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Stigma Against D.O.s Had Been Dissipating Until Trump's Doctor Took the Spotlight
Lauren Weber

   Dr. Katherine Pannel was initially thrilled to see President Donald
   Trump's physician is a doctor of osteopathic medicine. A practicing
   D.O. herself, she loved seeing another glass ceiling broken for the
   type of doctor representing [1]11% of practicing physicians in the U.S.
   and now [2]1 in 4 medical students in the country.

   But then, as Dr. Sean Conley issued public updates on his treatment of
   Trump's COVID-19, the questions and the insults about his
   qualifications rolled in.

   "How many times will Trump's doctor, who is actually not an MD, have to
   change his statements?" MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell [3]tweeted.

   "It all came falling down when we had people questioning why the
   president was being seen by someone that wasn't even a doctor," Pannel

   The osteopathic medical field has had high-profile doctors before, good
   and bad. Dr. Murray Goldstein was the first D.O. to serve as a director
   of an institute at the National Institutes of Health, and Dr. Ronald R.
   Blanck was the surgeon general of [4]the U.S. Army. Former Vice
   President Joe Biden, challenging Trump for the presidency, also [5]sees
   a doctor who is a D.O. But another now former D.O., Larry Nassar, who
   was the doctor for USA Gymnastics, was convicted of serial sexual

   Still, with this latest example, Dr. Kevin Klauer, CEO of the American
   Osteopathic Association, said he's heard from many fellow osteopathic
   physicians outraged that Conley -- and by extension, they, too -- are
   not considered real doctors.

   "You may or may not like that physician, but you don't have the right
   to completely disqualify an entire profession," Klauer said.

   For years, doctors of osteopathic medicine have been growing in number
   alongside the better-known doctors of medicine, who are sometimes
   called allopathic doctors and use the M.D. after their names.

   According to the [6]American Osteopathic Association, the number of
   osteopathic doctors grew 63% in the past decade and nearly 300% over
   the past three decades. Still, many Americans don't know much about
   osteopathic doctors, if they know the term at all.

   "There are probably a lot of people who have D.O.s as their primary
   [care doctor] and never realized it," said Brian Castrucci, president
   and CEO of the de Beaumont Foundation, a philanthropic group focused on
   community health.

   So What Is the Difference?

   Both types of physicians can prescribe medicine and treat patients in
   similar ways.

   Although osteopathic doctors take a [7]different licensing exam, the
   curriculum for their medical training -- four years of osteopathic
   medical school -- is converging with M.D. training as holistic and
   preventive medicine becomes more mainstream. And starting this year,
   both M.D.s and D.O.s were placed into one accreditation pool to compete
   for the same residency training slots.

   But two major principles guiding osteopathic medical curriculum
   distinguish it from the more well-known medical school route: the
   200-plus hours of training on the musculoskeletal system and the
   holistic look at medicine as a discipline that serves the mind, body
   and spirit.

   The roots of the profession date to the 19th century and
   musculoskeletal manipulation. Pannel was quick to point out the common
   misconception that their manipulation of the musculoskeletal system
   makes them chiropractors. It's much more involved than that, she said.
   Dr. Ryan Seals, who has a D.O. degree and serves as a senior associate
   dean at the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort
   Worth, said that osteopathic physicians have a deeper understanding
   than allopathic doctors of the range of motion and what a muscle and
   bone feel like through touch.

   That said, many osteopathic doctors don't use that part of their
   training at all: A 2003 Ohio study said approximately [8]75% of them
   did not or rarely practiced osteopathic manipulative treatments.

   The osteopathic focus on preventive medicine also means such physicians
   were considering a patient's whole life and how social factors affect
   health outcomes long before the pandemic began, Klauer said. This may
   explain why 57% of osteopathic doctors [9]pursue primary care fields,
   as opposed to nearly a third of those with doctorates of medicine,
   according to the [10]American Medical Association.

