CRCKSORT.DOC   Documentation file.   04/22/82	T McCormick.

It would be helpful to have the CRCKLIST.CRC file in
alphabetical order by filename. It would also be helpful
to add information helpful to the user to this file and
thus eliminate the need for separate doc files for small
amounts of information.

The instructions below explain how to edit a file
output from the CRCK.COM program so that it can be
alphabetically sorted on filename by SUPERSORT.
This involves stripping out:
	a. the blank lines (SUPERSORT drops them automatically)
	b. the leading "--> FILE:  "  before each filename thus
	   moving the file name to positions 1 through 12 of the records.
	c. six of the eight blanks between the filename and the CRC.
Items b. and c., above, are done with an editor using global search/replace.

The example below assumed Magic Wand was used, but
it is applicable to other word processors with the
search/replace global function.

When CRCK *.* F    (note the F) is entered, the
CRCK program creates a disk file of the Cyclic
Redundancy Checksum values, and this file is

Here is how to edit that file so that it can be
sorted alphabetically. Optionally, it can then
have additional information inserted for each
file by using an editor.  The result is a very
nice documentation file containing the filenames
in alphabetical order, the CRCK checksum for
validating legitimate copies, and descriptive
information about the file and how to use it.

For example, the finished product might appear as:

ASM	.COM  CRC = CB A8  Digital Research's standard CP/M assembler.
			   A>ASM FILENAME.ABZ  where:
					    Z indicates no printed listing.
					   B  indicates .HEX file goes to B:.
					  A   indicates .ASM source is on A:.
CRCK	.COM  CRC = 2D 47  Public domain file integrity control program.
			   Creates a hex control sum of one or more files;
			   this value would vary if ANY change to program
			   is made. Useful also to detect old versions of
			   program having same name, etc.  Wildcards OK.
			   Trailing F parameter causes disk file written
			   in same format as CRT display.  For example:
			   A>CRCK *.* F


After running CRCK to create CRCKLIST.CRC disk file, edit it as follows:

	1. EDIT CRCKLIST.CRC	<to bring file into Magic Wand.

	2. Do two global search replaces:

		old = '--> FILE:  '	new = nothing (delete from each line.)

		old = '      CRC'	new = 'CRC'    ..delete leading spaces.

	3. Save edited file.  It will be input file to SUPERSORT command
	   saved in CRCKSORT.SUB.


The final step is to run SUPERSORT:    A>SUBMIT CRCKSORT    

Here is what that CRCKSORT.SUB file looks like:


It is then useful to rename the sorted file to indicate the date or
something else useful, for example: REN CRCK0422.CRC=CRCKSORT.CRC
might be used to indicate the CRC file is as of April 22nd.
