To accomodate the Compuserve maximum filename length of 6 characters,
I plan to name the files CPR860.BIN, OVL0.BIN, CPR860.DOC and INSTL0.DOC.
Any of these could turn out to be a conflict with an existing file, and
may thus vary slightly. The final '0', of course, will be the version
(Note: the .BIN file type is necessary on Compuserve only)

In any case, the file OVL0.BIN MUST be renamed to OVERLAY.CMD, as this
is the name CPR86 will be looking for when it attempts to load it.
CPR860.BIN should be renamed to CPR860.CMD.



Installation requires about 1 minute, once you've done it a few times,
but for the first time, go slow and double check everything, because
you're probably not too familiar with DDT86 patching proceedures.

Start with a new disk that has a loader on the system tracks, CPM.SYS,
DDT86, CPR86?.CMD, and OVERLAY.CMD Then do:

DDT86                      ;call up ddt86
rCPR86?.CMD                ;read in cpr86  (DDT86 CPR86.CMD will not work)

You will recieve a message telling you where the program has been loaded.
This can be different on systems with different amounts of memory. On
my system I get:

         START             END
         03D3:0000         03D3:097f

03D3 is the paragraph number (absolute addr. 3D30), and the code runs from
0000 to 097F offset from 03D3.

Write these numbers down!

Then do:

rCPM.SYS                   ;read in cpm also - both files now in memory

I get:   START             END
         0443:0000         046B:30FF

Write these numbers down!

In the following steps, the numbers shown in brackets have to be changed
based on what start and end addresses you received.

Next, erase the current CCP by filling the area with 00's.

f[0443]:80,0A7F,00         ;replace the start paragraph number for CPM.SYS

Then, move the code from CPR86.CMD to CPM.SYS.


The first bracketed number is the starting paragraph for CPR86.
The second bracketed number is the end offset of CPR86 (length).
The third bracketed number is the starting paragraph for CPM.SYS.

The :80 is required because the "r" command also reads in the first sector
.CMD file header, so the actual code is offset by one sector, or 80H.

Now to save the patched image of CPM.SYS, simply do:


DDT86 knows how many "pages" to save, because CPM.SYS was the last file
loaded by the "r" command. In other words, if you rCPM.SYS first, the patch
will bomb.

Now, hit the reset button, and you're running CPR86.



Listings are included at the end of this file which show the data areas
for CPR86.CMD and OVERLAY.CMD. The patching proceedure uses
DDT86, reading in the appropriate file with the 'R' command, making the
changes with the 'S' command, then rewriting the file with the 'W'
command. Finding the exact location of the data area is a matter of
scanning through the file until you locate it. Though I'll give you some


CPR86 (the actual CCP replacement) needs only the default search path
specified. After CPR86.CMD has been patched into CPM.SYS, use DDT86 to
read ('R') CPM.SYS. At an offset of approxamately 07A0H you'll find the
line where the path is set. Note that the default search path immediately
follows the ASCII string 'CMD'.

The default tables are in the form DU, DU, DU, DU, FF, where FF indicates
end of the path. An ascii '$' character in any D or U position signifies
the logged in disk or user for that particular path stop. In all cases,
the path automatically begins with the logged DU, so the default table
should begin with the desired second stop. D is in the form A = 0, B = 1.
U is in the form 0 thru 31, both D&U being binary numbers.(not ascii)

The path set in the distribution version is $,0,0,0,0FFh. This translates
to current disk - user 0, disk A: - user 0.

With my hard disk I use 3,0,2,0,0FFh. This translates to disk D: - user 0,
disk C: - user 0.


The cursor control commands are contained in the overlay, as well as
the CHASFLG, BMFLG, FDSK and LDSK. References from ID_NUM through HI_MSG
are not supported in your version of CPR86, so they can be ignored. CPR86
is harware dependent, and it's important that you make these patches for
proper operation.

Read in OVERLAY.CMD using DDT86 and 'R' command. The clrscrnf line
begins at an offset of approx. 1040H. The FDSK - LDSK line is about
10A0H. Note the ASCII string '<-LDSK' is inserted in the data to aid in

In the following, TRUE = 0FFh, and FALSE = 0

Enter the particular character strings for your terminal which will:

clrscrnf = return cursor to home and clear the screen
curupf   = move cursor up one line
eosf     = erase from cursor position to end of SCREEN (not line)

All sequences MUST end with the ASCII '$' character.
Current settings are for a H/Z19 or H/Z29 terminal.

To accomodate individual tastes, setting the CHASFLG true will defeat
the clear screen on DIR, and also defeat the DU login on DIR. Current
setting is false.

The BMFLG is to accomodate my block mode terminal which produces a
LF along with each CR. You probably want BMFLG false, unless your
terminal is set to produce a LF. Current setting is false.

PLENGTH and PWIDTH are the screen size, 80 characters by 24 lines.
If your terminal is different, change these numbers, but I can't
guarantee the results. NOTE THEY ARE WORD VALUES, NOT BYTES!!!

FDSK is the first hard disk to be scanned with the FIND command.
LDSK is the last hard disk to be scanned.

If you dont have a hard disk, these can be set to A: and B:, but if
you dont have a disk in B:, you will get a SELECT ERROR, or whatever
it's called.

