<IMG SRC="ACS-97.jpg" WIDTH=216 HEIGHT=261><P>
<B>What is ACS
     ACS Software Distribution is more
like a wholesale business than anything else.
We get the UCSD campus the lowest price for
bulk purchases of software in almost any
category we can. All these programs from
DEC, to Sun, to Eudora, to Microsoft must be
self supporting. <P>
     This does not replace the purchase of
software by individuals from the UCSD
bookstore, but rather supplements it for the
bulk quantity purchasers.<P>
     Most of the programs are quantity
purchase agreements with a single contact
per department. A few allow individuals to
participate. Almost none of the ACS
distribution programs are Site Licenses. In
any of these programs, there is no
requirement that departments participate in
the programs. Almost any software vendor
will be more than willing to individually sell
products, and many at a substantial
educational discount. <P>
     The ACS programs are aimed at the
rock bottom price... with minimal support if
any, minimal service, quite often only
providing the bit we refer to as "licenses",
as a piece of paper, and nothing else.<P>
     We suggest that anyone wishing to
use Microsoft, or Claris products
specifically, purchase a shrinkwrapped
package from the UCSD Bookstore for their
initial license and distribution disks. This
will ensure you have the disks, the manuals,
and more importantly access to the company
support. ACS Software Distribution is a good
source of additional new licenses, and
maintenance of existing licenses. <P>
     Complete information on the
programs, and their terms is online. HTTP or
gopher to: userserve.ucsd.edu, or use
Appleshare to look in the zone ACC, Machine
UserServe, folder public in the folder ACS
Software Lib Info. Also you can modem to
x44487 for the same information. <P>
     ACS Software Distribution operates
the campus central software archives on
UserServe, NTServe, and acsftp.ucsd.edu.
These hold freely distributable shareware,
freeware and some site licensed software
packages. This includes shareware and
freeware current antiviral programs. <BR>
ACS Software Distribution
</B>BSDi               (Unix on PC's)<BR>
Claris/Apple     (Mac and Windows)<BR>
Digital Equipment Corporation<BR>
     (VMS, Ultrix, OSF/1, Digital Unix,
PC, software)<BR>
Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit<BR>
     (Windows, Mac, DOS, Windows NT<BR>
     OS/2, SCO Unix)<BR>
Eudora by Qualcomm     (Mac and Windows<BR>
    with supporting net software package)<BR>
Franz Allegro Common Lisp<BR>
Hewlett Packard (Some university<BR>
IBM     (Some university workstations)<BR>
Lotus     (Most products in quantity 20)<BR>
Macintosh-other     (MacHTTP, Macping)<BR>
Maple from Waterloo (Most Platforms)<BR>
Matlab from the Mathworks (Workstations)<BR>
MicroSoft (Most Windows, Mac, DOS, and<BR>
     Windows NT products)<BR>
OS/F Motif<BR>
PC Software- other (like MKS ToolKit)<BR>
SAS Institute (SAS for most platforms)<BR>
Silicon Graphics Inc. (University<BR>
Sun Microsystems (University Workstations)<BR>
Systat by SPSS (PC, Macintosh, Windows)<BR>
True Basic     (PC and Macintosh)<BR>
UC Letterhead (Macintosh format - to<BR>
     department heads only)<P>
     Email to swdist@ucsd.edu
or call x49676 for additional
                    4/11/97 mws