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   iTunes and the 80-20 Rule

   Michael E. Cohen

   The '80-20 Rule' ' you often see it cited in discussions of software
   usability, usually in support of calls for simplifying complex apps or
   for breaking them apart. I most recently heard it come up in the
   entertaining and informative discussion that Kirk McElhearn and Chuck
   Joiner had in [1]a recent MacVoices interview about Kirk's '[2]Take
   Control of iTunes 12: The FAQ.'

   At issue was the ever-expanding feature set of Apple's iTunes, which,
   with the addition of Apple Music and Beats 1, has become increasingly
   difficult for users to use and navigate, turning it into what Marco
   Arment colorfully described as a '[3]toxic hellstew.' Kirk brought the
   rule up to drive home the point that most iTunes features are not used
   by most iTunes users, and that the app could use a complete overhaul to
   make it more manageable and accessible.

   But what is the '80-20 Rule' to which Kirk referred? Lately, it has
   come to mean something like this: '80 percent of an application's users
   use only 20 percent of its features.' Lurking behind this 'rule' is the
   idea that developers could make apps far easier to use and far more
   reliable if they devoted their time to clarifying and optimizing the 20
   percent of features that the 80 percent of users most often use.

   Like many such rules, such as 'wait 30 minutes after you eat before you
   go swimming' or '[4]never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the
   line,' there is a kernel of sense behind the rule: [5]as some studies
   have shown, for many systems a large percentage of functions are
   seldom, if ever, used. But the systems in question in those studies
   tend not to be widely used consumer apps but those being developed for
   specific business or engineering purposes, and the studies are mostly
   interested in examining how to get the most bang for the in-house
   development staff's bucks, and not about usability.

   In any case, widely used consumer apps ' and by 'widely' I'm talking
   about apps used daily by millions of users ' are rather different
   creatures than, say, an enterprise's in-house inventory control and
   management system that might have only a few hundred users at most.

   In fact, the original '80-20 Rule' was not a rule at all, but an
   observation by 19th century Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who
   noticed that 80 percent of Italian income was received by 20 percent of
   the Italian population. It was promoted to a '[6]principle' by
   [7]Joseph M. Juran in 1941, who suggested that most results in any
   situation are determined by a small number of causes.

   All of which is to say that the '80-20 Rule' is really just an
   observation, and one that has less to do with usability than with the
   effort involved in developing and debugging complex systems. Nor can
   you rely upon the magical 80-20 ratio: depending on the app and the
   user, it might be 95-5, or 60-40, or some other ratio. 80-20 is only a
   ballpark figure, and the ballpark dimensions themselves vary from team
   to team and from sport to sport.

   I have little doubt that any one iTunes user is apt to use only a small
   number of the many features that iTunes offers. The problem is that,
   for iTunes as for any app, you cannot assume that the small number of
   features used by one user are the same features as those favored by
   another user.

   In addition, the very idea of a single 'user' as some sort of Platonic
   ideal creature whose needs you must meet to have a successful app won't
   get you very far when it comes to making an app usable. Most usability
   analysts worth their salt don't even envision a single user at all.
   They often develop a variety of 'personas,' imaginary folk who come
   with specific needs, goals, backgrounds, and tastes, and they look at
   an app's feature set and implementation in terms of each of those

   What's more, when it comes to usability testing, analysts try to match
   actual test subjects to one or more of those personas: test results are
   seldom considered reliable if the tests don't encompass a range of
   different users that match the range of personas. Nor are the analysts'
   personas themselves cast in stone: they, too, are developed and
   expanded and refined as more information about real breathing, living
   human users of a product is acquired.

   Usability analysis, in short, is a complicated blend of science and
   art, and applying it reliably to any particular app is usually fraught
   with caveats. And the larger and more varied the population of users of
   that app, the more difficult it is, and that is even when you don't
   consider the business goals that the app must also meet for it to be
   considered a success.

   Kirk, in the MacVoices interview, wisely employed the '80-20 Rule' only
   to illustrate how users might find the bevy of features offered by
   iTunes confusing, and he smartly acknowledged that coming up with a
   list of substantive suggestions that would finally 'fix' iTunes to the
   delight of users everywhere, given how many different user needs it has
   to meet, was beyond him.

   It may be beyond Apple as well ' iTunes has seen significant user
   interface changes in each of its last three major incarnations, a level
   of variability that generates its own confusions. That is not to say,
   of course, that Apple shouldn't keep trying: the company's $200 billion
   cash pile could certainly pay for a lot of formal usability analysis
   and careful engineering. However, simple rubrics like the '80-20 Rule'
   are not apt to get the company very far in such an effort.