In all cases, A=0, B=1, C=2, D=3, E=4 etc....

FDSK and LDSK are located 80H AFTER the start of the overlay data area.
They do not come right after PWIDTH. To aid in location, they are
now set to 0 and 1. (A: and B:)

We can work out any problems via CP-MIG.

; Data area for CPR86.A86
SPOT     EQU      $
         DSEG              ;so that CS: override prefixes are not generated
         ORG      OFFSET SPOT
; The following makes up a far call address block for transient program
TRANS     DW       0        ;transient program offset (IP)
TRAN_CSEG DW       0        ;transient program code segment
TRAN_DSEG DW       0        ;transient program data segment
OVL_DSEG DW       0        ;filled in after overlay load
FTYPE    DB       'CMD'
DFLTTAB  DB       $,0,0,0,0FFH,0,0,0,0,0,0   ;A=0, B=1 etc. 5 stops + FF
DCNT     DB       0                 ;holds return code from func calls
CDISK    DB       0                 ;logged disk
CUSER    DB       0                 ;logged user
SDISK    DB       0
SUSER    DB       0                 ;selected user
TDISK    DB       0
TUSER    DB       0
COMTYP   DB       'COM'
OVLNAME  DB       'OVERLAY',0       ;OVERLAY.CMD auto-start
OVLFLG   DB       0                 ;overlay in memory flag
SWFLG    DB       0
SWFCB    DB       0,'SW!     CMD',0,0,0,0
         DB       0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
SWCR     DB       0
; Direct bios call control block
IOBUF    DB       0
PARAMCX  DW       0
PARAMDX  DW       0
; Memory allocation information
MEMBASE  DW       0        ;base of memory
MEMLEN   DW       0        ;memory len-OVL
DELIMS   DB       ' =..:;<>,'       ;delimeter string (removed '_')
INTR_TAB DB       'FIND'            ;#8 overlay
         DB       'BYE '            ;#7 overlay
         DB       0,0,0,0           ;cant match 4 nulls
         DB       'ZIP '            ;#6 in CPR86 and overlay
         DB       'SETP'            ;#5 in CPR86
         DB       'ERA '            ;#4 overlay
         DB       'REN '            ;#3  "
         DB       'TYPE'            ;#2  "
         DB       'DIRS'            ;#1  "
         DB       'DIR '            ;#0  "
MSG002   DB       'Cannot locate SW!.CMD',CR,LF,EOM
MSG003   DB       'CPR86 unable to load file',CR,LF,EOM
MSG004   DB       'Read error',CR,LF,EOM
MSG005   DB       'OVERLAY.CMD not found',CR,LF,EOM
MSG010   DB       'CPR86 requires contiguous memory',CR,LF,EOM
MSG011   DB       LF,'Enter up to 5 path stops',CR,LF,EOM
MSG012   DB       'Incorrect format, path erased',CR,LF,EOM
;        command file control block
FCB      DB       0                 ;disk request
         DB       '           '     ;11 spaces
         DB       0,0,0,0           ;4 zeros
FCB1     DB       0
         DB       '           '     ;11 more spaces (rename format)
         DB       0,0,0,0           ;4 zeros (1+11+5+11+4 = 32)
FCBCR    DB       0                 ;current record to read/write
RANDRN   DW       0                 ;random record number
RANDOF   DB       0                 ;random rec overflow
; getcom buffer, can double as stack area, since only used after SP reset.
COMBUF1  DB       81       ;aux combuf
         DB       0
BUFF     RB       81
         DB       0        ;this reserves memory for combuf
;        end

The following is the partial data area for OVERLAY.CMD. Note this program
was produced in object module format using RASM86 and LINK86, and
contains both a code and data segment. It might look different to
you under DDT86 than a 'normal' 8080 model program.

ID_NUM   DW       0        ;0 to 64K random record number
PASSWORD RB       8        ;8 byte password
LAST_ON  RB       10       ;ie. 09:45 03/30/84
START    RB       4        ;ie. 10:45
FINISH   RB       4        ;ie. 11:45
TOTAL    RB       4        ;ie   1+00 this will be cumulative
HI_MSG   DW       0        ;ie. msg 1 thru 64k
MAXDSK   DB       16       ;maximum disk access  A = 0, B = 1 etc
CLRSCRNF DB       ESC,'E','$',0,0   ;clear screen, cursor home.
CURUPF   DB       ESC,'A','$',0,0   ;cursor up one line.
EOSF     DB       ESC,'J','$',0,0   ;erase from cursor to end of SCREEN.
CHASFLG  DB       0                 ;set to 0FFH to defeat dir login, else 0.
BMFLG    DB       0                 ;set to 0FFH for block mode, else 0.
PLENGTH  DW       24
PWIDTH   DW       80
         ORG      80H      ;base page is not included in org statement using
;                          ;LINK86. Actual ORG here is 180H.
FDSK     DB       0                 ;first hard disk A=0, B=1 etc
LDSK     DB       1                 ;last hard disk
         db       '<-LDSK'          ;to aid in location

The data shown from ID_NUM through MAXDSK is not used in CPR860, and can be

end instl.doc