's taking a bit of getting used to and
I'm missing some kind of status bar at the top. I don't think there
is one built into ratpoison so I may have to install some stand alone
status bar.

## Software change summary

Uninstalled lxde and associated packages.

Openbox    -> ratpoison
lxterminal -> urxvt
bash       -> mksh

Copied over my .mkshrc and .Xresources files.