Date: 28 Jun 1980 0947-PDT (Saturday)
From: Lauren at UCLA-SECURITY (Lauren Weinstein)
To:   FJW
Re:   CP/M info request


If you have SID:

Load an image of your OS (SID CPMnn.COM)
Type "I"
   followed by the command line as you would like the CCP to execute
   it at startup.  I.E.:


Type M80,90,987
^C (reboot) and sysgen in normal manner to save new OS.

If you don't have SID or want a command line longer than 16 chars:

Load OS image using DDT (DDT CPMnn.COM)
Patch the length of your command line into location 987H.
Patch the ASCII of your command line into memory starting at
    location 988H. (you are supposed to follow this with the digital
    research copyright message to be legit).
Boot and sysgen.


Date: 29 Jun 1980 2342-EDT
To:   FJW
Re:   CP/M info request

In response to your message of 28 Jun 1980 0118-EDT

I don't have my listing at home, but scanning it remotely, it appears
you want a file called "$$$.SUB" on the disk from which you boot.
It will be executed, and then deleted. So keep a copy under some
other name too. Those are Dollarsigns, not ESC's.

Date: 06/30/80 03:03:47
Re:   CP/M info request

Just put the file name in the proper place as [part of the BIOS.
Then call BDOS to execute the file.

Date: 30 Jun 1980 1258-EDT
To:   FJW
Re:   CP/M info request

In response to your message of 30 Jun 1980 0029-EDT

OK, I had forgotten the exact details of the SUBMIT stuff. 
If you could get it to work except for the delete of the $$$.SUB file,
you can try removing the call at 2AD5, a CALL 29FC, which does
the delete. (Replace with 3 NOP's obviously). Those addresses assume
the CCP starts at 2900, and are for a 1.4 CPM. Alternately, a command
in the SUB file might be to create a new SUB file before it finishes.
Or to toggle between two SUB files, maybe. The FCB for "$$$.SUB" is
at 3086, so you might have your program adjust the name field of that
FCB to shift among SUB files and/or delete different ones at completion.
Then if a clean $$$.SUB is left, a re-boot would work. Good luck.

Date: 07/02/80 13:19:06
From: LEO at MIT-ML
To:   FJW

On North * CP/M (the stuff written by Lifeboat) there is just
a byte that has to be patched to tell CP/M to run "AUTO.COM"
on either warm or cold boot. If you are not running one of the
packaged versions it is just a quick cbios hack. I also have 
a north star and a tarball system.

Date: 07/02/80 13:33:19
From: LEO at MIT-ML
To:   FJW
Re:   CP/M info request

Continued from last message:
 If you are into hacking the CBIOS (I assume that you have the
source) all you have to do is the following (let us assume that
'CONIN' is the lable used for the routine to get characters from the

Patch this into the routine that is run before jumping to the CCP:
	lhld	conin+1	;save old address
	shld	oldaddr
	lxi	h,frotz	;the address of the new routine
	shld	conin+1
			;continue with the code and jump to the CCP
	jmp	ccp
oldaddr	ds	2	;a place to save the old addr
chrcnt	db	0	;a count of the characters sent
command	db	'The command line',0
frotz	lxi	h,command
	lda	chrcnt
	mvi	b,0
	mov	c,a
	inr	a	;increment character count
	sta	chrcnt
	dad	b
	mov	a,m
	ora	a
	rnz		;with character in A
	xra	a
	sta	chrcnt	;reset in case we want this again
	lhld	oldaddr
	shld	conin+1	;un patch the routine
	mvi	a,0dH	;set the CCP a C/R

That should do it.

*** EOOH ***
Date: 07/03/80 01:21:59
From: LEO at MIT-ML
To:   FJW

The MODE byte is located at 23FF Hex in the sysgen position (assuming
CP/M 1.4.
The following bits seem to have the meaning (one is un-documented
and is easily found; I did it once and forgot)
Numbering the bits from 0..7

Run Auto after cold boot (the bit position is not given)
Run Auto after warm boot (Bit 1 (set with an OR 2))
Enable interupts after disk access (Bit 4)
Read after write (bit 6)


Date: 4 July 1980 00:53-EDT
From: Frank J. Wancho <FJW at MIT-MC>
cc:   FJW
Re:   N* CP/M AUTO Start

My thanks to those who responded to my plea for help:
LEO@ML.  The replies are in MC:FJW;CP/M AUTO.

The final solution, courtesy of LEO (and also from LifeBoat, who
neglected to send along a set of notes for their version which I just
received today):

For N* CP/M version 1.4 and up from LifeBoat there is a MODE byte at
SYSGEN location 23FFH which is defaultly set to 10H.  The values of
the bits are, when set:

    0 - n/a
    1 - Run AUTO.COM after cold start (default: OFF)
    2 - Run AUTO.COM after warm start (default: OFF)
    3 - n/a
    4 - n/a
    5 - Enable Interrupts after disc access (default: ON)
    6 - n/a
    7 - Do read after write to disc (default: OFF)

To turn on all effective bits (53H):

    MOVCPM * *
    SAVE 36 CPMxx.COM


Then REN whatever you want to run as AUTO.COM and there you have it!


Date: 26 July 1980 00:56-EDT
From: "James Lewis Bean, Jr." <BEAN at MIT-MC>
Re:   CP/M auto Start

I use two different methods for auto-Starting CP/m's.

The first of these methods is to use the SUBMIT command.  If
you wanted to have your system execute the command `AUTO' you
create a file, the name doesn't matter but for this example
call it `START.SUB',  with the following instructions in it.
and type SUBMIT START.  Now until you stop the submit program,
by typing a charecter while it is loading a new command, the
CP/M will read from the SUB file.      

The second method is more complicated and impossible to stop.
If inplace of the DRC copyright notice you place a command name
and replace the 0ffh before the copyright notice to a 0 that
command will be executed on each warm boot.  To get this to
happen you must get a copy of your CP/M into ram.  Then you
will find the Copyright notice starting at 701h and the 0ffh is
at 700h.  Once this is finished you must sysgen this system off
to disk.  Good luck.

				Bean at Mit-Mc
				James Lewis Bean, Jr