This file was put together to help folks understand and use the Kaypro
floppy disk formats.  John Shotsky. 2-20-88

There is no source code included for obvious reasons, however, with this
information, one could write programs that need to know this stuff.

;Disk Equates and Parameters

bitport equ	01CH		; bit port (m80 does not support extrn bytes)
drvmask equ	0FCH		; drive select mask
denmask equ	0DFH		; density bit mask
ddbit	equ	00H		; double density bit
sdbit	equ	20H		; single density bit
control equ	10H		; I/O port of disk controller
status	equ	control+0	; status register
cmnd	equ	control+0	; command register
track	equ	control+1	; track register
sector	equ	control+2	; sector register
data	equ	control+3	; data register
ficmd	equ	11010000B	; force interrupt (Abort current command)
rdcmd	equ	10000000B	; read command
wrtcmd	equ	10100000B	; write command
seekcmd equ	00010000B	; seek command
rstcmd	equ	00000000B	; home (restore) command
adrcmd	equ	11000000B	; read track address
rdmask	equ	10011100B	; read status mask
wrtmask equ	11111100B	; write status mask
tries1	equ	4		; re-home on bad sector # of tries+1
tries2	equ	15		; re-read/write # of retries+1
retcod	equ	0C9H		; return op code
nmivec	equ	0066H		; non-maskable int vector (used in rd/wt loop)

; This section defines the disk parameters (dph's are images moved to RAM)
dph0:	defw	0,0,0,0 	; dph for unit A:
	defw	dirbuf,dpbd	; directory buffer, Disk Parameter Block
	defw	csva, alva	; check sum pointer, allocation map pointer
	defb	ddbit		; density flag for this drive

	defw	0,0,0,0 	; dph for unit B:
	defw	dirbuf,dpbd	; directory buffer, Disk Parameter Block
	defw	csvb, alvb	; check sum pointer, allocation map pointer
	defb	ddbit		; density flag for this drive

;dpbs:	;single sided single density
	defw	18		; (spt) sectors per track
	defb	3		; (bsh) block shift factor
	defb	7		; (blm) block mask
	defb	0		; (exm) extent mask
	defw	82		; (dsm) max logical block
	defw	31		; (drm) max directory
	defb	80H		; (al0) directory allocation map
	defb	00H		; (al1)
	defw	8		; (cks) size of directory check vector
	defw	3		; (off) reserved tracks

;dpbd:	; single sided double density
	defw	40		; (spt) sectors per track
	defb	3		; (bsh) block shift factor
	defb	7		; (blm) block mask
	defb	0		; (exm) extent mask
	defw	194		; (dsm) max logical block
	defw	63		; (drm) max directory
	defb	0F0H		; (al0) directory allocation map & BIOS space
	defb	00H		; (al1)
	defw	16		; (cks) size of directory check vector
	defw	1		; (off) reserved tracks

; sector interleave table

	defb	1,6,11,16
	defb	3,8,13,18
	defb	5,10,15,2
	defb	7,12,17,4
	defb	9,14

;      Logical BIOS entry points
;      Sector Deblocking Algorithms

blksiz	equ	1024		;CP/M allocation size
hstsiz	equ	512		;host disk sector size
hstspt	equ	10		;host disk sectors/trk
hstblk	equ	hstsiz/128	;CP/M sects/host buff
cpmspt	equ	hstblk * hstspt ;CP/M sectors/track
secmsk	equ	hstblk-1	;sector mask
secshf	equ	2		;log2(hstblk) sector mask
wrall	equ	0		;write to allocated
wrdir	equ	1		;write to directory
wrual	equ	2		;write to unallocated

This next set is from the Microcornucopia Rom source and provides
both the double sided and the quad density formats. [jbs]

