;WILDEX - wildcard expansion module
; S. Kluger  04/15/84
; This module, for use with SYSLIB, can be used
; to expand a wildcard filename into a table of
; file names as found in current DU:
; HL = .buffer
; DE = .afn fcb
; HL = number of files
; ACC= zero flag set if ok, else error
; the buffer contains (HL) file names of 16 char each
; Char 0 contains the user number!
sfirst	equ	17
snext	equ	18
	extrn	bdos
	public	wildex
wildex:	shld	bufptr
	lxi	h,0
	shld	count
	mvi	c,sfirst
	call	bdos
	cpi	0ffh
	rz			;nothing found -- error
	call	moven		;move name
wloop:	mvi	c,snext		;search for next
	call	bdos
	cpi	0ffh
	jz	done		;finished
	call	moven
	jmp	wloop
done:	ora	a
	lhld	count
moven:	push	d
	lhld	bufptr
	add	a
	add	a
	add	a
	add	a
	add	a
	adi	80h
	mov	c,a
	mvi	b,0
	mvi	d,16		;move 16 chars
movlp:	ldax	b
	mov	m,a
	inx	h
	inx	b
	dcr	d
	jnz	movlp
	shld	bufptr
	pop	d
	lhld	count
	inx	h
	shld	count
bufptr:	dw	0
count:	dw	0
n module
; S. Kluger  04/15/84
; This module, for use with SYSLIB, can be used
; to expand a wisearch for next
	call	bdos
	cpi	0ffh
	jz	done		;finished
	call	moven
	jmp	wloop
done:	ora	a
	lhld	count
moven:	push	d
	lhld	bufptr
	add	a
	add	a
	add	a
	add	a
	add	a
	adi	80h
	mov	c,a
	mvi	b,0
	mvi	d,16		;move 16 chars
movlp:	ldax	b
	mov	m,a
	inx	h
	inx	b
	dcr	d
	jnz	movlp
	shld	bufptr
	pop	d
	lhld	count
	inx	h
	shld	count