Pete Landerman
                                 Nov 15, 1985

     Have  you ever downloaded some software only to find that it won't run on 
your terminal,  or that your terminal is not listed in the Instalation Program 
that  goes with it?   It has sure happened to me with my Otrona  Attache  (say 
what?).   So  I  extracted  the terminal display driver codes  from  James  H. 
Whorton's  VINST11.COM,   an  installation  program  for  his  VDO25.COM,  and 
displayed  them in the chart below.   If the program you wish to adapt can  be 
installed for various terminals,  and you have an installed version for one of 
the  terminals  in the chart,  you can do the following.   Use a program  like 
PATCH to Search the program code for the strings of bytes that constitute  the 
display driver codes given in the chart for the installed terminal.   If these 
are found, replace them with the codes for your particular terminal.

     For  example,  DAZLSTAR has the Osborne 1 on the list of terminals in its 
Install  Program.   The addresses given in the documentation for the  terminal 
codes  are not even right (for me at least).   No problem;  I  just  installed 
DAZLSTAR  for  the  Osborne,  used  PATCH  to  find  the  O1  terminal  codes, 
substituted the Otrona values for these; and it worked!

     The  terminal  codes given in the chart are those used  in  VDO25.   Many 
programs  don't use all of these;  some use more.   The same overall  strategy 
should  work to find others as needed.   To find codes used by the program you 
could   use  COM-PARE  or  some  such  to  locate  the   differences   between 
installations  for two different terminals.   The Labels for the various codes 
at the top of the columns of the chart (sort of taken from WordStar) stand for 
the following:

     R      Number of Rows (in HEX)
     C      Number of Columns (in HEX)
     ERAEOL Erace to end of line
     CLEAD1 Cursor Position Lead in
     CLRSCN Clear Screen
     LNINS  Insert Line
     LNDEL  Delete Line
     IVON   Highlighting (Reverse Video) On
     IVOFF  Highlighting (Reverse Video) Off

     In some programs a string-length byte (indicating the length in bytes  of 
the code that follows) is prefixed to some or all of these codes.  For example 
ERAEOL for the Zenith would be: 02 1B 4B, and CLEAD1 would be 03 01 1B 59.  If 
the  program employes a string-length byte,  it is already in the program.  So 
you don't need to insert it;  you only need to change it if the string you are 
patching in is of a different length than the original one.

     Different  types of Highlighting may be used (Reverse  Video,  Background 
On,  Boldface, Underline, etc.) depending on what your terminal is capable of.  
For  some terminals and some programs the values of IVON and IVOFF  should  be 
switched to obtain the right affect.

     The  chart  was sorted by the ERAEOL values so as to bring  together  the 
terminals whose codes are most similar.  Thus the ADM-20 is next to the Morrow 
rather than next to the ADM-31.

     In  the chart I saved space by using some abbreviations which should  not 
pose a problem.   "Hil" with the Kaypros is Highlighting.  "L-Sieg" stands for 
Lear-Siegler.   "S120" is the Soroc 120.  "WY-100/200/300" are Wyse terminals.  
"TVid" stands for Televideo.


Kaypro no Hil  |18 50|18 00|01 1B 3D|1A 00|1B 45|1B 52|00 00      |00 00       
Kaypro with Hil|18 50|18 00|01 1B 3D|1A 00|1B 45|1B 52|see below  |see below   
Hazltne Esprit |18 50|1B 0F|01 1B 11|1B 1C|1B 1A|1B 13|1B 1F      |1B 19       
ADDS 20/25/30  |18 50|1B 4B|00 1B 59|0C 00|00 00|00 00|00 00      |00 00       
ADDS 40/60     |18 50|1B 4B|00 1B 59|0C 00|1B 4D|1B 6C|0E 00      |0F 00       
Otrona Attache |18 50|1B 4B|01 1B 3D|1A 00|1B 4C|1B 4D|1B 55 22   |1B 55 20    
ADDS Viewpnt 1A|18 50|1B 4B|01 1B 59|0C 00|00 00|00 00|0F 00      |0E 00       
Zenith         |18 50|1B 4B|01 1B 59|1B 45|1B 4C|1B 4D|1B 71      |1B 70       
Lr-Sieg ADM-20 |18 50|1B 54|00 1B 3D|1A 00|1B 45|1B 52|1B 29      |1B 28       
Morrow MDT-20  |18 50|1B 54|00 1B 3D|1A 00|1B 45|1B 52|1B 29      |1B 28       
Liberty        |18 50|1B 54|01 1B 3D|1A 00|1B 45|1B 52|1B 29      |1B 28       
Osborne 1      |18 50|1B 54|01 1B 3D|1A 00|1B 45|1B 52|1B 29      |1B 28       
Qume           |18 50|1B 54|01 1B 3D|1A 00|1B 45|1B 52|1B 29      |1B 28       
Soroc new mods |18 50|1B 54|01 1B 3D|1A 00|1B 45|1B 52|1B 29      |1B 28       
TVid 912/920/92|18 50|1B 54|01 1B 3D|1A 00|1B 45|1B 52|1B 29      |1B 28       
Epson Geneva   |08 50|1B 54|01 1B 3D|1B 2A|00 00|00 00|00 00      |00 00       
Lr-Sieg ADM-31 |18 50|1B 54|01 1B 3D|1B 2A|1B 45|1B 52|1B 29      |1B 28       
WY100/200/300  |18 50|1B 54|01 1B 3D|1B 2A|1B 45|1B 52|1B 29      |1B 28       
Osborne Exec   |18 50|1B 54|01 1B 3D|1B 5A|1B 45|1B 52|1B 62 1B 29|1B 64 1B 28 
S120/Apple CP/M|18 50|1B 54|01 1B 3D|1b 2A|00 00|00 00|1B 29      |1B 28       
Visual 200     |18 50|1B 78|01 1B 59|1B 76|1B 4C|1B 4D|1B 33      |1B 34       
Hazltine 1500  |18 50|7E 0F|00 7E 11|7E 12|7E 1A|7E 13|7E 19      |7E 1F       

The strings for turning Highlighting On and Off on the Kaypro are:
     IVON:  1B 42 30 1B 42 31
     IVOFF: QB 43 31 1B 43 30