BYE520 was written to enable BYE510 sysops to update thier RCPM systems to use
YBBAT.  It incorporates the following changes:

        1.  Realtime event scheduling
        2.  TSYNC detection (passes control to RECVMAIL)
        3.  Realtime clock dislay (if desired)
        4.  National Mail Hour support

It is available from The Black Box, 106/601, 713-480-2686 (PCP TXHHOU)


NODEDIFF.PAS was written to simplify the task of updating a .BAT file every
week to update the nodelist.  It requires a ROS.CLK insert.  It simply
rewrites the Z.BAT file every week (run it on Friday, the day the nodelist
is generated), and then the Z.BAT can be scheduled to run later.
