From: (Don't Panic!)
Subject: OpenTransport108-Type-11-solution

Dear Digest readers,
Sorry for the repost, I sent it to the wrong place at first to get it
posted at sumex-aim.

Dear Moderators
Please post the following FAQ in /comm/info subdirectory of sumex with the
title of the above subject:

To owners of PowerMac 7200, 7500, 8500, 9500 here is a solution to those
terrible type 11 errors experienced with OpenTranport 1.0.8*.

* Some may not have any problems, and thus should ignore this FAQ.  However
if you do switch providers be aware that some providers have a terrible
time supporting OpenTranport 1.0.8, and therefore in those cases use this

1. Get a Dynamic IP addressing account with all the gateway domain server
information from the provider, you may want to ask for a Compressed PPP
account with RARP addressing.
2. Clean install the system using the CD and Command-Sh-k at the startup of
opening the installer software.
3. Make sure you have OpenTransport 1.0.8 from,
install it and reboot.
4. Delete all non-Apple INITs, or archive them away in a .CPT, .SIT, or
.SEA file (clean install your system, and then install Open Transport
5. Delete or archive the TCP/IP control panel and its corresponding
preference file in the System Folder::Preferences folder.
6. Delete or archive these extensions:
Open Tpt Internet Library

7. Don't touch these extensions:
Open Tpt AppleTalk Library
Open Transport Library

8. Don't touch this Control Panel:

9. Install MacPPP 2.0.1 or MacPPP 2.2.0a (available in the sumex mirror
Don't forget to set your TimeOut variable to at least 90 seconds,
and to setup your Connect Script.  If you have trouble setting up your
connect script, please e-mail me at my address below.  Also be sure no
other versions of PPP, PPP Preferences, Config PPP are on your machine when
you install it.
REBOOT your machine.

10. Install MacTCP 2.0.6.
Be sure to set it for Server addressing!  Yes, this appears to work on
dynamic addressing servers that claim to use RARP.  Strange but true of my
Gateway address and Domain Nameserver address is critical.  The IP address
is set by the server.
REBOOT your machine.

This configuration appears to work fine with the following:

~ATM 3.8.2 from System CD-ROM's Adobe Acrobat 2.1
Conflict Catcher 3.0
PPPop 1.3.2
Square One 3.0
Alps Glidepoint 1.1
Netscape 2.0b6 with no additional plugins installed*
Eudora 1.5.3
Fetch 3.0
Internet Config 1.2
IceTee 1.2b1
Virex 5.6.1
QuickTime 2.1
ClickThereItIs (installed with Ze at the beginning of the filename)
Directory Assistance II (installed with Ze at the beginning of the filename)
Aaron 1.1.3 (installed with ~ at the beginning of the filename.

Hayes Accura 14.4 k bps modem.
PowerMac 7200, 24 MB of RAM, Virtual Memory off.
Server at internet service provider is a SunOS 4.1 with AT&T Teledyn 28.8 k bps

* MacroMedia Shockwave 68k and Tumbleweed plugins both have caused Type 11
and or Unimplemented trap errors.

If anyone succeeds in eliminating Type 11 errors with the above
configuration with a newer version of OpenTransport, please let me know.
Server I might add has two name server addresses it recommends putting in
MacTCP, the first of which has its radio button checked.

Standard disclaimers apply.
Hope this helps.
