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Russian President Fires Moscow Mayor

   18-year mayor ousted for 'losing the president's confidence'

   VOA News 28 September 2010

Photo: AP

   Yuri Luzhkov

   The  Kremlin  said  Tuesday that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has
   signed a decree firing Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov.
   According  to  the  decree,  Luzhkov,  mayor  since  1992, was removed
   because he "lost the Russian Federation president's confidence."
   Mr. Medvedev appointed Vladimir Resin as acting mayor.
   Luzhkov  has  become  the  target  of  a  widespread  campaign  by the
   Kremlin-controlled media to portray him as corrupt.
   Mr.  Medvedev  said  earlier  this  month that the mayor should either
   begin to act more democratically or join the political opposition.
   Luzhkov's  billionaire  wife  has  accused  the  Kremlin of mounting a
   campaign  against her husband to position Mr. Medvedev for re-election
   in 2012.
   Luzhkov  is  a  top  player  in  the  ruling United Russia party and a