Floodgap Systems gopher root
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"Y88888P'  @ Floodgap.com
Don't you think you need a little diversion? Here are some
not-so-useful gopher resources for when you need to relax.
-- Comics and art (updated regularly through the week!) --
xkcd - A Webcomic of Romance, Sarcasm, Math and Language.
The great xkcd comic is mirrored here by permission.
Hitori Dake no Renga - The Literate Anti-Comic
Yours truly gets snarky in not-so-free verse. Out of
print, but not out of style.
-- Games, gadgets and giggles --
Figlet Gateway
Design your own ASCII text art! Utilizes the open-source
tool figlet.
Floodgap Gopher Shortener Service fld.gp
Need a link for the social media flavour of the day that
works no matter where? Share your favourite Gopher links
with vapid people using shortened URLs that work over both
HTTP and Gopherspace.
Current phase of the moon
Thought for the day (/usr/games/fortune)
Suggest your own fun resources to gopher@floodgap.com.