; this links a mince together with a new bindings file named
; $1.c and calls the new mince $1.com
; 	$1.c must be on a:
;	everything else must be on b:
;	make sure that $1 is compiled with a mince.gbl that has the 
;	reserved externals declared in it.
;10-3-81 BAD.
era $1.com
cc $1.c -e8100
l2 $1 lmince b:comm1 b:comm2 b:comm3 b:lvbuff1 b:lvbuff3 b:lvbuff2 -l b:comm4 b:comm5 b:comm6 b:support b:laterm b:term b:lutil
era $1.crl
;the end