Date: Sunday, 9 September 1984 From: Alexander M. Fraser To: Keith Petersen, W8SDZ Cc: Ron Fowler Re: New MX-SM13A overlay for MEX/Anchor XXII modem (Please forward this to Bob Sandel to please, since I don't know his net address if any) The problem is that there is no pause between the ''+''s. The Anchorman has either a bug, or a safeguard that if the +s pass through at full speed (as they would in an ESC+T type transfer), the modem ignores them. I put in a patch to call a delay of 6 in the timer sequence between the ''+''s and doubled all the other delays in the disconnect sequence and it works at least 95% of the time. The way to solve the ^C problem is that the Anchorman will not abort on (CR), it needs an A. I modified it to send (CR), pause, ''A'', pause, ''T'', pause and then (CR). Works all the time, except while the Anchorman is still sending back the numbers (ie still dialing) (the Anchorman echoes each character back as it is dialed). Another thing that should be down with the MEx overlay is to increase the timeout (which is default 60 seconds). Since the Anchorman waits 36 seconds before hanging up and some ALD pauses coul make up the rest to 60, sometimes it times-out too soon.