   Pannel pointed out that she's proud that [11]42% of actively practicing
   osteopathic doctors are women, as opposed to [12]36% of doctors
   overall. She chose the profession as she felt it better embraced the
   whole person, and emphasized the importance of care for the
   underserved, including [13]rural areas. She and her husband, also a
   doctor of osteopathic medicine, treat rural Mississippi patients in
   general and child psychiatry.

   Given osteopathic doctors' likelihood of practicing in rural
   communities and of pursuing careers in primary care, [14]Health Affairs
   reported in 2017, they are on track to play an increasingly important
   role in ensuring access to care nationwide, including for the most
   vulnerable populations.

   Stigma Remains

   To be sure, even though the physicians end up with similar training and
   compete for the same residencies, some residency programs have often
   preferred M.D.s, Seals said.

   Traditional medical schools have held more esteem than schools of
   osteopathic medicine because of their longevity and name recognition.
   Most D.O. schools have been around for only decades and often are in
   Midwestern and rural areas.

   While admission to the nation's [15]37 osteopathic medical schools is
   competitive amid a surge of applicants, the [16]grade-point average and
   Medical College Admission Test scores are [17]slightly higher for the
   [18]155 U.S. allopathic medical schools: The [19]average MCAT was 506.1
   out of 528 for allopathic medical school applicants over a three-year
   period, compared with 503.8 for osteopathic applicants for 2018.

   Seals said prospective medical students ask the most questions about
   which path is better, worrying they may be at a disadvantage if they
   choose the D.O. route.

   "I've never felt that my career has been hindered in any way by the
   degree," Seals said, noting that he had the opportunity to attend
   either type of medical school, and osteopathic medicine aligned better
   with the philosophy, beliefs and type of doctor he wanted to be.

   Many medical doctors came to the defense of Conley and their
   osteopathic colleagues, including Dr. John Morrison, an M.D. practicing
   primary care outside of Seattle. He was disturbed by the elitism on
   display on social media, citing the skills of the many doctors of
   osteopathic medicine he'd worked with over the years.

   "There are plenty of things you can criticize him for, but being a D.O.
   isn't one of them," Morrison said.


   1. https://osteopathic.org/about/aoa-statistics/
   2. https://osteopathic.org/2019/01/14/osteopathic-medical-schools-graduate-a-record-number-of-new-physicians-in-2018/
   3. https://twitter.com/Lawrence/status/1312454951327559680
   4. https://www.aacom.org/docs/default-source/joining-forces-documents/osteopathic-medicine-in-uniform.pdf?sfvrsn=0
   5. https://joebiden.com/2020/10/02/covid-results/
   6. https://osteopathic.org/about/aoa-statistics/
   7. https://aamc-orange.global.ssl.fastly.net/production/media/filer_public/a3/e4/a3e41bd1-f135-4648-ac36-6fd8c0089d9b/aamc-md-do-programs-similarities-infographic-2019-1.pdf
   8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12572632/
   9. https://khn.org/news/american-medical-students-less-likely-to-choose-to-become-primary-care-doctors/
  10. https://www.ama-assn.org/residents-students/preparing-medical-school/do-vs-md-how-much-does-medical-school-degree-type
  11. https://osteopathic.org/about/aoa-statistics/
  12. https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/physicians-by-gender/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D
  13. https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20171023.624111/full/
  14. https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20171023.624111/full/
  15. https://osteopathic.org/about/affiliated-organizations/osteopathic-medical-schools/
  16. https://www.aamc.org/system/files/2019-10/2019_FACTS_Table_A-16.pdf
  17. https://www.aacom.org/become-a-doctor/how-to-apply-to-osteopathic-medical-college/general-admission-requirements
  18. https://students-residents.aamc.org/applying-medical-school/article/participating-medical-schools-deadlines/#:~:text=Training%20in%20a%20Residency%20or%20Fellowship,-Applying%20to%20Fellowships&text=Its%20members%20are%20all%20155,more%20than%2070%20academic%20societies.
  19. https://www.aamc.org/system/files/2019-10/2019_FACTS_Table_A-16.pdf