; Disk Equates and Parameters

drvmask equ	11111100b	; drive select mask
denmask equ	11011111b	; density bit mask
ddbit	equ	00000000b	; double density bit
sdbit	equ	00100000b	; single density bit
sidmsk	equ	11111011b	; side mask
sid0	equ	00000000b	; side 0
sid1	equ	00000100b	; side 1
control equ	16		; I/O port of disk controller
status	equ	control+0	; status register
cmnd	equ	control+0	; command register
track	equ	control+1	; track register
sector	equ	control+2	; sector register
data	equ	control+3	; data register
ficmd	equ	11010000B	; force interrupt (Abort current command)
rdcmd	equ	10001000B	; read command
wrtcmd	equ	10101100B	; write command
seekcmd equ	00010000B	; seek command
rstcmd	equ	00000000B	; home (restore) command
stpic	equ	01001010b	; step in command
stpoc	equ	01101010b	; step out command
adrcmd	equ	11000100B	; read track address
rdmask	equ	10011100B	; read status mask
wrtmask equ	11111100B	; write status mask
tries1	equ	4		; re-home on bad sector # of tries+1
tries2	equ	15		; re-read/write # of retries+1
ssmblk	equ	194
dsmblk	equ	ssmblk*2
retcod	equ	0C9H		; return op code
nmivec	equ	0066H		; non-maskable interupt vector
				; (used in rd/wt loop)
spdsafe equ	03h		; mask to steprate

; This section defines the disk parameters (dph's are images moved to RAM)
dph0:	defw	0,0,0,0 	; dph for unit A:
	defw	dirbuf,dpbd	; directory buffer, Disk Parameter Block
	defw	csva, alva	; check sum pointer, allocation map pointer
	defb	ddbit		; density flag for this drive

	defw	0,0,0,0 	; dph for unit B:
	defw	dirbuf,dpbd	; directory buffer, Disk Parameter Block
	defw	csvb, alvb	; check sum pointer, allocation map pointer
	defb	ddbit		; density flag for this drive

;dpbs:	;single sided single density-NOBODY uses this! [jbs]
	defw	18		; (spt) sectors per track
	defb	3		; (bsh) block shift factor
	defb	7		; (blm) block mask
	defb	0		; (exm) extent mask
	defw	82		; (dsm) max logical block
	defw	31		; (drm) max directory
	defb	80H		; (al0) directory allocation map
	defb	00H		; (al1)
	defw	8		; (cks) size of directory check vector
	defw	3		; (off) reserved tracks

ssdpbd: ; single sided double density -Original K-II [jbs]
	defw	40		; (spt) sectors per track
	defb	3		; (bsh) block shift factor
	defb	7		; (blm) block mask
	defb	0		; (exm) extent mask
	defw	194		; (dsm) max logical block
	defw	63		; (drm) max directory
	defb	0F0H		; (al0) directory allocation map & BIOS space
	defb	00H		; (al1)
	defw	16		; (cks) size of directory check vector
	defw	1		; (off) reserved tracks

; sector interleave table
stbl:	defb	1,6,11,16
	defb	3,8,13,18
	defb	5,10,15,2
	defb	7,12,17,4
	defb	9,14

dphx:	defw	0,0,0,0 	; dph for c:
	defw	dirbuf,dpbd
	defw	csvc,alvc
	defb	ddbit

	defw	0,0,0,0 	; dph for d:
	defw	dirbuf,dpbd
	defw	csvd,alvd
	defb	ddbit

dsdpbd: ;double sided double density - Original K-IV [jbs]
	defw	40		; (spt) sectors per track
	defb	4		; (bsh) block shift factor
	defb	15		; (blm) block mask
	defb	1		; (exm) extent mask
	defw	196		; (dsm) max logical block
	defw	63		; (drm) max directory
	defb	0C0H		; (al0) directory allocation map & BIOS space
	defb	00H		; (al1)
	defw	16		; (cks) size of directory check vector
	defw	1		; (off) reserved tracks

dtrk:	; Double sided quad density - uC's K-VIII
	defw	40
	defb	05h
	defb	1fh
	defb	03h
	defb	0C4h,0
	defb	5fh,0
	defb	80h,0
	defb	18h,0
	defb	2,0

; Logical BIOS entry points & Deblocking
;	Logical BIOS entry points
;	Sector Deblocking Algorithms

blksiz	equ	1024		;CP/M allocation size
hstsiz	equ	512		;host disk sector size
hstspt	equ	10		;host disk sectors/trk
hstblk	equ	hstsiz/128	;CP/M sects/host buff
cpmspt	equ	hstblk * hstspt ;CP/M sectors/track
secmsk	equ	hstblk-1	;sector mask
secshf	equ	2		;log2(hstblk) sector mask
wrall	equ	0		;write to allocated
wrdir	equ	1		;write to directory
wrual	equ	2		;write to unallocated

That's IT folks...!!!