Flood Feeds wants your resource. If you know of, or host, a regularly updated
news source that we can redistribute freely and publicly, we'll add it to our
feeds list. The following criteria must be met, though!

- IT MUST BE FREELY REDISTRIBUTABLE! It may be copyrighted (such as under
  Creative Commons), but there must be specific license allowing its

- It must be updated, at a minimum, bimonthly. Weekly is better, daily best.

- It must be plain text or reducible to plain text. An HTML feed is fine,
  but it should have enough text content to make it legible. A feed that
  is primarily images wouldn't be.

- It must be accessible to our bot system, either via regular E-mail messages,
  or somewhere the bot can go and fetch it from such as an RSS feed.

- If in a single file that needs to be broken down into articles, it must be
  trivially parseable.

Whew. Does it still meet the standards? If so, send to gopher@floodgap.com .
Please also read The Fine Print on the Flood Feeds main menu.