Flood Feeds is a collection of (mostly) third-party regularly updated news
feeds ranging from general interest to very specialized. Opinions expressed
in articles offered by Flood Feeds are not necessarily those of Floodgap
Systems or its maintainer(s). We do not discriminate against news sources
based on their perceived bias for or against any lifestyle, religion, creed
or political affiliation, although we reserve the right to determine which
resources will appear in Flood Feeds for any reason we determine appropriate,
in our sole judgment.

Unless otherwise noted, all articles in Flood Feeds are public domain, or
where copyrighted, remain the intellectual property of the original author(s).

Articles released through Flood Feeds are specifically and freely
redistributable as long as they are properly attributed. However, if you
discover this is not actually the case for a resource we offer, or if you
have other specific questions regarding this policy, please mail the
maintainer(s) at gopher@floodgap.com .

Revised 9/2005