File: Author: Pete Goodeve ( Release: 1.2 -- 8 Nov 1998 Compatibility: R3 and later PPC systems (works under R4) Location: contrib/util Description: Runs a script in a Terminal window with arguments Notes: This little utility provides a couple of facilities for executing a shell script via icon-click that are not available otherwise. By default, a script is executed in a Terminal window, so the user can see results and interact with it. Other icons can be dragged and dropped onto the script icon as arguments, and the folder that the script was invoked from is available as an environment variable (as in 'TermHire'). You can invoke non-shell scripts (e.g. Python) directly in the same way. This version is simply an update to handle changes in the R4 Tracker (it still works under R3). Its functionality is unchanged from version 1.1. (The PPC and Intel packages have now been separated, however.) Usage: The zip archive should unpack into a single directory and be ready to use. See the README in the package for details.