-[ From Seattle's 'downspout' - 206-325-1325 ]- This code documents a method of modifing ZCPR3 to recognise that it has loaded a ZCPR3 installable utility and "auto-install" it by loading the environment address at the correct place in the TPA. Search the ZCPR3 source file for the label "EXECADR:" and insert the code shewn below. Note that all additional code is commented thus ";+ "... ; RUN LOADED TRANSIENT PROGRAM CALL DEFDMA ; SET DMA TO 0080 ; ; attempt to install z3env utilities... ld hl,0100h ;+ point to position of z3env id. ld de,idstring ;+ point to z3env descriptor string. ld b,idlength ;+ reg b will count bytes z3test: ld a,(de) ;+ get a byte for compare... cp (hl) ;+ ...match against code... jr nz,noz3env ;+ ...branch if not installable. inc hl ;+ bump pointers... inc de ;+ ... djnz z3test ;+ branch until all bytes match. ; tpa contains an installable utility... ld (hl),low z3env ;+ load environment address... inc hl ;+ ... ld (hl),high z3env ;+ ... ; ; EXECUTION (CALL) OF PROGRAM (SUBROUTINE) OCCOURS HERE EXECADR: EQU $+1 ; CHANGE ADDRESS FOR IN-LINE CODE MODIFICATION noz3env: CALL 0100H ; CALL TRANSIENT ; zcpr3 code continues.... ; Insert z3 environment id string in any convenient place. idstring: defb "Z3ENV",01 ;+ z3 environment id. idlength equ $-idstring ;+ <eof>