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WHO Says 1.5 Billion People Suffer Hearing Loss Globally

Lisa Schlein

   GENEVA - To mark World Hearing Day, the World Health Organization is
   calling for action to stem the epidemic of hearing loss, which
   currently affects 1.5billion people globally. A roadmap for action is
   contained in WHO's first [1]World Report on Hearing.

   WHO officials warn nearly 2.5 billion people will be living with some
   degree of hearing loss by 2050 if nothing is done to prevent or
   mitigate this condition. Nearly a third, they say will require hearing

   The personal and economic cost of this condition is huge. Many people
   who are deaf or suffer from varying degrees of hearing loss are
   stigmatized and spend much of their lives in isolation. Additionally,
   WHO reports unaddressed hearing loss costs the global economy nearly
   $1trillion each year.

   WHO technical officer on ear and hearing care Shelly Chadha says much
   of this hearing loss can be prevented.

   "Many of the causes, for example, hearing loss which is caused by
   listening to loud music over one's headphones and earphones -- this can
   be prevented. As can be hearing loss, which is caused by loud noise in
   one's workplace. Other common causes of hearing loss -- ear infections,
   rubella, meningitis--these are causes which can be prevented by
   established public health strategies."

   Chadha notes almost 60%of hearing loss in children is due to avoidable
   causes such as ear infections and birth complications. She says
   solutions are available. She says hearing technologies, such as hearing
   aids and cochlear implants accompanied by rehabilitative therapy can
   mitigate the adverse effects of hearing loss.

   "Millions of people across the world are already benefiting from these
   interventions. But they are a bit of an exclusive group because what we
   estimate is that across the world only about 17 percent of people who
   need these services actually are able to benefit from them," she said.

   People in low-income countries are the most underserved because they
   lack the specialists, audiologists and speech therapists who can
   provide the care required.

   WHO says this gap can be closed by integrating ear and hearing care
   into national primary health care services.

   WHO calls this a great investment, noting for every dollar invested in
   hearing loss care, governments can expect a return of nearly $16.


   1. https://www.who.int/news/item/02-03-2021-who-1-in-4-people-projected-to-have-hearing-problems-by-2050