Abstracts from files in info-mac/nwt as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### LINK       _Application     ****

#### LINK       _Book     ****

#### LINK       _Development     ****

#### LINK       _Game     ****

#### LINK       _Information     ****

#### LINK       _Utility     ****

#### BINHEX     account-info-d07.hqx   ****

From: mstrittm@stud.ee.ethz.ch
Subject: AccountInfo

(US):AccountInfo is an extension for the built in Names application (NOS 2.x). You can add account informations to a person or to a company. Please contact me for the english version and for other languages. Freeware! HomePage: http://myweb.vector.ch/dinoware eMail: tilt@dataway.ch