Abstracts from files in info-mac/per as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### LINK _AMUG_News **** #### LINK _BC_E_News **** #### LINK _C.S.M._Programmer **** #### LINK _Electronic_Broadsheet **** #### LINK _ISO_Magazine **** #### LINK _Info-Mac_Digest **** #### LINK _Inside_Mac_Games **** #### LINK _MacAssistant_Tips_&_Tutorial **** #### LINK _MacChat **** #### LINK _MacNet **** #### LINK _MacSense **** #### LINK _MacToday **** #### LINK _MacZine **** #### LINK _Mac_In_Play **** #### LINK _NewtNews **** #### LINK _The_Rest_Of_Us **** #### LINK _TidBITS **** #### LINK _WordPerfect_Mac_News **** #### DIRECTORY amug **** #### BINHEX apple-tech-newsletter-001.hqx **** From: (Andersen, Scott @ TFN CORP) IMCEAMS-CENTRAL_CORP_Sanderse@XLConnect Subject: technical newsletter this is in adobe acrobat format. Any other information is included in the file! Scott O. Andersen SoftSwitch and Exchange Administrator Apple Corporate Technical Champion Sanderse@xlconnect.com #### BINHEX apple-tech-newsletter-003.hqx **** From: (Scott Andersen) Sanderse@XLConnect.com Subject: Apple Technical Newsletter Issue 3 Scott Andersen SoftSwitch Administrator Exchange Administrator XLConnect 1-513-792-4657 phone 800-641-8045 pager You need Adobe Acrobat to open and read this file. #### BINHEX apple-wizard-june-99.hqx **** From: Brian Kelley <bkelley1@nycap.rr.com> Subject: Apple Wizards June 1999 Apple Wizards, the premier monthly Mac OS-based ezine <http://applewizards.net/> Apple Wizards is pleased to announce the availability of our June 1999 issue. We're starting our third year of publication with tons of Mac tips, tricks, software reviews, humor, and information you can use. This month's feature article, "Listen Up," gives you the inside scoop about the CD Index project. The May issue also spotlights reviews of the Que! CD-RW USB (on of the first CD-Rewritables with USB), Action GoMac (for adding a Windows-like Start button and taskbar), Imperialism II (strategy game), and Dave 2.1 (for Windows/Mac networking). All this, plus Mac humor, shareware, tutorials on HTML and programming, website recommendations, and much, much more! Think different. Think Apple Wizards. #### BINHEX bbs-bits-of-interest-1-pdf.hqx **** From: Michael C. Zastrow, michaelz@interaccess.com Subject: BBS-Bits-Of-Interest#1 This issue of 'BBS Bits of Interest' features a couple of utilities definitely worth mentioning. Each is useful and wonderfully Mac-like; SimpleText, Tex-Edit, Excalibur, Mouse2, and SoftBackup II. 'BBS Bits of Interest' is a freeware publication from michaelz@interaccess.com provided as an Adobe .pdf. Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. Copyright 1994-96 Seeing Specially Graphics. http://www.awbbs.com/michaelz/ #### BINHEX bbs-bits-of-interest-2-pdf.hqx **** From: Michael C. Zastrow, michaelz@interaccess.com Subject: BBS-Bits-Of-Interest #2 The next time you visit your favorite FirstClass BBS, you might take note of who is there beside you: the GUI software provides several ways of getting to know and interact. This issue of 'BBS Bits of Interest' shows off the Service menu: where the Who's Online and Private Chat commands are located. Also, FirstClass Keyboard ShortCuts; a look at 'Desktop Strip' (shareware); and tips on the Apple MoviePlayer. Enjoy listening to 'Rhapsody in Blue', 'Over the Rainbow', and 'Oh Come All Ye Faithful' midifiles. 'BBS Bits of Interest' is a freeware publication from michaelz@interaccess.com provided as an Adobe .pdf. Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. Copyright 1994-96 Seeing Specially Graphics. http://www.awbbs.com/michaelz/ #### BINHEX bbs-bits-of-interest-3-pdf.hqx **** From: (Michael C. Zastrow) michaelz@interaccess.com Subject: BBS-Bits-Of-Interest-3 This month's notables are helpful enough that you'll find frequent use for them. Take a closer look at these PD winners; Flash-It, File Buddy, SimpleText Color Menu and Cookbook.pdf. 'BBS Bits of Interest' is a freeware publication from michaelz@interaccess.com provided as an Adobe .pdf. Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if full credit is given: publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. Copyright 1994-96 Seeing Specially Graphics. * SEEING SPECIALLY GRAPHICS * http://www.awbbs.com/michaelz/ You're invited to also visit the 57th Street Art Fair http://www.interaccess.com/57thStreetArtFair/ #### BINHEX bbs-bits-of-interest-4-pdf.hqx **** From: (Michael C. Zastrow) michaelz@interaccess.com Subject: BBS-Bits-Of-Interest-4 One of the benefits of using BBSs over these past years is still one of the better reasons for visiting cyberspace. Public Domain software is of value to the novice as well as the experienced computer user, and is often the source of the most economical, timely and specialized programs available. In this issue of 'BBS Bits of Interest' gives details about; SIMM Stack, Bob's HTML Editor, Newton Modem Enabler, Mariner, DreamLight Verttice and SimpleMerge. 'BBS Bits of Interest' is a freeware publication from michaelz@interaccess.com provided as an Adobe .pdf. Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if full credit is given: publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. Copyright 1994-96 Seeing Specially Graphics. * SEEING SPECIALLY GRAPHICS * http://www.awbbs.com/michaelz/ You're invited to also visit the 57th Street Art Fair http://www.interaccess.com/57thStreetArtFair/ #### BINHEX bbs-bits-of-interest-5-pdf.hqx **** From: (Michael C. Zastrow) michaelz@interaccess.com Subject: BBS-Bits-Of-Interest-5 This month's article includes helpful suggestions and information on using the latest version of the FirstClass Client 2.7 for the Mac. Reclaiming hard disk space, saving time online, new modem documents, and more are detailed. This issue of 'BBS Bits of Interest' also includes reviews about and info on the use of some fine shareware: BulkRate, Phoenix-Mac Repair,